Chapter 1593 The Finale
Yun Hai looked at Li Huan in panic and horror: "Ancestor! How can I offend you for getting old! Come up and punch me!"

Yun Hai only felt something flowing out of his nose, and wiped it with trembling hands: "Blood! I'm going to die!"

As Yunhai said, he was about to faint.

"The rest of the people ran away in fright when they saw such a scene."

Li Huan: "Why are you!"

Yunhai: "Why not me! You say you! Why are you still so violent!"

Li Huan: "Where is Yunling! Isn't he the prince?"

Yun Hai looked at Li Huan with a strange expression, hesitant to speak.

Li Huan: "Say it!"

Yunhai: "It's not because of you!"

Li Huan: "What's wrong with me?"

Yun Hai: "A year ago, I heard that Master Gu's apprentice was going to recruit a son-in-law. Many people came and had a big fight. It was a wonderful competition!"

Li Huan knew that she saw it in the water curtain, but she left without finishing it.

I thought I would be able to come back soon, but in the end, there was a year difference in time!
Li Huan: "What happened? What happened next?"

Yun Hai: "Of course our ex-prince won! That must be!"

Li Huan: "What does that have to do with me?"

Yun Hai: "Originally, it was said that whoever wins will get married right away, but the wedding banquet is all ready, it's called a ostentation, the entire imperial city is covered with a full flow of seats, and it turns out!!! Waited for a full three months, The bride didn't even show up! You said where did you die!"

Li Huan suddenly felt a little guilty, this... can't blame her!
It was not on purpose!
Li Huan: "What about Yun Ling? Where did he go?"

Yun Hai saw that Li Huan's expression did not seem to be lying, so he continued to speak: "You didn't come back, my brother asked someone to arrest me, resigned from the crown prince and gave it to me, saying that he was going to arrest someone, how would I know? Where did he go? He’s been gone for several months! If you can’t find anyone, you won’t come back! What are you talking about!”

Li Huan loosened Yun Hai's collar and immediately left the palace.

The guard who had just caught up wanted to arrest him, but was stopped by Yun Hai.

After Li Huan left the palace, she wanted to go to Zhennan Palace to inquire and see the situation.

As a result, after asking, I found out that Zhennan Wang's family had moved to the frontier, and they would not be back for a while.

Li Huan went to the Chen family, but the Chen family didn't know about it either.

In the evening, Li Huan stood on the city wall and looked at the green mountains in the distance.

Where can Yun Ling find himself?
"Cloud order!"

Li Huan suddenly opened his mouth and shouted loudly.

Unfortunately no one answered.

Li Huan looked disappointed, and stood on the city wall blankly, from day to night.

When the morning sun first appeared, a cloud of clouds on the horizon first appeared in Li Huan's field of vision, and if one looked carefully, a small black spot in the clouds gradually enlarged, and first appeared in front of Li Huan's eyes.

The visitor stepped on colorful auspicious clouds and strolled from the horizon, his figure gradually grew bigger, and the familiar face gradually became clear.

'My ideal person is a hero of the world, one day, he will step on the colorful clouds to marry me! '

Li Huan looked at the visitor: "Long time no see!"

But on the opposite side, the person standing in mid-air stared at Li Huan with a serious and gloomy expression.

Seeing that he was silent, Li Huan suddenly laughed: "I'm late, I'm sorry."

The other side remained motionless.

Feeling guilty, Li Huan put on a flattering appearance: "The weather is not bad today, do you want to enjoy the flowers together?"

Someone finally moved!

Grabbing Li Huan, it was like carrying a chicken, and picked up Li Huan: "You're still willing to come back!"

Li Huan only felt a pain in his ear, and begged for mercy instantly: "I was wrong! I was really wrong!"

Yun Ling looked at Xiao Baozi who admitted his mistakes faster than anyone else, and the anger in his eyes instantly extinguished a lot. During this time, he was looking like crazy, searching all over the world, but every day he returned lost.

Obviously, when I participated in the competition, I said that as long as I win, I can get married immediately!


He was ready for everything, but he waited alone in the East Palace for three months!

In the end, the angry Yun Ling almost set the East Palace on fire!

It was originally a place to marry Xiao Baozi, but it turned out to be a joke!
Yun Ling felt that the Eastern Palace was an ominous place, so he immediately captured Yun Hai, preparing to capture that damned bun and give him a severe lesson!
However, I searched all over and couldn't find it!

If it weren't for the sound transmission stone on the side of Yunhai, tell yourself immediately, God knows, how fast he came back!
Seeing that Yun Ling was silent, Li Huan stretched out his hand and hugged Yun Ling's waist. His breath was clear and dusty, and the breath on his body hadn't subsided yet. He seemed to have hurried back.

Li Huan: "I was wrong, I will never dare again in the future."

Yun Ling originally wanted to educate the person who was stuck to him like an octopus, but he heard the bun in his arms say again: "I saw my parents, they are very good, I will never leave you again Already!"

Yun Ling just stretched out his hand to punch Baozi, but it froze in mid-air.

The soft voice, paired with the soft body, was warmed up by the warmth of another body in the coldness that was originally picked up in the turbulent space due to the rush.

Li Huan raised his head and looked at Yun Ling expectantly: "Let's get married! The kind that can be respectful!"

With bright eyes, flickering curled eyelashes, and the sincerity in the eyes, Yun Ling felt stiff when he was stared at by these eyes, and suddenly felt a little hot.

Li Huan thought Yun Ling was still angry and was trying to coax him.

As a result, as soon as I lightened my body, I heard a low and aggressive voice in my ears: "Before going to worship, let's do business first!"

Li Huan looked confused: "What's the business?"

"What do you say?"

Yun Ling raised the corners of her mouth evilly, her eyes were deep, and she stared at Li Huan with undisguised greed.

Li Huan understood instantly!


However, Yun Ling was still willing to listen, so he just made a short body, carried the person in front of him on his shoulders, took a step forward, and disappeared in the same place in an instant!
For a long time, Prince's Mansion.

Looking at the red tent in front of him, Li Huan just wanted to rest for a while, facing the wolf-like man on his body, he repeatedly begged for mercy: "Can you take a half-time break? Please let me go!"

Yun Ling directly grabbed Li Huan's hand out of the tent, crossed his head, and used his own palm to press the soft little hand under his hand: "Intermission? I've just started! One year's punishment, just Do you want to offset it in such a short time?"

Li Huan: ...

Who will God forgive!
If you come out to hang out, you have to pay off your debts!

Li Huan: "Can I pay in installments?"

Yun Ling looked at the flushed little buns, and his originally rosy lips became even more charming after being tasted by himself. He was considering the appeal of middle-class rest, and instantly threw it out of the sky: "No! Continue!"

After rejecting Li Huan's Yun Ling, she became more and more demanding.

Li Huan only felt that from now on, she would never be able to escape from the palm of the Great Demon King!
However, living a licentious life with the big devil seems... not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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