Chapter 151
Qiuyue is not here, Li Huan is alone in Changhuan Pavilion, practicing tirelessly.

This morning.

Early in the morning, Li Ning, who hadn't seen her for a long time, suddenly brought her maid to Changhuan Pavilion.

Since Li An got married, Li Ning has become much quieter.

Li Huan also hadn't seen her for a long time.

Li Ning brought a cup of soup into Li Huan's room.

Li Ning: "Third sister, you are getting married today.

I was wrong in the past, and I am afraid that there will be fewer opportunities to meet each other in the future. "

Li Huan: "So, are you here?"

Li Ning: "I'm here to see you, big sister should be getting married soon.

From now on, I will be the only one in this mansion, and I will give you soup as an apology. "

As Li Ning said, he handed the soup in his hand to Li Huan: "Please don't be disgusted, sister."

Li Huan took the soup and didn't drink it, but looked at Li Ning inquiringly.

Li Ning was a little nervous, and said, "Is my sister doubting me?"

As he said that, he took out a bowl of soup and drank it in front of Li Huan: "Sister, I was wrong before.

But now, I also want to understand.

They are all sisters of one's own family, and it is better to resolve enemies than to tie them.

dont you agree? "

What Li Ning said was sincere, those who didn't know it thought it was true sisterly love.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

If Li Huan hadn't already smelled the scent of Crimson Jade Herb in the soup, she would have really been tricked by her.

Feiyuyinyincao, the soup is clear and white, with only a slight smell.

It is difficult for people who have not studied pharmacology to notice it.

What's more, there are other nourishing elixir added to this chicken soup, so it's almost undetectable.

But Li Huan is no longer the trash she used to be.

According to Yu He, her knowledge of pharmacology.

Few people in the entire Tianyuan Continent can compare.

Crimson jade hides obscene grass, which will cause the warrior to lose his vitality for a short time.

And, more importantly, can make people lustful.

Really good sisters.

Originally, Li Huan wanted to leave today after getting the dowry, but now...

Don't reject the head delivered to your door for nothing.

Come and go without indecent!
Li Huan smiled and said, "You're right."

After Li Huan finished speaking, he drank the soup in one gulp.

Seeing that she drank the soup, Li Ning seemed to breathe a sigh of relief: "It's getting late, sister should hurry up and dress up, Tweety brought my sister's wedding dress here."

The servant girl has orders to come in.

Li Huan saw that the maid was holding a red wedding dress in her hand.

Li Ning: "Sister, come and take a look, this was chosen by my mother for you."

Li Huan stepped forward and pretended to look at the clothes, but as soon as her fingers touched the wedding dress, she realized something was wrong.

The clothes look nothing on the surface, but there are needles hidden in the cotton.

The middle layer of the wedding dress is densely covered with thin needle holes.

No one can see anything wrong.

But after wearing it for a long time, the eye of the needle will pierce the skin from time to time.

That taste... really...

The etiquette of marriage is cumbersome, and the needle hidden in the middle of the wedding dress will definitely come out with the actions of the bride.

At that time, in front of so many guests, you can't be rude.

I can only endure it forcefully, when the wedding is over, my skin may be full of holes.

This Lin Mumu was quite 'careful' towards herself, and it took so much trouble.

Li Huan: "I don't like others to help me dress, you go back first, I will go back to my parents to say goodbye before I leave later."

Li Ning didn't say much, said a few polite words, and took him away.

As soon as Li Ning left, Li Huan immediately put away his clothes, climbed out of the fence, and came to West Street.

Li Huan's speed is extremely fast now, it only takes a few minutes to arrive.

Ye Xin didn't expect Li Huan to come here so early in the morning.

Before he had time to ask Li Huan, Li Huan threw out a wedding gown: "Can you make an identical one right away, as long as the appearance is the same, so hurry up."

Li Huan spoke in a hurry, Ye Xin didn't dare to delay.

Immediately took the clothes and went to find the embroiderer trained by West Street.

Li Huan took advantage of this time to take the antidote.

He also refined some medicines based on the "Poison Classic" obtained from Jin Yaoshi.

It didn't take long for Ye Xin to come over with two identical clothes: "This dress is ordinary, and all the embroiderers are working, so it's not difficult to copy one."

Li Huan didn't expect it to be so fast.

An hour can make exactly the same.

Li Huan took the clothes and rescued her.

Ye Xin felt strange, but didn't ask any further questions.

Li Huan has always been assertive, presumably he has his own things to do.

Li Huan returned to Changhuan Pavilion and put on Ye Xin's dress.

Put another piece into the space.

Soon a nanny brought Xipo over.

The Xi Po, who had a big black mole on the corner of her mouth, saw Li Huan in her wedding dress, looking slim and charming.

Full of joy: "The lady of this rich family is Shui Ling!"

Li Huan followed them to bid farewell to Lin Mumu and Li Ge, and got into the sedan chair.

The bridegroom officer is said to be disabled and cannot come to pick up the bride.

So Li Huan hadn't seen her either.

Seeing Li Huan getting into the sedan chair with her own eyes, Lin Mumu felt extremely happy in her heart.

You will suffer from this little hoof from now on.

Lin Mumu was afraid that Li Huan would make a fuss if he saw someone at night.

He also bribed Xipo and the servants of the groom's family.

Tonight, no matter what, the door of the new house cannot be opened.

If the bride runs away, question them.

The groom's family also felt strange, how could their own mother 'help' the girl like this.

But if they have the money to get it, they just do it.

These days, who would have trouble with money.

When the welcoming team walked halfway to a relatively remote place.

Li Huan suddenly yelled: "Ouch! Stomach hurts! It hurts so much!"

The yelling was louder, and Xi Po, who was beside the sedan chair, asked displeasedly: "Miss Li, what's the matter, just bear it and pass.

After a while at the groom's house, everything will be fine.

You don't have to worry, the groom's legs are inconvenient.

This one doesn't pay homage, but goes straight to the bridal chamber. "

"Oh, I can't do it, Mammy, good Mammy, I have to go to the bathroom!"

Li Huan shouted.

"Just be patient!"

Xi Po said dissatisfied.

"No, it's coming out!

You don't want me to be dragged on the sedan chair either!
That stinks too! "

Hearing Li Huan's words, that Xi Po's big black mole twitched.

This girl is really not ashamed, she's from a rich family, she doesn't have any boudoir education!

"Stop, stop! Rest in place!"

Xi Po yelled for everyone to stop with a dissatisfied face.

Li Huan got out of the sedan chair, and soon followed the servant girl to a hut.

Li Huan pretended to go in, and then immediately walked out, taking advantage of the servant girl's inattention, and directly knocked her out.

Li Huan swapped the maid's clothes with his own.

Then, with light steps, he flew directly to the eaves.

Shuttle quickly and return to Li Mansion.

After finding out with my spiritual sense, I went directly to the place where the betrothal gift was stored before, accept it!
With a wave of Li Huan's hand, all the betrothal gifts were collected into the space.

Although these betrothal gifts are not much for Li Huan who is used to seeing treasure houses.

(End of this chapter)

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