Chapter 1590
Li Huan knew exactly what she had experienced through such quarrels!
Although they didn't think so at first, but later, because of various things, they still decided to leave Li Huan and experience it alone.

Lin Yunxing: "You can't blame your parents, they also experienced too much life and death before they cultivated to this level."

Li Huan: "To what extent?"

Lin Yunxing: "There is no humanity! Look at you, there is only one bead between your eyebrows, and there is only one in the entire God Realm! Look at your space, it has been there since ancient times!"

Li Huan touched the center of his brows, this soul-suppressing pearl would appear every time Li Huan was threatened with death.

Needless to say about the space, Li Huan can live for such a long time, it is simply because of this home travel, a must-have product for killing people and stealing goods!

Li Huan: "What about the God of Resentment?"

Lin Yunxing: "What a goddamn god."

Speaking of this, Li Yuan became complacent: "He lost to me in chess! So, he played a villain, and his acting skills are not very good! He can barely be regarded as a qualified secondary role!"

Li Huan: ...that is really thanks to you!

Lin Yunxing: "You don't know, that guy is very proud and always adds to himself! This will not let him come, otherwise he will still be nagging!"

Li Huan: "Where's Grandpa? Also acted?"

As soon as Li Huan's voice fell, everyone fell silent.

Li Huan's heart tightened, and she hurriedly said, "What's the matter? Where's grandpa?"

Lin Yunshang: "Your grandfather is about to reach the end of his life. This is the law of nature and there is nothing you can do."

Li Huan: "No! I won't allow it! There must be a way!"

Lin Yunxing: "That's right! Dad said, if Huan'er comes back and the Taiyi flower can bloom, he can change his life."

Li Huan: "Taiyihua? Is this what you're talking about?"

Li Huan took out a newly germinated plant from the space. This kind of seed had been in the space for many years before it germinated.

Lin Yunxing: "It actually bloomed! Take out Tai Sui!"

Li Huan quickly took Tai Sui out of the pool.

Tang Yuan: "Don't be in such a hurry, what can't be done slowly, I'm still taking a bath!"

Li Huan: "It's urgent! Help!"

Just like that, Li Huan took the wet glutinous rice balls out of the pool and gave them to Lin Yunxing.

Lin Yunxing was about to leave.

Li Huan immediately stepped forward to stop him: "I'm going too!"

Lin Yunxing: "No, you have more important things to do!"

Li Huan: "What is it? Is it more important than Grandpa?"

Lin Yunxing: "It's useless if you go to that place, and you have to be honest with each other during treatment! You're a little girl and you're not ashamed!"

Li Huan: ...

Well, it's not just the parents who are unreliable, everyone is unreliable!

So is it normal to be the only one?

Li Huan: "That's fine, I'll wait here!"

Lin Yunxing: "No, you have to go out later!"

Li Huan: "Why?"

Lin Yunxing suddenly looked at Li Huan with bitterness and hatred on his face: "Niece, look at you, you are not too young, and you are still single. Don't you think it is a bit too much to occupy the single dog's spot?"

Li Huan: ...Who told you I'm single!
Thinking of this, Li Huan suddenly remembered that she and Yun Ling had...

I am!

It won't even be broadcast live!

Li Huan just felt that he was feeling uncomfortable everywhere!
The blood in the forehead is about to flow upstream into a river!
There is a feeling of suffocation, this is too... I want to die!

Lin Yunxing: "Don't worry, the chapter where you drive has been blocked! Everyone can't see it."

Li Huan breathed a sigh of relief just now, when Liu Liu heard the devilish voice of the little milk cat: "In the group file! I saw it! A car full of chapters!"

Li Huan: "Little milk cat! Shut up! What nonsense are you talking about!"

The little milk cat is obsessed with what happened before, and finally found an opportunity, so naturally he wants to counterattack!
Li Huan immediately grabbed the little milk cat, and a small magic spell directly sealed the little milk cat's mouth, and within a few days it couldn't be undone at all.

The little milk cat yelled 'Aww' for a long time, but couldn't say a word, and looked at Li Huan resentfully.

Li Huan: "Whenever you stop talking nonsense, I will let you out."

After Lin Yunxing left, the atmosphere became a little more delicate.

Li Huan: "Go ahead!"

Lin Yunshang: "What are you talking about! These words are too common!"

Lin Yunshang tried to play haha, not wanting to mention this matter with Li Huan again.

But Li Huan is not forgiving.

