Chapter 19 The Dowry
"That's right, the third lady can't practice."

"It makes sense to say that. His Royal Highness is a dragon and a phoenix, so naturally he can't marry an ordinary person."

"So, the third lady purposely refused to withdraw from the marriage, and took over the eldest lady's marriage."

Seeing everyone's reaction towards him, Li An immediately became elated.

She raised her chin high and looked at Li Huan.

Look, you piece of shit, no one will help you!
Li Huan was speechless for a while, and had no intention of arguing with her again, cultivation is important,

Then he said: "I don't know what the imperial concubine thinks. If you can let the emperor order to dissolve this marriage, I have no objection."

After speaking, Li Huan wanted to turn around and go back to her room, ready to continue her cultivation.

But how could Li An let Li Huan leave easily: "Don't leave."

The sound of a long whip piercing through the air suddenly sounded behind him.

Li Huan had a keen sense and narrowly avoided the attack.


The long whip fell to the ground, and the floor beside Li Huan's feet shattered instantly.

The floor tile in the middle that was hit by the whip shattered into powder.

If this whip hits the body, it will peel off even if it is not dead!

Li Huan's eyes turned cold for an instant, she looked at Li An with anger in her eyes.

Li An was taken aback by Li Huan's eyes, but soon he mustered up his courage again.

In her eyes, there is nothing to be afraid of a trash without cultivation.

Last time I must have found out because I didn't check for a while after dark.

Besides, her mother had already given her the Scarlet Flame Whip, which matched her fire attribute just right.

She couldn't believe that she couldn't hold a piece of waste material today.

After missing one hit, Li An's long whip struck again.

The image of Li Huan who was hit in his imagination did not appear, but he saw Li Huan grabbing the tail of the whip.

Li An was amazed that he was able to grab her whip with his bare hands.

She wanted to take back the whip, but found she couldn't.

Li Huan's strength was even stronger than hers: "You, let go!"

"Since you told me to let go, then I will let go."

When Li Huan let go, he took advantage of the situation and pulled hard.

Li An was carried by the force of the whip, and threw himself forward.

He fell to the ground, posing like a dog eating shit.

Li Huan said with a smile: "Sister, you're welcome, even if you do something wrong, you don't have to do this big gift."


"Ha ha ha ha."

The melon-eating crowd couldn't help laughing at this time.

Li An became angry from embarrassment and quickly got up.

Using the Red Flame Fist, he attacked Li Huan.

Those servants watching the excitement saw that Li An was really moving.

Deeply afraid that he would be affected, not one of them left in an instant.

At this time, only two sisters, Li Huan, Li An and Li Ning, and Qiu Yue were left in Changhuan Pavilion.

Li Huan didn't want to waste time, so he speeded up his counterattack.

At this time, Li An really realized that Li Huan's victory against them last time was not a fluke, but a real strength.

Li Ning, who was standing by the side, had been taught a lesson by Li Huan before and did not dare to go forward.

But seeing that Li Andi couldn't beat him, he hurried forward to help, but it was still useless.

After a while, the two were still thrown to the ground by Li Huan like last time, unable to resist.

There are still traces of being flogged with Li Huan's whip.

But Wang Lihuan was fine and stood there calmly.

Li Huan became a little more proficient in the use of divine consciousness.

At this time, for Li An, Li Ning's attack can be avoided very well, and he can find a weak point to attack.

Even if you don't have a cultivation base, so what, the strength of your spiritual consciousness can also deal with low-level warriors.

The "Hongmeng Soul Eater Sutra" left by my mother is really a good exercise.

After getting started, you will start to produce spiritual consciousness, which is more powerful than perception.

Qiuyue's eyes widened when she saw Li Huan's performance.

When did my young lady become so powerful, didn't she say she couldn't practice?

How could he beat the fourth miss and the fifth miss so that there was no room for retaliation.

Li Huan looked at the whip in his hand, it was a spiritual weapon.

Lin Mumu is really generous, even willing to take out a spiritual weapon for Li An to deal with him.

"Give me back the whip."

Li An said unconvinced.

"Also, why do you want to return it? You didn't give it to me?"

"Whoever gave it to you, return it to me quickly, or I will tell my father to go."

Li An said viciously.

Li Huan ignored it.

She looked at Li'an as if she was looking at a child who couldn't fight and threatened to sue her parents.

Seeing that Li Huan ignored her, Li An couldn't help him for a while.

Get up and help Li Ning to leave.

Only then did Qiuyue come over and said in surprise, "Miss, are you ready to practice? It's really amazing."

"Your lady is amazing, just wait and see."

Li Huan said with a smile.

Not long after, Lamei and Chunlan hurried over, saying that Li Ge was looking for him.

Li Huan followed to the living room.

When Li Huan came, apart from Li Ge's two concubines and Li Yu, the rest of Li's family members were in the living room.

Li An and Li Ning sat beside crying pear blossoms with rain.

Li Ge and Lin Mumu sat in the middle of the main hall, Lin Mumu saw Li Huan's eyes filled with restrained anger.

Probably because Li Ge is not easy to attack here.

Li Jiao stood beside Lin Mumu, her eyes were proud like a peacock.

She has always been an aloof young lady, so naturally she disdains to fight Li Huan, a good-for-nothing.

Seeing Li Huan approaching, he turned his head slightly and ignored Li Huan directly.

Li Huan didn't care, he just saluted Li Ge and stood aside without saying a word.

Seeing that Li Huan had arrived, Li Ge had nothing to say for a long time, so he couldn't help but asked, "Don't you have anything to say?"

"Is Daddy talking about me? Do I need to say something?"

Li Huan asked innocently.

Li Ge didn't expect Li Huan to answer like this, so he said: "Your two younger sisters said that you injured them for no reason, and even took away Li An's Chiyan Whip, but there is such a thing!"

Li Ge's tone seemed displeased.

"No, there is no such thing!"

Li Huan replied bluntly.

"You're talking nonsense, you obviously have it, my Scarlet Flame Whip is still in your hands, and the wounds on my body were also caused by you."

Seeing that Li Huan didn't admit it, Li An couldn't help but speak.

"I hit you? Fourth sister, don't slander me with empty teeth."

Li Huan explained kindly.

"Who slandered you, you foxy son, you beat me up just now."

Li An yelled at Li Huan.

"Then, fourth sister, what is your cultivation level? What is my cultivation level? How could I beat you? Could it be that you can't even beat me, an ordinary person?"

Li Huan asked in surprise.


Li Ning quickly pulled Li An's sleeve to signal her to stop talking.

But how could Li An suffer from Li Huan wronging her like this: "It's you, I don't know how you beat me, the wounds on my body were caused by you!"

"Fourth sister, even if you don't like me, you can't wrong me like this. I'm not likable, but I'm also Daddy's daughter, and I'm a young lady who left home. I definitely can't do anything like tear up my sister."

Li Huan said with tears in his eyes.

Coupled with those watery eyes, there is actually a feeling of pity for me.

Li Ge felt a little guilty when he saw this, he shouldn't think that Li Huan is not good based on Li An's one-sided words.

(End of this chapter)

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