Chapter 179 Protecting Weaknesses (Addition)
"That's right! Why are you so aggressive!

Relying on the strength of his family, he bullied the weak! "

Mu Lanxin originally felt that Li Huan was pitiful.

But when she thinks of Yun Ling, she really can't let Yun Ling go.

Mu Lanxin: "That eye of yours has seen that I like the prince!

I like His Royal Highness Yunwang! "

"Even if you don't like the prince, but like His Royal Highness King Yun, then why are you holding on to Li Huan!"

"That's right, we all like His Royal Highness King Yun!
Do you only allow you to like it, and don't prepare others to like it! "

"His Highness King Yun belongs to all of us!
Not yours alone! "

The prince is depressed, these people say such things in front of him.

Do not worry!
Mu Lanxin was in a hurry: "You have no right to like King Yun, His Highness King Yun is mine!

Just because I am the strongest! "

"Pfft! Hahaha..."

"You were beaten up by Li Huan before, and you went home to seek revenge from your father."

"Yes, you have a thick skin and the strongest strength!"

Although these people don't necessarily like Li Huan very much.

But they were willing to use this to laugh at Mu Lanxin.

Mu Lanxin flushed with anger.

Pointing at Li Ge with a sword, "Say, where is Li Huan! Let her fight with me!"

When Sulby heard this, he hurriedly said excitedly, "I'm sleeping in the Martial Arts Field!"

Su Erbi couldn't wait for Mu Lanxin to find trouble with Li Huan.

Li Huan is a spirit!
Heads given away for nothing, don't want them for nothing!

Mu Lanxin left in a hurry, she wanted to defeat Li Huan in front of so many people.

Don't be ridiculed!

Mu Beili finally heard what was going on.

Although I am a little displeased with what my daughter is doing.

But whoever let this belong to his own family, he will not explain it!

Seeing the crowd running away, Li Ge went to the Martial Arts Arena to watch the excitement, and let out a long breath.

Although Mu Lanxin didn't do it unintentionally, she somehow helped him out.

It's all that scourge.

If you don't pick her up and leave her in Lihuo City, nothing will happen!

However, Li Ge still followed.

He doesn't know now what kind of strength Li Huan is.

Look at Sourby's excited and confident look.

Li Ge was a little uneasy about what was going on.

No, how could a trash who just started cultivating have a high cultivation base.

Li Ge comforted himself like this, but he still couldn't wait to follow.

The prince was at the lake with Sulbi before, and in order to please the prince Sulbi, he threw himself on Sulbi.

He didn't pay attention to the movement on the other side at all, and only came over when the movement became louder.

But at that time Mu Lanxin had already run away.

Therefore, the prince did not see Li Huan make a move.

Didn't it mean that she had been a waste for many years, how did she defeat Mu Lanxin?

The prince is also very curious.

Soon, the crowd who had just left all gathered in the martial arts arena.

Even those who didn't go before, all went.

Mu Beili has been away from the imperial capital for many years, and now everyone wants to see him make a move.

They felt that Mu Beili's defensive temperament would definitely make a move.

It doesn't matter if the other party is a little girl or not.

So a large group of people marched mightily towards the martial arts field.

Li Huan practiced in the space for a few more days, and was on the verge of promotion.

It will soon reach the middle stage of the spirit.

When Li Huan came out of the space, it was not long before the outside time passed.

Just as he was about to leave, he felt a large group of people walking towards this direction.

The leader is Namu Lanxin.

Li Huan smiled, he didn't expect that Namu Beili really came.

But there was no panic on Li Huan's face!

Seeing Li Huan standing there, Mu Lanxin stepped forward, "My father is here!"

Li Huan looked at this, couldn't fight, went back to look for Mu Lanxin, who was still proud of her parents, and really wanted to laugh at what was going on.

"and then?"

"My father is a great spiritual master, you are fighting me again, you are not allowed to cheat with any secret treasure, fight me in a fair manner!"

Mu Lanxin said it with full of air, as if Li Huan cheated to win her before.

Li Huan: "What if I don't?"

Mu Lanxin: "Then don't even think about leaving here today!"

Li Huan was helpless, she wanted to keep a low profile.

But some people just don't have a long memory if they don't fight: "If that's the case, let's fight!"

Li Huan suddenly stepped out of the Broken Cloud Step and came to the stage of the competition.

"So fast!"

"This... this... so fast!"

Li Huan's move really surprised everyone.

None of them saw Li Huan's movements clearly.

Apart from Mu Beili and Yi Na, they were the only great spiritual masters present.

Mu Beili was quite surprised.

Yi Na knew Li Huan's cultivation level, so she didn't show any expression.

Mu Lanxin was also shocked when she saw Li Huan for the first time.

That's how she disappeared in the blink of an eye!
Mu Lanxin suddenly became guilty.

But right now, she couldn't help feeling guilty: "Pretend!
Daddy, watch over for me, don't allow her to cheat with secret treasures! "

Mu Beili looked at his daughter, wanting to persuade her.

He could see that Li Huan's cultivation was definitely not inferior to hers.

But watching her speak again.

He is away all year round, and he owes this daughter a lot.

So Mu Lanxin will satisfy her whatever she wants, and it is not a rumor that she has a short temper.

Mu Beili is really protecting his weaknesses.

But now, this is her own way, and she has to experience it by herself.

Mu Beili was a little curious about Li Huan, this woman is not simple.

Although it was a short side, Mu Beili's vision of seeing people was always accurate.

He looked at Li Huan, is it true that this girl still looks familiar?

Forget it, let's take a look first and then talk, at worst, I will help my daughter by myself in a while.

As soon as Mu Lanxin took the stage, she took out her sword.

She knew that Li Huan was not weak, but she never wanted to admit it.

But after a real competition, she still dare not relax.

Mu Lanxin firmly believed in the fact that Li Huan defeated her with a secret treasure.

Daddy is watching here today, he will definitely not let you cheat with secret treasures!
Mu Lanxin felt that she would be able to defeat Li Huan today!
Li Huan was different from Mu Lanxin, he stood there with a relaxed expression on his face: "Do you want to be fast or slow?"

Mu Lanxin didn't know what Li Huan meant by saying this: "What's fast or slow?"

Li Huan rarely explained kindly: "Should it end quickly, or end slowly.

I think it's better for you to speak slowly, otherwise it will be too embarrassing.

After all, so many people are watching. "

Mu Lanxin didn't quite understand, but she was about to sing against Li Huan.

Li Huan advised her to slow down, and she must hurry up: "Hurry up! I don't want to be slow!"

But soon, Mu Lanxin understood what Li Huan meant.

"Have you started yet?"

Li Huan asked.

Mu Lanxin: "Start!"

Mu Lanxin took the initiative to step forward, but before she could get close to Li Huan, she was sent flying by a huge force.

Fly directly to the ground in a parabola.

Fortunately, Mu Beili reacted quickly enough to catch her a second before landing.

(End of this chapter)

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