Chapter 25 Hunting
Everyone rested for a while.

Wait for the sky to brighten.

Only then did Li Huan realize that Kong Xin's face had swollen into a big pig's head!

"Hahahahahaha...that's too funny!"

Li Huan pointed to Kong Xin and said.

Everyone followed the direction of Li Huan's finger, and they saw a big pig's head.

Then a cheerful laughter sounded in the forest.

"Xiao...Seng Mo...laugh! Poof...Xu Xiao!"

Because of the swollen and deformed face, Kong Xin couldn't speak fluently.

After Li Huan finished laughing with his stomach in his hands.

Then he took out a bottle of antidote from his body and handed it to Kong Xin: "Oh, who told me to be kind-hearted, cute and generous, I won't charge you for this bottle of medicine."

Kong Xin didn't want to pick it up.

But seeing the eyes of everyone seeing me, they were anxious and helpless.

Wang Sulin was already on the ground laughing.

Even Wang Batian, who has always been serious, tried his best to hold back, his whole face flushed red.

In the end, Kong Xin took the potion and drank it in one gulp.

It didn't take long before he returned to his previous appearance: "Huh, you are a bit useful, so I can barely take you with me!"

"All right, all right, you're handsome and you're right, Big Brother Pig!"

Li Huan said cheerfully.

There was a burst of laughter.

After what happened that night, Li Huan had officially won the trust of the team.

Li Huan used his ability to prove that he is not useless.


Even if there is no cultivation base, it should be respected.

Last night was a near miss.

After replenishing their physical strength with a little dry food, everyone set out for the area where the adamantine beast lived.

Because Li Huan performed well last night.

Everyone changed their views on her, talking and laughing all the way.

Li Huan has a keen sense and has reminded everyone in advance several times.

Avoid unnecessary danger.

I had been skeptical a few times before.

But after several confirmations, everyone began to admire Li Huan's perception.

Li Huan was directing the rest of the journey.

Soon everyone arrived at the bank of Yunlong River.

Wang Batian told Li Huan that the moat beside the city wall of the imperial capital was diverted from here.

As for the source of the Yunlong River, no one knows.

I only know that there are many forked rivers, but no one has explored where it flows out first.

The World of Warcraft forest is too big!
Ordinary people or low-level warriors may not be able to complete the journey in their entire lives.

Li Huan walked all the way.

I have a new understanding of the World of Warcraft Forest.

She also saw many herbs taught by Nanny Qin.

Li Huan didn't waste it, every plant was carefully dug out with soil and roots.

Ye Xin said that leaving the World of Warcraft Forest will not survive.

Someone has tried it before, and the medicinal herbs in the Warcraft forest can only live in the Warcraft deep forest.

No matter what method is used to get out of the World of Warcraft Forest, all species will not survive.

Li Huan just smiled and said nothing to Ye Xin's kind reminder.

Others can't, but there is room for Li Huan.

The Qi of Shiyuan inside is sufficient and Li Huan thinks he can grow a living.

Everyone sees that they are never tired of leaving joy, so they can't persuade them any more.

Every time I meet a herb, I will wait patiently for a while, and Li Huan is very grateful for this.

Search all the way along the Yunlong River.

Soon some adamantine beasts were found hiding in caves by the river.

But after spending a lot of effort to kill.

No crystal nucleus was found, so I had no choice but to search along the river.

To a place where the river is a little wider.

Li Huan sensed movement between her and her, so she dispersed her consciousness.

Sure enough, there were gold beasts hidden in the river.

Just a lot of rotting wood around the branches.

It looks like a small continent, and people without spiritual consciousness will miss it.

Just as Li Huan was about to speak, Ye Xin said in surprise, "Look, there should be a cave here, lead them out first."

Just when Ye Xin was about to make a move, someone suddenly yelled: "Stop, what are you doing, we discovered this cave first!"

A group of four came over.

Three men and one woman seemed to be mercenaries.

"It's the Flying Eagle Squad. How did I meet them? I didn't hear that they also accepted this mission."

Wang Sulin said.

The Flying Eagle team is the enemy of their Domineering team.

The strength of the two teams is equal.

The captain of Flying Eagle Squad is also a Tier [-] warrior, the vice-captain is Tier [-], and the other two are Tier [-].

Mercenary missions pay well, but are more dangerous.

So most of those who choose to be mercenaries will form a team, or join an existing team.

The more missions the team completes.

The better the reputation and the higher the level, the greater the chance of receiving good missions from the Mercenary Association.

Yu Fei, the captain of the Flying Eagle Squad, came over: "We discovered this cave first, you can go to other places later!"

"There was no one here just now, Yu Fei, don't talk nonsense, everyone competes fairly!"

Kong Xin said unconvinced.

"What about fair competition, you don't have to eat a toast, you have to drink fine wine, I advise you to go away as soon as possible, don't delay us from hunting the fine gold beast!"

Yu Fei didn't care about Kong Xin's words, he raised his head and said arrogantly.

"Yu Fei, what do you mean, do you want to compete?"

Wang Batian came forward, stood in front of Kong Xin, and said.

Although this Yu Fei is at the same level as the Batian team.

But he has an older brother, Yu Tian, ​​who is in the ranks of first-class mercenaries.

So I didn't do this kind of forced buying and selling.

On weekdays, the Batian team has suffered a lot from him.

The two sides were at war with each other, and it seemed that they were about to fight.

But last night, everyone didn't have a good rest. Seeing that the Flying Eagle team was full of energy.

If there is a real fight, the Batian team will definitely suffer.

Li Huan stepped forward: "Brother Wang, let them leave this place. Let's go to another place."

"Hey, your new boy, looks pretty good, but he's not cultivated. Could it be that you're taking it with you to relieve fatigue on the road?"

Yu Fei said jokingly, looking at Li Huan with malicious eyes.

"What nonsense!"

Kong Xinyan was furious, a gust of wind gathered in the palm of his hand, and he attacked Yu Fei.

The two fought back and forth several times in an instant, but Kong Xin's strength was one step behind Yu Fei's.

So it quickly fell through.

Wang Batian stepped forward to help, taking over Feifei's attack.

After fighting for more than a dozen rounds, the two stopped fighting, and neither side could do anything to the other.

Fighting will only waste energy in vain, and it is not a wise move in a place like the World of Warcraft Forest.

Li Huan stepped forward and handed Wang Batian a bottle of potion for restoring vitality.

Wang Batian took it and drank it, and soon began to adjust his breath.

Li Huan walked out of the team and said to Yu Fei, "This place can be reserved for you, but the place in the middle of the river belongs to us."

"Why should I listen to you brat!"

Yu Fei said dissatisfied.

"Even if we don't allow it, you won't get any benefits.

Instead of arguing here, it is better for everyone to take a step back, which is better for everyone.

How about it, can you say a word, if not, let's fight.

However, it is not a wise move to fight for both sides in this monster forest! "

(End of this chapter)

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