Chapter 187 The Heir

"What? What did you say?"

Li Huan looked puzzled!
Yao Qingfeng was about to explode, what kind of person did Master ask him to pick up!
Could it be that the previous experiences were all illusions, that some pharmacists didn't want to go to the Valley of Medicine Kings?
The disciples of the president of the Yaowang Valley Pharmacist Association are not required!

Yao Qingfeng: "I said! When will you go back with me!"

Li Huan felt that this medicine Qingfeng must have bad ears, or his memory is too bad, and he forgot just after saying it.

I really sympathize with Su Shi, no wonder I can't wait to accept myself as an apprentice.

However, Li Huan doesn't like it!

In terms of pharmacology, he is no match for Nanny Qin.

In terms of foundation, he is no match for Yu He.

It is really unnecessary to worship him as a teacher.

Li Huan complained silently about Su Shi, saying yes, if you have any questions, you can call him.

In the end, he didn't come again, and Li Huan was ready to owe him a favor.

Besides, I have so many pill recipes here, so I can give him a few as a reward!

This is the prescription of the old man Yuanyang, although it is not as good as "Ancient Pill Prescription", it is not bad.

A villain who doesn't count!

Li Huan: "I said I won't go! Or let him come to me by himself!"

"Good good!"

Yao Qingfeng said three good words in succession, obviously he was extremely angry: "I will give the letter of divorce to Master, you are the one who won't go with me!
Don't blame me for not giving you a chance! "


Li Huan complained.

"you you you!"

Yao Qingfeng pointed at Li Huan, so angry that he was speechless.

Yao Qingfeng: "I am waiting for Master's reply in Yunlong Country!
If I give you a chance, you don't want it, wait for the master to take back his order, and see if you dare to be arrogant! "

Li Huan was speechless, how could she be so arrogant!
Which eye of this Yao Qingfeng saw her arrogant!
Obviously, he himself has been inexplicably angry all the time, it's simply unreasonable!
Leaving happily.

Yao Qingfeng quickly returned to Yaowang Valley with a letter of divorce.

Because I was too angry, I wanted to get a reply quickly so that Li Huan could regret it.

Therefore, he used the fastest way of sending messages.

And, because of the intentional separation.

Therefore, Li Huan's original words were also truthfully written in.

She won't leave if the master doesn't come.

In order to smear Li Huan, he talked about Li Huan with embellishments, because the master didn't come to pick him up in person, so he was very angry.

Simply capricious!
After writing the letter, Yao Qingfeng sent it away immediately.

Then he stayed in Yunlong country.

He wanted to see how Li Huan cried in front of him when he regretted it!
Li Huan had just left here when he met Prince Yun Xiao on the way out of the palace.

It wasn't until Yun Xiao realized that Su Erbi was also a spiritual being, Yun Xiao was so elated!

Such a good family background, such a high talent.

He is simply the perfect candidate for the crown princess prepared for him by the heavens!
Although he himself is only at the eighth rank.

It was during this period of time that he kept using Li Huan's prescription, which cost a lot of money and material resources, and he piled it up abruptly.

But Prince Yun Xiao simply drifted away.

He has never advanced so quickly, so don't be too surprised!

Even Lan Shaohua thought this prescription was amazing.

She already planned to use all her capable men.

Li Huan doesn't want to have any contact with Yun Xiao.

But when Yun Xiao saw Li Huan, he came over on his own initiative: "Li Huan, I need your help with something."

Li Huan looked at Yun Xiao in silence.

Yun Xiao didn't care either, he thought Li Huan was shy.

After all, he is full of charm, and all women should fall for him.

Really crazy confidence.

Yun Xiao: "I know you have a good relationship with Su Erbi, as long as you help me keep her in Yunlong.

I will promise her the crown princess.

She must be the main palace in the future! "

Li Huan was shocked by Yun Xiao's words, and thunder rolled from the sky!

Say something like that to your face!

The skin is so thick that it is incomparable!
Li Huan didn't speak, Yun Xiao thought she was too surprised.

Then he said something even more shocking: "Of course, you are a hero, and I will naturally not treat you badly.

However, your family background is a bit poor, but I can guarantee that the position of side concubine will definitely be reserved for you! "

Li Huan almost laughed at Yun Xiao in front of him!

Who gave you the courage?

In Li Huan's two lifetimes, she has never seen such a speechless person!
The key is to match Yun Xiao's expression of charity, the whole face seems to say—

Come kneel and lick me!
This is your glory!

Li Huan: "Are you sure?

May I ask Yun Xiao, are you awake?
Or do you think we are all idiots? "

When the prince heard that Li Huan called him by his first name, he immediately became angry: "Bold!
You can call me by my name too! "

Li Huan: "Idiot!"

Li Huan left after speaking, not wanting to stay here for a moment.

This prince is simply eye-catching!

Disgusting ignorance!
Yun Xiao didn't react until Li Huan walked a long way.

She was scolding him before Li Huan!
But people have already gone far, and anger can't catch up.

Anyway, people are still in Yunlong, hum!wait and see!
Yun Xiao secretly vowed that when Li Huan is married back, she must be tortured severely.

But what did Li Huan sign with the concubine?

To make her so confident when facing him!
Yun Xiao came to Lan Shaohua this time to ask for clarification, but he didn't expect to meet Li Huan first.

Yun Xiao didn't know where her confidence came from.

She actually wanted to marry someone with the cultivation base of two spiritual beings.

He still looks like giving alms!

He will probably know soon that he will never be able to become a spirit person.

Stopping at the ninth rank of warrior is a fatal blow for a crown prince.

The emperor has more than one son.

Except for Yun Ling who has no feeling for the throne.

The rest of the princes are only temporarily afraid of Lan Shaohua's power.

Once given the chance, they will fight back like hungry wolves.

Li Huan's prescription is flawed, it is a prescription to stimulate potential.

It is to overdraw all the talents in advance.

The aftereffect is that after using it, it will be promoted very quickly in a short time.

But it can only stop forever, the ninth-level warrior.

There is an unwritten rule that the heirs of the royal family must be spiritual or above.

Spiritual beings have a long lifespan, much longer than martial ones.

It can better maintain the stability of a country.

Therefore, when the royal family chooses an heir, they always use the spirit as the boundary.

Although Yun Xiao currently occupies the position of prince, Yun Xiao is in his prime.

There is still time in office.

If ten or twenty years later, Yun Xiao is still at the ninth rank of warrior, then...

Anyway, the position of Lord Yunlong is no longer with him.

Naturally, Li Huan could tell that Yun Xiao had been promoted so fast recently that his entire body was inflated.

It's funny to look like I'm the only one on my face!
She doesn't bother fighting with the prince, anyway, he will have a headache in the future.

But right now I can't see it.

The rest of the princes are just holding back for the time being.

Otherwise, why is Lan Shaohua so anxious to expand his power?

(End of this chapter)

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