Chapter 402 Killing the Spirit Emperor
When Li Huan chased him to the cold sky, he was in a rocky place.

The moment Li Huan saw Ning Ningtian, he shot directly.

"One Leaf Knows Autumn!"

Li Huan's Four Seasons swordsmanship directly slashed at the man sitting on the rock!
The toxin in the condensation day has not been completely removed, and it is almost there.

Facing Li Huan's attack, Ning Tian had to interrupt the detoxification process.

Ning Ningtian: "Overestimate one's abilities!"

The moment Li Huan attacked, Ning Ningtian disappeared!
Li Huan was startled and quickly backed away!

Soon she found a pool of blood on the ground, swimming towards her quickly.

Li Huan backed away quickly.

When the blood is at your feet, quickly climb up a tree.

The blood shadow is also chasing after him.

"Blood demon turns into shadow!"

Li Huan only saw the pool of blood, hiding in the ground.

Li Huan didn't dare to stand up, so she quickly dodged.

Change different orientations.

But after the blood shadow disappeared, it didn't appear again.

Li Huan did not dare to act rashly.

Suddenly, something trapped under his feet!
"Silver Frost Attack!"

A dagger attacked towards Li Huan's feet.

The suction force under his feet disappeared, but a blood shadow suddenly appeared in front of him.

Condensed sky is inside that blood shadow!
"Blood shadow turns into gas!"

The blood shadow in front of Li Huan's eyes disintegrated instantly, and a cloud of blood appeared.

Li Huan was trapped in the blood mist.

I can't breathe!

This blood mist can block the air!
After Li Huan was trapped by the blood mist, his neck was suddenly strangled by a force.

This blood mist is invisible.

There is no way to break it at once.

The blood mist not only trapped Li Huan, but also kept drilling into Li Huan's skin.

Want to enter Li Huan's body.

A bloody mist instantly appeared on Li Huan's skin.

That blood mist is corrosive!
"King Kong bodyguard!"

Li Huan quickly covered himself with the Vajra Bodyguard.

After the Vajra Bodyguard Art enveloped itself, the blood mist on the skin was hard to penetrate.

Li Huan secretly operated the flame art.


"Protect yourself from the fire!"

Flames suddenly appeared all over Li Huan's body.


The flame instantly ignited the blood mist.

This is the advanced version of Li Huo Palm that Li Huan comprehended after he was promoted.

The blood mist dissipated.

Ning Tian's figure appeared.

Li Huan stepped forward again.

"The second style of the Four Seasons Sword Art, the second move - burn all the wastes!"

The flames from Lihuo's Palm instantly enhanced his sword skills.

Li Huan stabbed out with a sword, and the surrounding temperature became hot.

The condensed sky figure dissipated again.

Li Huan quickly turned around with his sword in hand, and stabbed towards his right back.

That blood shadow just appeared there!

Ning Tian didn't expect Li Huan to be so fast!
Guess where he appeared!
It's a pity that Li Huan's sword only scratched Ning Ningtian, and he dodged it!

Ning Ningtian: "I underestimated you!"

"Blood Moon Gun!!"


One shot and one sword, quickly engaged in the air.

Two figures, one red and one white, kept changing positions in the air!
After all, Li Huan and Ning Ningtian were on a different level.

Therefore, the most beneficial way is to make a quick decision!

Li Huan's four seasons sword dance to the extreme!
Moves are as fast as lightning.

Nothing sloppy at all!

Condensed day is short of breath!
But there is nothing I can do!
His poison has begun to attack again!

The toxin hadn't been cleaned up before, but now, with the use of magic energy, the toxin that had been suppressed exploded again!

Li Huan suddenly felt an opportunity!

She chased him so quickly, regardless of the cost, just because of this poison!
She is confident that Ningtian can't cure her poison so quickly!

Therefore, Li Huan tried his best, even if he couldn't win Ning Tian for a while, he would have to drag him until he became poisoned!
Now is the best time!

"Parasitic seeds!"

Li Huan took the opportunity to plant the parasitic seeds on Ning Ningtian's body.

Ning Tian didn't check for a while, and was suddenly trapped by vines drawn out by parasitic seeds.

It's now!

"The falling wood is rustling!"

Countless sword qi turned into wind blades!
It is pervasive, wrapping towards the condensed sky from all directions.

"Blood shadow turns into gas!"

Condensed sky watched the sword qi attacking all over the sky, and wanted to turn into blood mist and escape.

But Li Huan was faster than him!
"Divine Phoenix!!!"

The speed of the Divine Phoenix Sword in Li Huan's hand soared to the extreme, and it stabbed Ning Tian's chest in an instant!

Through and through!
Ning Tian watched her heart being stabbed by Li Huan's sword!

His eyes widened in horror, as if it was unbelievable that he just died like this!
Condensed day: "You!"


Condensed day spit out a big mouthful of blood.

"Hehe, hahaha! I'll stop you even if I die! Yuanshen blew himself up!"

Li Huan looked at the bloody man in front of him in surprise!
It's too late to escape first!


There was an earth-shattering bang, and the primordial spirit, which had condensed the realm of the Heavenly Emperor, blew itself up!

Cultivators in the realm of the Spirit Emperor have divine consciousness!

Divine consciousness can be turned into a primordial spirit, and the primordial spirit blew itself up!

It is equivalent to the power of ten great spiritual masters' dantians superimposed to self-destruct!

The explosion affected a wide range, and all of them within a radius of more than ten miles were reduced to ashes!

What a big pothole!

The blasting blood mist soaring into the sky scattered and drifted away.

That blood is demon blood!


The blood mist filled the air and fell quickly.

The vegetation in this forest area withered instantly when it was touched by the blood mist.

In just a few breaths of time, everything within a radius of a hundred miles was turned into barrenness.

It's going to be hard to come back to life in a while!
Li Huan had completely passed out.

The soul-suppressing pearl, after all the dust settled, once again hid between Li Huan's eyebrows.

Disappeared, as if it had never been there.

At the moment of the explosion, it was too late for Li Huan to run.

At the critical moment when the explosion hit Li Huan, the soul-suppressing pearl suddenly appeared in front of Li Huan, and the red light it emitted enveloped Li Huan.

Therefore, Li Huan was just stunned by the shock wave.

The distant city was visibly shaken by the shock.

City Lord's Mansion: "Send someone to see what's going on!"

So a group of people rushed towards this side quickly.

Li Huan was simply covered by the dust from the explosion and covered with withered leaves. No one knew that there was a person buried under the dead tree not far from the pothole.

When Li Huan woke up, he found himself buried in the soil.

Quickly lift off the soil on your body.

"Cough cough!"

Li Huan coughed a few times.

"I didn't expect that he was still alive!"

Li Huan was overjoyed, he thought he was going to die!

A person in the realm of Linghuang blew himself up, and he was still a demon cultivator!
Li Huan thought he would not survive, but now his hands and feet are still there!
If one survives, there will be future fortunes!
"There is someone here!"

Li Huan heard someone shouting, as if he had been discovered!

Li Huan stood up and saw a team appearing in front of his eyes.

The leader said: "Who are you!"

Li Huan: "Who are you?"

"Bold! How dare you talk back! Court death!"

Before Li Huan had time to see who was talking, someone from behind the group suddenly hit Li Huan with a whip!

(End of this chapter)

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