Chapter 1488 Tangyuan Meatballs
Li Huan suddenly looked at the glutinous rice balls in front of him with glowing eyes, they were like mountains of gold and silver!

Don't be too surprised!
Tangyuan seemed to like it very much, Li Huan kept staring at him!
This will make you appear important!

Li Huan: "Then how long will it take for such a piece to grow?"

Li Huan looked at the small piece of glutinous rice ball in his hand, which was like a small piece of rice cake. After leaving the glutinous rice ball, it became a little dry and hard, but it was already very delicious.

Tangyuan: "It shouldn't take long!"

Li Huan: "How long is that?"

The recovery ability of the glutinous rice balls directly affects the implementation of Li Huan's plan to get rich, so Li Huan looked at the glutinous rice balls with great anticipation.

Feeling Li Huan's scorching gaze, Tangyuan was very happy. After thinking about it, she proudly said, "I remember it seems to be 1 gram in [-] years!"

A gram in 1 years...a gram in 1 years...a gram...

Li Huan's brain suddenly kneaded into a ball of glutinous rice balls, one gram in 1 years...

Just this small piece in Li Huan's hand, how long can it grow out in tens of thousands of years?

Li Huan suddenly felt that what he was holding was a mine!
Li Huan hurriedly found a box to put the things in, it's better to delay getting rich or something!
Li Huan understood why Yan Qing said that the Tai Sui clan was extinct!

If the feelings were not for the glutinous rice balls in this kind of place, they might have been taken away long ago, cut into pieces of life-sustaining medicine, and sold!
After all, things that can last their lives have a price and no market. Therefore, with human greed, even 1 glutinous rice balls are not enough to cut!
The scene of sliced ​​noodles appeared in Li Huan's mind instantly!
Li Huan trembled for a moment, looked at the glutinous rice balls in front of her eyes, she was so pitiful.

Tangyuan: "Master, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy?"

Tang Yuan felt a little guilty, because he seemed to remember that he hadn't grown up for tens of thousands of years, and in order to please the master, he had already said the time was very short.

Tang Yuan looked at Li Huan nervously.

Li Huan: "Then how do you reproduce?"

Tangyuan: "What's that? We are all born with it."

Li Huan: "No wonder you are extinct, really..."

It's hard to say.

Kong has an endless lifespan, but he is powerless to protect his body.

Every man is innocent of his guilt.

Li Huan: "You like this place, so just stay here, I won't call you, you can't go out! Do you understand?"

Li Huan pointed to the door of the space and warned Tangyuan.

Tangyuan: "I like this place, I won't leave!"

Li Huan nodded, after thinking about it, he was still uneasy, and set up formations around the pool, if he accidentally scratched the skin, it would be a golden mountain!
After Li Huan came out, Zhi Li kept saying, "The name Tai Sui seems very familiar."

Li Huan: "You heard it wrong, there is no Tai Sui!"

Zhili: "I just heard someone say that that ball is from Tai Sui!"

Li Huan: "If I say no, I won't!"

Li Huan yelled at Li Huan and was stunned.

Zhili: "No, it's not, what are you excited about! Let's go!"

The glutinous rice balls were full of water before, so the narrow place was completely blocked. After all, the passage was opened according to the size of the glutinous rice balls, so after the glutinous rice balls were put away by Li Huan, the road was smooth.

After Li Huan and the others came out, it happened to be the second half of the Warcraft Grassland.

Li Huan found that there was a formation at the exit.

Li Huan: "Did you say before that as long as someone enters the Demonic Beast Grassland, the Demonic Beasts will become irritable?"

Zhili: "That's it! What did you find?"

The gift is very much looking forward to.

After all, along the way, as long as Li Huan discovers something, there will be surprises!
Li Huan: "Look here!"

There is a transparent formation at the exit, so these monsters are actually controlled by the formation!

If Li Huan guessed correctly, every part of the Demonic Beast Grassland was controlled by formations!

Once someone steps in, the formation will be triggered!

Therefore, the monsters will be stimulated by the formation and start attacking!
Because everyone went directly to the Warcraft Grassland after coming down from Ruyun Mountain, it was difficult to find the formation hidden on the ground.

Li Huan and the others came up from the ground, so Li Huan discovered the formation.

Li Huan: "I'll let the little milk cat eat a gap in this formation in a while, you go forward with the sword, don't step on the ground."

Li Ming nodded.

Ai Li expressed his understanding.

Zhili: "Why?"

Li Huan: "With your IQ, it's hard for me to explain to you, you just have to do what I tell you."

Zhili: "Okay!"

The previous cases proved that what Li Huan said was often right!

Zhi Li is no longer fighting against Li Huan, and joins Li Ming's team. As long as the magic crystal is not involved, Zhi Li is Li Huan's loyal supporter!
Once the magic crystal is involved, Zhili instantly turns into the aunt next door, who can hit you by surprise in an instant!

Li Huan released the little milk cat.

Zhili: "Why don't you finish eating all this time?"

Li Huan looked at Zhili with eyes like an idiot: "Why don't you go to heaven! Look at how big this monster grassland is! You can't kill my little cat!"

Zhili: "You mean the entire Warcraft Grassland is covered by formations?"

Li Huan: "Otherwise what do you think!"

Zhili: "Fuck! Who is so generous!"

Such a large grassland, just to arrange the formations, and the spiritual energy that keeps the formations running, is at least enough for a mine!

Zhili's eyes rolled instantly.

Zhili: "I have a very brilliant idea! I can get rich!"

Li Huan: "Sanqi, otherwise I won't do it!"

Zhili: "What an embarrassment!"

Li Huan: "You are three and I am seven!"

Zhili: "I'll are so unkind..."

Before the gift was finished, Li Huan gave him a deadly look.

Zhili shut up instantly.

Li Huan: "Do you want to do it? You must know that this is a taboo thing. You are a demon. If you are caught, you can spare your life. I can't do it. I am a human being. You demons may catch you." I will be executed at the hour of the hour, to vent my anger!"

Ai Li: "No!"

Li Huan was startled by a firm and sure voice behind her.

Turning around to look at Ai Li, he was looking at Li Huan seriously.

Li Huan: "How do you know not?"

Ai Li: "I won't allow it."

Li Huan: ...

Why does this guy obviously not talk much, but every word he speaks is teasing?
Li Huan felt that this was not an illusion, this feeling was already very close, but she still didn't remember who Ai Li was!

Ai Li looked at Li Huan with both disappointment and happiness in his eyes.

What is lost is why you never see me even though I have been standing behind you all the time!
Fortunately, you haven't found out it's me yet, so you won't drive me away.

Ai Li felt that she was extremely contradictory, whether she wanted Li Huan to know who she was, or she didn't want her to guess.

(End of this chapter)

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