Chapter 158 Flood Dragon Spine Whip

Li Huan was about to pull Su Erbi away.

She is wearing women's clothes today, which is easy to be recognized.

Li Huan didn't want to attract attention.

But Su Erbi suddenly asked: "This uncle, who are you talking about Li Huan?"

Passerby A: "Who else is there, Li Huan, the daughter of the general protecting the country of our Yunlong country!"

Passer-by B: "Yes, that trash! See, her father also thinks she is inferior to others."

Passerby A: "That's right, I can't compare. I still want toads and swan meat. Is she worthy of the position of Crown Princess?"

Sulby quit immediately.

"So, that's how they usually bully you?!"

Sulby looked upset.

Before Li Huan could speak, she had already rushed onto the ring.

So Erbi looked at Mu Lanxin: "You are the one who bullied her?"

Mu Lanxin looked in the direction Sulby came from.

The one standing under the ring is not Li Huan.

Mu Lanxin didn't know Su Erbi, so she ignored her.

He only looked at Li Huan mockingly: "Why, come up if you have the guts, but if you don't have the guts to come up.

As cowardly as you are, you still have the guts to rob Your Highness from me! "

The people who eat melons finally found out.

Another rightful lord came today.

The people who were going to leave didn't leave again, and the fun began.

"This Miss Mu family really has a deep affection for His Highness the Crown Prince!"

"How did I hear that she likes His Royal Highness King Yun?"

"Anyway, it's two daughters robbing one husband, you don't care who she is robbing, just watch the show!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I'll go buy some melon seeds."

Mu Lanxin ignored Su Erbi and sneered at Li Huan.

Surbi is angry with her!
Very serious consequences!
"Look if I don't slap you, you have a dirty mouth!"

Su Erbi rushed over and grabbed Mu Lanxin directly.

"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack..."

So Erbi clamped Mu Lanxin's hands with one hand.

One hand went back and forth on the left and right sides of her face.He slapped hard.

Mu Lanxin was stunned by the sudden slap.

Even the dense crowd of onlookers under the ring felt a burning pain on their faces.

At this moment, the crowd suddenly fell silent.

That slap echoed in the quiet North Street.

It looks very pleasant.

In just a few breaths, Mu Lanxin's face was bloodshot and swollen.

Mu Lanxin became angry from embarrassment. She had never been wronged at all since she was a child.

Even the practice is extremely talented, far ahead of other women in the imperial capital.

It is impossible to scratch the skin with your fingers.

She wanted to resist, but suddenly found out.

He was clamped tightly by the woman in front of him, unable to move.

Mu Lanxin turned pale with shock.

Who the hell is this man!

The cultivation base is still above her!
She had never heard of a lady from someone else's family in the imperial capital who had a higher level of cultivation than her.

The reason why Mu Lanxin is confident that she can marry Yun Ling.

It should be because of her cultivation, she is the highest among the young ladies of the imperial capital.

That's why she was so worried about losing to Li Huan accidentally before.

Of course, she thought she was careless.

Mu Lanxin never thought that Li Huan defeated her with actual strength.

Especially after knowing Li Huan's true identity.

She was more and more sure that she hadn't noticed before, and was taken advantage of by Li Huan.

So she wants to invite Zhan Lihuan to defeat her in front of everyone.

But at present.

This little girl who didn't know where she came from was able to control herself easily.

The pain on her face kept reminding her.

This little girl's cultivation level is higher than her own!

Because Mu Lanxin was under her command, she couldn't resist.

She could only teach herself in such a humiliating way in front of so many people.

Mu Lanxin was about to collapse.

"Hiss~ Where did this little pepper come from?"

"Oh my god! That's the eldest lady of Beixian Wang's family! She said she would hit her!"

"When did such a brave 'heroine' appear in the imperial capital?"

"King Beixian is notorious for protecting his weaknesses, but he is the one who speaks the truth!"

The hearts of those who had been watching the show were raised at this time.

"Stop it! Stop it!"

Mu Lanxin cried out.

But Sulby was in a fit of anger, and stopped wherever he said.

Sulbi is the only first-line princess in Sixiang Kingdom. The queen of the main palace is born, and the ones in front are all elder brothers.

She was raised in the palm of the hand by the entire royal family.

She is the one who really speaks the truth!

Sulby: "Do you still dare to bully my sister! Call your mouth stinky!"

Sulby opened his mouth to teach Mu Lanxin a lesson while typing.

Su Erbi was originally the same age as Li Huan.

But she occupies the month, so she has to be Li Huan's older sister.

Li Huan let her go, anyway in Li Huan's eyes.

Good friends as long as they can get along happily.

She doesn't care about her age or anything.

Mu Lanxin: "Who is your sister! I know your sister at all!"

Mu Lanxin was about to cry at this moment, feeling that all the face of her life was lost here.

Sulby became even more angry when he heard it: "Okay, I still don't admit my mistake! It seems that slaps are not enough."

Mu Lanxin only felt her body lighten up.

Suddenly, he was thrown by a huge force, in the posture of throwing him over his shoulder.

It hit the ground hard.

Then a foot stepped on her.

I don't know if it was intentional, but Su Erbi's feet landed on Mu Lanxin's chest.

Sulby himself didn't feel anything.

But Mu Lanxin was so angry that she was about to vomit blood.

Mu Lanxin said fiercely: "Move your feet away, move them away!"

Sulby looked at her and stepped hard: "Apologize to my sister!"

Mu Lanxin was in pain and felt that her sternum was about to break: "Your sister! Your sister!"

Sulby pulled out his whip and swung it down: "How dare you curse!

See if I don't smash your mouth! "

So Erbi stepped on Mu Lanxin to prevent her from moving.

With one hand, waving the short whip in his hand, he whipped Mu Lanxin directly on the mouth.

Mu Lanxin's originally pink lips were instantly swollen like sausages.

Mu Lanxin's heart was broken.

She just wanted to ask who your sister is!
But Sulby's foot was on her chest.

She couldn't breathe, so it was intermittent.

Where did the evil star come from!

Su Erbi is very angry now, she knows that Li Huan has been wronged.

But I didn't expect that everyone in Yunlong Country would dare to bully her!

She forbids it!
Hit until you are convinced!

Let's see who dares to bully my sister!

Sulby wanted to make an example of others, so he kept waving the short whip in his hand.

Mu Lanxin lay on the ground and screamed.

It hurts so much!

The whip in Sulbi's hand was made from the spine bone of Jiaolong.

Before she set off, she specially brought it from the treasure house of Sixiang Kingdom.

The Flood Dragon Spine Whip is a mysterious-level spiritual weapon, which can strengthen monks' attacks.

Sulby was originally a spirit, plus the power of the whip itself.

After a while, Mu Lanxin was beaten to pieces.

Except for ordinary warriors and ordinary people who came to watch the battle today.

There are also many big families, they all came to see Mu Lanxin.

(End of this chapter)

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