Chapter 160

Mu Lanxin wanted to defend herself.

But thinking of this woman's cultivation, she shut her mouth.

Li Ge wanted to leave directly while no one was paying attention.

But Sulbi moved, and a spiritual attack hit Li Ge's feet: "Did I let you go?"

Li Ge had no choice but to turn around and come back: "I don't know what advice this lady has!"

At such a young age, his cultivation base is so high.

Li Ge would not be so foolish as to think that this person has no background at all.

Sulby: "I'm going to put my words here today.

Li Huan is my younger sister, I cover her!

Who dares to bully her again, just like this pillar! "

Sulbi shot out with a burst of spiritual power, directly cutting off the guardrail on the edge of the ring.

Although Su Erbi is young, his cultivation level is high.

At this moment, he became angry and full of momentum.

Everyone was so scared that they dared not speak.

In Yunlong country, monks are comparable to the existence of first-rank officials.

Li Ge looked at Qian's Li Huan in the crowd, smiling all over his face: "Huan'er, I heard from your mother yesterday that you ran away from home.

I am anxious to look for you everywhere, hurry up and go home with my father.

And your friend, let's go to the house as a guest. "

Li Huan was unmoved: "Li Mansion doesn't suit me, so I still won't go back."

Li Ge's smile froze on his face.

But it was obvious that the young lady in the ring took good care of her.

Maybe this daughter really met some important people outside.

How could Li Ge miss this opportunity.

Li Ge suddenly became sad: "Huan'er, I know you blame me for sending you to Lihuo City.

However, what happened back then was really helpless.

Besides, I have already sent someone to bring you back.

Just live at home.

After all, I am also your father. "

What Li Ge said was so sincere that he almost shed tears.

A look of good for Li Huan.

The onlookers couldn't stand it anymore: "Oh, parents are not all for the sake of their children. How can there be parents who don't love their children."

"That's right! General Li did something wrong in the past, but now that he has corrected it, it will be fine."

"That's right, that's right, there's no overnight feud in the family."

There will always be countless 'good guys' who put on airs when things are not imminent.

Standing on the moral high ground and pointing at you.

Who is Li Huan, she doesn't care what these people say at all.

Without a strong heart, it is impossible for her to be promoted to a spiritual person in such a short period of time.

Li Huan wants to lead Sulbi away.

But suddenly a group of soldiers came and surrounded the place.

A Dali Temple official came from among the soldiers: "Master Li.

Someone sued you for cheating on marriage by leaving home and stealing property.

Come with us.

And is the third miss from home here? "

Li Huan didn't know why she didn't speak.

But Mu Lanxin suddenly pointed at her and said, "Well, the person standing there is Li Huan, the third miss from the Li family!"

The official looked in the direction of Mu Lanxin's finger.

A beautiful woman stood there.

Obviously not extremely amazing.

But it just gives people a bright feeling: "This is Li Huan, isn't it?"

Li Huan: "Yes!"

The official said: "Then come with us."

Su Erbi stepped forward and took Li Huan's hand: "I want to go too!"

The official thought Soulby was the other young lady who had left home.

There was no hindrance.

Take people away together.

The people who eat melons hurried forward, and the scene of the two women grabbing a husband was not seen.

But the next play is obviously more emotional.

So the crowd went to Dali Temple one after another.

Mu Lanxin also wanted to see, but was injured.

Especially on the face, if it is not treated in time, it will leave scars.

She had no choice but to go back to Prince Beixian's mansion first, and she sent someone to follow her, because she was worried that she couldn't find Li Huan's braid.

Today I lost to this inexplicable little girl, but she is a spirit.

Mu Lanxin felt that she was not ashamed to lose.

However, she still wants to defeat Li Huan.

Otherwise, the knot will be hard to get rid of.

Generally, cases are heard by judges.

However, the person who reported the case and the accused all involved officials.

Therefore, the Tuiguan submitted the petition to Dali Temple.

This Dali Temple Minister has the right to try all officials.

When Li Huan came to Dali Temple, he saw that there were already many people there.

Because it is a theft case, ordinary people can observe it from the outside, and there is no secret case handling.

The plaintiff has already arrived in the lobby of Dali Temple.

When Li Huan was pretending to be a maid, she met Ye Chengan, so she knew her.

Li Huan covered her face and that of Su Erbi with two gauze scarves.

Sulby felt strange.

Li Huan: "Women in Yunlong Country are taboo to show their faces."

After hearing this, Su Erbi happily put on the scarf, and she listened to Li Huan.

After everyone had arrived, Gu Yi, Minister of Dali Temple, came out from the inner hall.

Gu Yi: "Plaintiff, please state what you are suing."

Ye Chengan took out the pleading paper, he couldn't read, but he had already memorized it when he came here.

"The villain, Ye Family, Ye Chengan, sued General Protecting the Nation for defrauding him of getting married.

Also took the opportunity to loot my Ye family's accumulated property over the years!
Please adults call the shots for us. "

Li Ge: "It's a bunch of nonsense!"

Gu Yi: "General, please be calm and calm, the plaintiff please continue."

Ye Chengan: "Some time ago, through the introduction of a matchmaker, my Ye family and Li's family got married.

They are willing to betroth the third lady of the family to me.

I spent a lot of dowry to marry people back.

But early yesterday morning, the person disappeared.

Then the servant came to report that the treasury in the house had been stolen, and all the property was gone.

Therefore, the villain is suspicious.

It's the one who left home to cheat the marriage and stole my Ye family's property. "

Gu Yi: "General Li, is there such a thing?"

Li Ge was dissatisfied, Lin Mumu did a good job.

When he saw Ye Chengan's face at this moment, it was impossible not to get angry.

Unexpectedly, Lin Mumu would do such a thing.

Li Ge had doubts about Lin Mumu's character for the first time: "I left home and the Ye family discussed marriage.

But it was my wife who thought it wrong before.

I have already asked her to withdraw her marriage with the Ye family.

As for the theft, I didn't know about it, our house was also stolen.

I suspect that some villains will sue first.

I'm about to file a report! "

Ye Chengan: "My lord, the wedding was already done the day before yesterday.

There are all witnesses and material evidence, but there is no divorce at all!
Besides, there is no reason to return marriage after having a hole in the house.

Li Jiang's house is extraordinarily generous! "

Li Ge was obviously taken aback when he heard Ye Chengan's words.

Lin Mumu clearly said that Huan'er ran away without getting married, so the Ye family came to ask for someone.

You Ye family, you actually ruined my reputation in Lifu!

Li Ge: "Hmph! I never intervened before.

I don't know the inside story.

It was later learned that the little girl was dissatisfied with the marriage and ran away on the road.

Therefore, I asked to withdraw my marriage when I left home.

People never went to your Ye's house at all.

How could it be possible to steal that little thing from your Ye family! "

(End of this chapter)

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