Chapter 177 Complaints
Su Erbi retreated quickly, with the strength of the ninth level!

What other method was used to forcibly raise it, which cannot be seen on the surface.

Sulbi sneered, it seemed that Li Jiao was trying to cheat secretly.

Then I will fulfill you!
Sulby exerted all her strength, and Li Jiao was startled.

I have already used the forbidden technique, isn't it possible to end the battle with just a face-to-face meeting?

But Sulbi's whip hit Li Jiao precisely.

Li Jiao suffers from pain, but more of it is fear!
The strength of the ninth level can't help her!
Sulby swung another whip, directly hitting Li Jiao's chest, tearing her clothes instantly.

Li Jiao only felt a coldness in her chest.

But before he could react, another blow came.

Sulby stepped forward and kicked her to the ground.

"Do you dare to play tricks in front of me?

This princess hates a self-righteous villain like you the most! "

Sulbi didn't give Li Jiao time to get up.

One whip after another hit Li Jiao's body.

At first Li Jiao was still holding back, but soon the pain was so painful that she cried out loudly.

It hurts so much!

Li Jiao yelled in pain.

Sulbi didn't know how to be sympathetic to the sweet and the jade, so he beat Li Jiao's skin to pieces.

The point is, Sulby, who was in full swing, suppressed Li Jiao so hard.

She didn't even have a chance to defend herself.

The people in the audience were stunned. They were playing well just now, and it was hard to distinguish between you and me.

Why did the style of painting suddenly change, and it became that Su Erbi beat Li Jiao unilaterally.

In just a few breaths, Li Jiao was beaten to pieces by the whip.

I passed out from the pain alive.

Only then did Lin Mumu realize that Li Jiao was her fate!
Lin Mumu rushed to the stage regardless of the obstruction.

Now that Sulby's whip has been beaten, there is no reason to take it back.

It hit Lin Mumu directly.


Lin Mumu was in pain, but still protected Li Jiao, and soon Lin Mumu's back was also beaten open.

The prince also felt that the scene was bloody: "Princess Su, let's forget about this one!"

Sulbi looked at Yun Xiao, smiled and said, "Since you have spoken, forget it, carry it down!"

Li Jiao was knocked out in such an embarrassing way, nothing could be more happiest than Lan Zhizhi.

This person fainted, so naturally he couldn't go back and leave home.

The prince immediately arranged for someone to rest in a courtyard of the prince's mansion.

Lan Zhizhi looked angry.

Well, you Lijiao must have done it on purpose!
Lan Zhizhi quietly left while the crowd was not paying attention.

Sulby looked indifferent: "Next!"

The ladies in the audience were all frightened to death, and they all kept silent, not daring to go forward.

Those who rushed to sign up before now can't wait to find a hole in the ground and get in.

The second-ranked lady looked at Sorby in horror. This princess is simply a devil!
No mercy at all!
As soon as you go up, you will be beaten to pieces!
Second Miss: "I abstain!"

Sulby: "No!"



"Prince, I don't want to compete anymore, Your Highness, save me!"

The second lady ran directly to the prince for help.

The prince was also there just now, and he saw that Sulbi's strength was so powerful.

I may not be able to compare, and he is only at the eighth level.

Concubine Lan Gui used the formula she got from Li Huan and gave it to the crown prince to bring up this eighth step.

The princess of Sixiang Kingdom is even more powerful than him, no one else can tell.

But the prince's strength is considered high, and she can clearly feel it.

Sulby then whipped the whip stronger than himself.

Prince: "Princess Su, your strength is so powerful.

Then let them admit defeat directly.

Since it's a sparring session, don't hurt your temper. "

Sulby: "No, I said before that you are not allowed to quit halfway, why didn't you say you would quit before!"

The prince didn't expect Sulbi to reject him directly, but he still had to persuade him: "The princess is really powerful.

They are not opponents, so forget it! "

Sulby: "You Yunlong Kingdom are all cowards! You don't need to fight."

Prince: "Thank you very much!"

Sulby waved his hand: "Don't be in a hurry to thank me, everyone kneel down and kowtow to me to admit defeat, I'll forget it."

The prince didn't expect that Sulbi would make such a request, and he couldn't step down for a while.

Yun Xiao was a little angry.

He is the dignified prince of Yunlong Kingdom, begging you, but he is so ignorant: "Princess Su, is this not very good?"

Sulby: "What's wrong, don't you just ignore me in order to protect them? Are they important or me?"

Sulbi's words were so ambiguous that the prince was a little uncertain for a while.

He has thoughts about Sulbi, and after seeing her strength just now, he even wants to marry her.

Such a powerful strength, and an unrivaled family background.

It must be the best candidate for him.

The prince thought over and over again, hesitating.

In the eyes of other ladies who have fantasies about the prince, this appearance is really extremely disappointing.

It took them so long to think about such a thing as asking them to kneel down in front of a foreign lady.

The crown prince is not as humble as jade as shown in front of people.

The prince finally sided with Sulby.

In his view, this is Sulby's oath of sovereignty, and he wants to admit in public that he values ​​her.

The little girl's mind is nothing more than that, she definitely can't do something that makes people kneel down: "Of course the princess is important to you."

As soon as the prince's words came out, the hearts of these ladies who were still hesitating instantly became cold.

Some ladies have already started to think about how to tell their families not to enter the palace when they go back.

Sulby sneered.

If you dare to look down on my sister, I want you all to see clearly.

What kind of person are you princes?

Sulby did it on purpose, so naturally he would not let those ladies go.

They have all slandered Huan'er before: "Then follow the order and come up one by one!"

The prince was startled, did he really want to kneel down!
Why doesn't the princess of Sixiang Kingdom play cards according to common sense!

If you really kneel down.

With today's release, his image for many years will be ruined!

Prince: "Princess Su, why don't you just forget about it?"

Some ladies heard the prince's pleading and hoped again. The prince cares about them.

After all, in Yunlong, Miss Boudoir did such a thing.

In any case, it will damage the reputation.

Especially these are girls who are waiting to be married, and their reputation is related to their marriage.

Sulby: "It seems that in your eyes, they are still more important than me!"

Sulby said pretending to be aggrieved, and looked at the prince with big blinking eyes.

The prince's heart softened when he saw this look: "No, you are the most important, you are important."

Bang, bang, bang...

Many heartbroken voices sounded silently.

The rest of the ladies looked at the prince angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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