Chapter 420 shudder
It must be mercenary, for his own life, selling a daughter is only good for him, there is no harm!
At this moment, Li Ge had a runny nose and tears, so pitiful.

He had never been so miserable when he begged Huaying before.

Sure enough, it is a fighter in the drama!

Li Ge looked sad and indignant, as if he wanted to say something, but stopped talking.

Rhyme: "Say!"

Li Ge seemed to be frightened by Yin Yun's scolding.

Li Ge: "Young master! It's the eldest lady, she took Huan'er away! I followed her just to find Huan'er!"

When Hua Ying heard this, it was fine for the old man to follow her, but he even slandered her!

Although what he said was the truth, how could Hua Ying admit it!
Hua Ying: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Li Ge actually didn't know if Li Huan was with Hua Ying, but now in order to save his own life, even if it wasn't, he would blame Hua Ying for this matter.

Huaying's life is naturally more important than her own.

Li Ge: "Young master, the little one is not lying! Huan'er is with the eldest lady!"

Yin Yun glanced at Hua Ying, then at Li Ge who was kneeling on the ground.

Rhyme: "Where's the evidence?"

Seeing that Yin Yun still believes in herself, Hua Ying's heart is still warm.

But this old man!
After a while, he must die in an ugly way!
Li Ge: "Young master, Huan'er is still in the sect and hasn't left!

She told me before that the young master is unparalleled in beauty and boundless charm. She has figured out that she wants to stay with the young master, so she won't run away! "

"is it?"

Yin Yun doesn't seem to believe Li Ge's words.

Li Ge is also breaking out in cold sweat now, there is no evidence for him to blame Hua Ying.

Li Ge: "Yes, yes, the young master is the most beautiful person in the world. Huan'er said that she just didn't understand it for a while."

In order to save his own life, Li Ge tried his best to fart Yin Yun.

Li Ge took a peek at Yin Yun's face. Although he had no expression, he could feel that Yin Yun's aura was not as scary as before!

It was full of information when I left Gordon.

Li Ge: "Young Master, it's Missy, she secretly hid Huan'er. Think about it, the Hehuan Sect's formation was set up by the Suzerain himself! How could Huan'er get out, but if she didn't, Why is there no figure, so it must be hidden by someone!"

The more Li Ge said, the more he felt right, so he simply stood up!
Li Ge pointed at Hua Ying: "It's the eldest lady! Who in the Hehuan Sect doesn't know that the eldest lady wants to be the wife of the young master, and now she sees that Huan'er dares to rob her of the young master, so she holds a grudge and hides Huaner! "

Hua Ying looked at Li Ge with poisoned eyes: "You want to die, don't you! Then you will be fulfilled!"

As soon as Li Ge finished speaking, Hua Ying made a move immediately!
Li Ge was shocked: "Young master, save me!"

"Save you? Slander me and see who dares to save you!"

Hua Ying said viciously, she was going to capture Li Ge's head!

Just when Hua Ying was about to catch Li Ge, Yin Yun made a move.

No one could see clearly how Yin Yun did it.

But Hua Ying was stopped, and she took several steps back in order to stabilize her figure.

Hua Ying looked at Yin Yun in disbelief: "Why? Do you believe him?"

Huaying's voice was full of anger and disbelief!

How could Yin Yun doubt herself because of an old man!
She is going to kill this person!

Rhyme is not for Li Ge!
He is for Li Huan!

No matter how you say this man is also Li Huan's father, Yin Yun will naturally not let him die in front of her eyes.

Yin Yun: "This person must be kept!"

Huaying: "Why! It's because of that vixen!"

When Hua Ying asked this, the anger in her heart became even worse!

Yin Yun: "Did you catch the person?"

Huaying: "You doubt me?"

Yin Yun looked at Hua Ying, but didn't speak!
Li Ge naturally knew that his enmity with Hua Ying had already been forged, so he must not let this opportunity pass by.

Li Ge: "Young master, my subordinates followed the eldest lady and found that she went to the last room in the left backyard!
She lives in the right courtyard, why come here when everyone is away!It must have been hidden! "

Hua Ying looked at Li Ge, this person actually knew!

But now, never admit it!

Hua Ying: "Hmph! Want to frame me? Who ordered you!"

Li Ge: "Young master, I didn't! I saw it with my own eyes! Missy has been there several times!"

Li Ge has already hid beside Yin Yun, he is afraid that Hua Ying will come forward again and kill him!
Rhyme: "Why did you go there!"

Hua Ying's heart skipped a beat, others didn't know, how could Yin Yun not know where it was.

Hua Ying: "I'm just curious, nothing!"

Yinyun walked directly past Huaying towards the last courtyard.

Li Ge immediately followed him, and he was also attentive to the way of the sound.

Seeing Yin Yun's expression, Li Ge felt that he had guessed it right!

Yin Yun walked into the yard and immediately opened the organ.

Huaying naturally followed up: "You can't go in!"

Rhyme: "Is it you!"

Hua Ying: "No! She's not inside anymore!"

Hua Ying clenched her mouth tightly and did not let go.

Yin Yun: "Everyone was in the front yard before, why did you leave suddenly?"

Hua Ying: "It's convenient for me to go! Is it okay for me to be convenient!"

Rhyme: "You better hope she's okay!"

After hearing Yin Yun's words, Hua Ying was suddenly startled, she obviously didn't show any flaws!
Why is Yin Yun so sure that Hu Meizi is inside!

Hua Ying: "Why!"

Rhyme: "Huh!"

Yin Yun shook Huaying's hand and walked directly into the corridor.

Yin Yun: "Anyone who dares to come in will be killed without mercy!"

Hua Ying watched Yin Yun go in without hesitation, full of unwillingness!
When Li Ge heard Yin Yun's words, he knew that he could no longer follow him, thinking that there is really a passage behind here!

Li Huan might really be inside, he guessed it right before!
The most important thing now is that before Li Huan comes out, she must find a place to hide, so as not to be torn apart by Hua Ying with her bare hands!

When Hua Ying woke up from her anger, there was no sign of Li Ge!


Huaying wanted to close the door of the secret passage, but she was worried that Yin Yun would not be able to come out!
Hua Ying: "Take care of this place, let a mosquito fly in, and I'll kill your heads!"

At this time, the people who followed discovered that there was a secret passage in the last and most inconspicuous courtyard.

No one knew before!

Someone couldn't help being curious and wanted to inquire.

In the end, Huaying just sneered: "Except for the young master, anyone who goes in has a dead end! Just be curious!"

After hearing what Hua Ying said, those people didn't dare to say more.

Look at Huaying's expression again, she is completely worthy of her previous beauty.

The expression on his face was hideous and terrifying.

Hua Ying: It's been so long since I've been in here, I'm already dead!

Or, let you see the corpse with your own eyes.

If you die, you will come back to me!

"Hahaha, hahaha..."

Huaying smiled and went out.

It was the first time that members of the Hehuan Sect heard Huaying's laughter, and they all shuddered and shivered.

Missy has changed!
(End of this chapter)

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