Chapter 1484 Weak Water
What kind of water can make things suddenly heavier?

Li Huan has never heard of any water that can make people heavier.

Ai Li; "Maybe weak water."

Li Huan: "You mean the weak water I thought?"

Li Huan knows that in the vast land of the Demon Realm, there is a rumor that there is a weak river.

Everything in the river will sink, not even a feather can float above the Weakwater River.

Ai Li nodded: "Three thousand weak waters, I only take one scoop of that weak water."

Ai Li's eyes are like a clear spring, clear, bright, pure and affectionate.

Li Huan avoids Ai Li's eyes: "I didn't expect that weak water can be drunk. It seems that there should be an underground river here, and these large and small pools should be overflowing from the underground river."

Zhili: "What! Is there a dark river underground?"

Li Huan: "Even if there is, we can't enter it. Let's look for it on this mountain to see if there are any underground canals. If possible, we can go there by boat! Go back."

Zhili: "Are you sure you're not crazy?"

Li Huan: "You're crazy! Do you want to go!"

Li Huan didn't wait for the gift to answer, and left with Li Ming and Ai.

Zhili: "Wait for me!"

Li Huan: "I have my heels!"

Generally, underground rivers will appear somewhere in the cave, and there may be a more complicated environment in the invisible place underground than on the ground.

On the surface, the Warcraft Grassland seems to be an endless grassland, but there is so much groundwater here, Li Huan is sure that there must be an extremely wide underground river of underground water underneath.

But in Yunshan, there are almost no other caves except here.

To find groundwater, you can only find it in places like caves.

Li Huan remembered that when he came, there was a small fork in the middle of the road.

After Li Huan walked for a certain distance, he saw the fork in the road that he had found before.

Li Huan: "It should be here!"

The little milk cat has already absorbed all the spiritual energy here, so the formation can no longer function, and Li Huan and the others walk back without any formation blocking them.

It is estimated that it will take at least a hundred years to restore the formation here.

That's the next test.

Not long after Li Huan left, there was no way ahead.

Zhili: "I can't make it through, did you make a mistake? I've never heard that there is an underground river in the Warcraft Grass!"

Li Huan: "With your IQ, it's hard for me to explain to you!"

Li Ming: "If you know everything, what kind of competition!"

Zhili: "Then you are cheating!"

Li Huan looked at Zhili with the eyes of an idiot: "The rules of the game say you can't find shortcuts?"

Zhili shook his head: "It seems not."

Li Huan: "So what did I do to break the rules?"

Zhili shook his head: "It seems not."

Li Huan: "Then you said I cheated?"

Zhili shook his head: "It seems not."

Li Huan: "If you explain too much to idiots, you will always give people the illusion that you are also idiots!"

Zhili: You seem to be talking about me?
Li Ming: "I'm talking about you, don't think about it!"

Ai Li: "Stupid!"

Gift: ...

Li Huan searched carefully, and found a hole in a corner, an underground hole, bottomless.

Li Huan picked up a stone on the ground and threw it down.

After a long time, there was the sound of the stone falling into the water.

Li Huan: "Go down!"

Li Huan said, and jumped directly from the hole that can only accommodate one person.

After Li Huan jumped down, Li Ming followed immediately.

After Li Ming went down, Ai Li also went down without hesitation!
Only Zhili has been waiting and watching: "Will you fall to your death?"

But the three people in front have all gone down. If they don't go down by themselves, then they have to go to the Warcraft Grassland by themselves.

Zhili thought about it for a while, and decided to go down, and if it doesn't work out, he will come up again.

Zhili closed his eyes, then stepped on the ground, and the whole body fell down.

Zhi Li's body kept falling, and after a while, Zhi Li disappeared before Li Huan's eyes with a 'plop'!

The next second, Zhili's head stuck out of the water, and when he was about to come out, he found himself extremely heavy for some unknown reason!

He was clearly on the shore in front of him, but he found that he couldn't get up anyway.

Li Huan looked at Zhili like a groundhog stealing fruit, constantly jumping up and down.

The picture is really funny.

Li Huan: "Groundhog, why can't you come up?"

Only then did Zhili see Li Huan, Li Ming, and Ai Li, all standing on the shore with dry clothes!
Zhili: "Why didn't you get any water? Why!"

Li Huan: "Because you are stupid!"

Li Ming: "Because you are stupid!"

Ai Li: "It's really stupid!"

Gift: ...

Why am I either despised or on the way to be despised?
Li Huan: "Didn't you see that this area is so wide? When you fall into the water, why don't you check ahead of time, as long as you flip it over, you can fall to the side?"

When Zhili came down before, he closed his eyes!

Li Huan: "Oh..."

Zhili: "Then what should we do now?"

Li Huan: "Take off your clothes!"

Zhi Li immediately put his hands on his chest, looking at Li Huan warily.

Li Huan: "You are the same before and after, I don't want to see it yet!"

Zhili: "You are talking nonsense! Obviously not!"

Li Huan turned around and said, "Hurry up! Otherwise, I don't care what happens in the water!"

Seeing Li Huan turn around, Zhili immediately took off all the clothes on his body as Li Huan said, covered his skin with devilish energy, and then slowly crawled towards the shore.

Just when Zhili was about to go ashore, there was a sudden movement in the water.

Li Huan instantly took out the Divine Phoenix Sword and stabbed towards the water.

The smell of blood immediately filled the water.

Li Huan scolded: "Not in a hurry!"

Zhili exhausted all his breastfeeding strength from the water in an instant, and after climbing up, he looked at Li Huan embarrassedly and angrily: "You..."

Li Huan: "Too young, not interested!"

Gift: ...

Why is it always men who get hurt!

Zhi Li had just finished being disgusted by Li Huan, when he suddenly found a chill staring at him from the other side!

Zhili turned around and saw that it was Ai Li!
Ai Li has never spoken much, so in Zai Zhili's eyes, she has always had no sense of presence.

But with the look in his eyes right now, Rang Zhili is sweating all over his body!
What's happening here?
Zhili: "Let me tell you, it is impossible for me to like that man! Only you can like that kind of person!"

Zhili originally wanted to explain the embarrassment of not wearing any clothes, but the more he explained, the colder Ai Li's eyes became, as if looking at the eyes of a dead person.

Zhili panicked a little!
It's a feeling I've never had before!

Terrible feeling!
Is it true that Ai Li just met on the side of the road and came to join him?

(End of this chapter)

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