Chapter 33 Promotion
"Qingfeng, where's your master?"

Li Huan asked several times.

Qingfeng just returned a disgusted expression, but still didn't speak.

Li Huan had no choice but to go back to the carriage and rest.

Li Huan returned to her own space, drank some spiritual spring water, and then continued to practice.


"Hongmeng Soul Eater Sutra" has been completed successfully.

Li Huan has been practicing for so long and has been lingering at the beginning of the entry.

But it was a blessing in disguise to be promoted this time.

Li Huan was overjoyed, but she didn't dare to slack off and quickly consolidated.

Afterwards, Li Huan practiced "Flame Jue" and "Li Huo Palm".

She found out that she was promoted again!
The fourth rank of warrior!
Didn't he just get promoted?
Li Huan was taken aback by his own cultivation speed.

However, no other discomfort was found, so he quickly consolidated his cultivation.

Soon, Li Huan came out of cultivation.

When she spread out her consciousness, the range of perception was doubled than before!
Even sensory sensitivity has improved a lot.

In the past, the perception of distant places was not very clear.

But now not only is it very clear, but even the movement can be heard, like a pair of downwind ears.

Li Huan was overjoyed, not knowing what would happen if he fought against people now.

In the past, the enemy's movements were slowed down, so Li Huan could leapfrog the low-level warriors to fight.

At this moment the carriage stopped.

Li Huan undid the curtain of the car, and saw Qingfeng standing beside the carriage with a serious face.

"I don't ask you about Yun Ling, but can you tell me where this is?"

Qingfeng still didn't want to pay attention to Lihuan.

But in the end he still said with a cold face: "Warcraft Forest!"


Li Huan was speechless for a while, saying this was tantamount to not saying it, didn't she know that this was the Forest of Demonic Beasts.

"Then can you tell me where we stop here?"

"Hmph! Of course I'm waiting for the prince."

After Qingfeng finished speaking, he turned his head and ignored Li Huan.

Forget it, Li Huan returned to the carriage and changed into the clothes Yun Ling left on the carriage.

I combed a man's hair bun, got out of the carriage, and exercised my muscles and bones.

The previous injury, due to the promotion of cultivation base, has healed more than half.

Li Huan felt puzzled, it didn't make sense.

Such a serious injury unexpectedly healed so quickly, and his cultivation base was even promoted.

After Li Huan packed up, she got out of the carriage.

Seeing that she was wearing Yunling's clothes, Qingfeng couldn't help shouting: "You! Who told you to wear it! Take it off!"

"My clothes are covered in blood. They are really dirty. Don't worry, I will wash them and return them when I go back."

Li Huan explained.

"Who wants you to return it? Do you know that the prince hates others touching his things the most, you woman without self-knowledge!"

Qingfeng said angrily.

"It's not that I haven't worn it, what about a piece of clothing!"

Li Huan was a little angry, she didn't understand why Qingfeng was always targeting herself.

"You! Do you know that the prince suddenly left the team to save you and delayed the trip, which made everyone dissatisfied. Now, in order to save you, he took out all the things he got from this trip and exchanged it with Yaowanggu for the seven-color cloud fruit. Who do you think you are, and you don't care about the prince's kindness several times, why do you say you are!"

Qingfeng looked at Lihuan like an angry cub.

Seven-color floating cloud fruit!
The legendary seventh-grade elixir!

No wonder the wound on his body healed so quickly.

No wonder he was promoted after suffering such a serious injury.

Li Huan didn't know what to do for a while.

She asked herself that she really had nothing to repay Yunling at present, and Li Huan felt a little flustered.

Yunling, why are you doing this?
a long time.

"Where are you going to the World of Warcraft Forest this time?"

Li Huan calmed down and asked.

Qingfeng probably vented his anger.

At this time, there is not as much resentment towards Li Huan as before.

He told Li Huan that someone accidentally discovered a cave this time.

Some people suspect that it is the place where old man Yuanyang lived before his death.

Old man Yuanyang is said to be the first rank nine pharmacist on this continent.

Therefore, several major forces in the area of ​​this monster forest sent people to investigate.

Yun Ling and the others were going to break the formation at this time.

According to what Qingfeng said, this time Yun Ling was in exchange for Wanggu's seven-color cloud fruit.

He promised to hand over all his income this time to Yaowanggu.

Yi Yunling's strength is comparable to that of the older generation.

If you really don't want all of them, the loss will be great.

Besides, the cave where old man Yuanyang lived might have extremely rare elixir or elixir.

Li Huan knew that Yun Ling also had an old illness.

Just when Li Huan was feeling guilty, Yun ordered them to come back.

But at this moment, there was a woman standing beside Yun Ling.

The woman smiled, as if she was talking to Yun Ling.

When the team got closer, Li Huan finally saw the woman's appearance clearly.

The willow leaves have curved eyebrows, bright eyes and white teeth, the skin is as thick as fat, and the muscles and bones are glamorous and moving.

The whole body has a cool temperament.

Dressed in white, she is like a fairy descending to earth, overwhelming the country and the city.

At this moment, Yun Ling beside her was wearing an ink robe with golden dragons and silver clouds embroidered on it, which was lifelike and extremely luxurious.

The ebony-like blue silk is tied high with a jade crown, which is unparalleled in beauty.

The two walked side by side.

One black and one white, the man is handsome and the woman is beautiful, just like a pair made in heaven.

Li Huan's face was indifferent, but for some reason, she felt a little unhappy in her heart, faintly sour.

It's not that you want me to promise you with your body, it's not that you only promise me one, it's not that...

Sure enough, I was too naive.

It's not enough to experience a betrayal, Li Huan, Li Huan, don't be stupid.

Li Huan wanted to turn around and leave, after all, he would be able to get out of this monster forest.

I have a strong spiritual sense, so I just need to avoid the dangerous area.

Just when Li Huan was about to leave, his hand was suddenly grabbed by someone.

"Are you awake? But what's wrong?"

A warm voice sounded behind Li Huan.

Li Huan turned around.

Seeing Yunling's unbelievably beautiful eyes, he was full of surprise and worry.

Li Huan secretly warned herself not to be fooled by appearances.

Men are big hooves.

Seeing that Li Huan didn't speak, Yun Ling thought she hadn't recovered yet.

He picked up Li Huan and prepared to carry her back to the carriage.

"let me go!"

Li Huan said angrily.

"Don't make trouble, good boy!"

Yun Ling's petting voice sounded again.

"Brother! Who is this?"

Nalanyan hurried forward, the surprise on her face was too late to hide.

"You don't have to know."

There was a trace of chapping on Nalan Yan's face, which was as beautiful as a fairy.

But he quickly recovered and smiled at Li Huan, "I'm Nalan Yan, Yun Ling's junior sister. I don't know what to call this little brother?"

Polite tone, lowered posture.

No one can hear anything wrong.

But Li Huan's perception told her that Na Lanyan was hostile to her.

Li Huan didn't answer, just lowered his head slightly.

She moved her face sideways to Yun Ling's chest, taking the opportunity to rub back and forth, her movements were intimate, like lovers.

(End of this chapter)

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