Su Xiaodie: "Oh! Isn't it the start of the competition for recruiting relatives? Now it's too late to see the opening ceremony! If I knew it, I would have made Wanru wait for us!"

When Su Xiaodie said this, Li Huan immediately became vigilant: "What kind of contest is it for recruiting relatives?"

Lin Yunshang immediately changed the picture on the water curtain as if he had found an escape hatch.

Li Huan found that the imperial city was crowded with people, all gathered around the street to watch the excitement.

The people who appeared on the screen were all known to Li Huan!
And the person who presided over the recruitment was actually Aunt Qin!

Aunt Qin looked at the people in front of her: "Are you all ready?"


Qin Wanru: "Well, life and death are destiny, since you all want to participate, then be mentally prepared that you won't come back!"

Li Huan: "What the hell!"

She saw Yun Ling, Yin Yun, Wu Xuanyu, Dongfang Rui, Yu Wan, and even Yin Jiuye were there!
Among the crowd, these people were very eye-catching, and their eyes were full of eagerness to try.

Nie Ling: "With your status, you can't just marry someone casually, so we discussed and held a competition for recruiting relatives. Only the winners will be eligible to leave home to propose marriage!"

Li Huan: ...Why didn't she know it before!Marriage contest!Did you ask her?
Li Huan was sullen: "I don't agree! Also! Who said I'm going to get married!"

Li Huan was a little angry, but her voice was covered by the chirping voices of several people, and she couldn't hear her at all!
Of course, it is also possible that I did not hear it on purpose.

Nie Ling: "Oh! I said that Yinyun will come! I have already released the news in the Demon Race."

Su Xiaodie: "Besides being good-looking, Yin Yun has no masculinity at all! I'm still optimistic about Dongfang Rui, this young man is not bad, look at this fool, he only has us Huan'er in his eyes! He is very dedicated! I like it!"

Mo Hongtu: "But I think that Yin Jiuye is actually the most powerful among them, it's just a matter of luck!"

Lin Yunshang: "Get out! How can my son-in-law be married again! Don't even think about it! Yin Jiuye absolutely can't do it!"

Su Xiaodie: "I agree!"

Nie Ling: "I agree too!"

Li Yuan: "If you want me to say, fish balls are the best, because Huan'er suffered such a big crime and cultivated a human form, the two are still in a contractual relationship, and we can have a tacit understanding with Huan'er! I will definitely not betray Huan'er!"

(small theater)

A certain month: Since it is the end, write something joyful, and hope that the little cuties will be happy every day.

Mou Huan: That’s right, life is hard enough, be happy, it’s best not to be like me, parents are unreliable, and there are also a series of saucy operations, fans!
A certain order: Xiaoyueyue!Tell me clearly, why no one supports me?Come out, I won't hit you!

A certain month has escaped, and the dog's head saves his life!

A certain voice: I knew that Xiao Yueyue would not forget me!This time, we will all rely on our strength to grab a kiss!
Moorui: That's right!Grab with strength!
A certain night: Thanks to Yueyue's mother, but I have a chance to be a new person, I must take Huaner back!
Mouxuan: Boss!They all fancy your beauty!I'm not!I must be your little brother for the rest of my life!
Mou Ming: Sister!Don't you wait for me to grow up!

A certain month quietly surfaced: Who do you all support and win the competition?

(Bring private goods: I recommend Xiao Yueyue's new book "The Reborn Big Boss, She Becomes a Master" Welcome to watch!)

New book introduction: [Rebirth, 1v1, sweet pet]

A Niang is right, you can't trust a man's words, the more attractive a man is, the more he will lie.

After being reborn, A Li only wanted to return to the summit of the gods.

Tear up the scumbag with your hands and kick Bailian with your feet.

Overcoming obstacles all the way!
Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, gods block and kill gods!
It's just that the peerless beauty in front of you, please let me go!
You are blocking my way of revenge!
Xuan Yue: "This girl, I've seen it in my previous life!"

Mo Li: "Get out! Where did the magic stick come from!"

He protects her, loves her, spoils her, and treats her like his life!

But she only wants to return to the peak and take revenge!

Mo Li: "My aunt said that my marriage is destined by the heavens, and the heavens are the greatest!"

Xuan Yue: "Your name is Mo Li, I'm called Mo Qi, Mo Li and Mo Qi, a natural couple!"

(Please collect, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, ask for support! Thank you every month!)

(End of this chapter)

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