Chapter 422 Tinder
This is the only accurate news about relatives that Li Huan has obtained so far!
It is the memory fragment obtained when subduing the soul-devouring beast.

Therefore, these nine ghost bones must be taken down!

Li Huan's willpower is amazing, the previous sting has been changed to devour!
Li Huan could clearly feel that these nine ghost bones were devouring his spiritual power and his Soul Eater Art!

Li Huan had to increase the input of Shiyuan Qi.

Unexpectedly, these nine ghosts were not satisfied at all, and kept devouring Li Huan's Shiyuan Qi.

Li Huan's Soul Devouring Art uses Shiyuan Qi to operate.

Unexpectedly, the bones and fires of these nine ghosts became even more excited after devouring the Qi of Shiyuan.

Li Huan felt that it no longer attacked him, but pounced on the Shiyuan Qi on him!

Siyuan Qi, Li Huan has another whole space!
Li Huan discovered its intention, and simply opened up the Qi of Shiyuan to let these nine ghosts devour him!
As a result, the Shiyuan Qi in the Lihuan Space was continuously swallowed by the Nine Phantom Will-o'-the-wisps.

I don't know how long it took, Li Huan suddenly found a wave of excitement coming from Jiuyou Lingguhuo.

Li Huan: What's going on?

Soul Eater: You!How could anyone have such good luck?It doesn't make sense!

Li Huan: Make it clear!

Soul-devouring Beast: The Nine Phantom Bone Fires existed unconsciously before.

But after devouring a large amount of Shiyuan Qi, consciousness began to emerge!

So, grab it now!
It will follow you wholeheartedly!

You say, is it unreasonable!
Li Huan: Why is it unreasonable!This is not a good thing!Oh!I know, you are jealous of me!

Soul Eater: No!
Li Huan: You are!

Li Huan released a signal of goodwill, and slowly communicated with that nascent consciousness.

The Soul-devouring Beast is so jealous that its plasmodium has separated!
At this moment, Li Huan was like a big bad wolf in sheep's clothing, abducting newborn babies!

Soon the Nine Phantoms slowly allowed Li Huan to approach!

Li Huan took the opportunity to open up the space.

Li Huan: Here it is!You can have as many as you want!

Nine Phantom Bone Fire was a bit hesitant at first, but after feeling the strong Shiyuan Qi in the Lihuan Space, he immediately came out!
Then directly entered Li Huan's space!

Li Huan followed in an instant!
Li Huan: How is it here?Better than that place before!
Nine Phantom Bonefire floated up and down to agree.

Li Huan: After you make a contract with me, I will live here for you!You can stay as long as you want!

After Li Huan finished speaking, Nine Phantoms hesitated!
Seeing that it hesitated for a long time, Li Huan simply picked it up with mental strength and threw it out of the space.

Nine Phantom Bone Fire was stunned in an instant!

It was thrown away!
Still a teenage doll!
It doesn't get in touch with many people, but it remembers that people in the past treated it respectfully!
How dare someone throw it now!
At the moment when Nine Phantoms were about to go into a rage, Li Huan released the Qi of Siyuan again!

Nine Phantom Bone Fire stopped instantly!
This breath!Delicious!
Li Huan: If you want to go in, you can only make a contract with me, that is my private domain, people who are not mine, I won't let you in!Give you some time to think about it, I will do it dozens of times, if you disagree, I will leave!

After Li Huan finished speaking, he started counting!

Li Huan was also worried!
The Soul-devouring Beast was speechless, this girl was already dying of anxiety!
Such a good opportunity was actually killed by myself!
Simply speechless!
Li Huan wants to count one!

But if the Nine Phantom Bone Fire disagrees, then there is no way out for him!

If he took it away by force, Li Huan wouldn't want to go through the torture like before!

Besides, Li Huan knew it!
I can't beat it myself!

This is really a sad truth that can no longer be sad!

But what I said before has already been said!

I can only bite the bullet!
Li Huan: "It's the end! Have you thought it through yet?"

Nine Phantom Bone Fire did not speak.

Li Huan: "Alas! Alright! We are destined to never end! One!"

Let's go after counting the joys!
Jiu Youling's bone fire suddenly became anxious, and stepped forward to stop Li Huan.

Li Huan was dissatisfied on the surface, but his heart was already too excited!

Li Huan: "What's the matter? Is it because you don't want to?"

Nine Phantom Bone Fire still seemed to be hesitant.

It pointed behind Li Huan.

Li Huan turned his head, he didn't have time to observe the inside of the cave before.

Where the Nine Phantom Bone Fire points, there is actually a row of spiritual positions!
Li Huan didn't find out before.

When Li Huan approached those rankings, he found that they were all previous suzerains of the Hehuan Sect.

Li Huan: "Who are these people?"

Nine Ghost Bone Fires floated in those ranks.

Li Huan: ...

Can't understand!
Li Huan immediately took out the little milk cat.

The little milk cat yelled at Li Huan after hearing what Jiuyou Ling Guhuo said.

Li Huan: ...eating so many psychic pills!Now I don't even know how to 'oooh'!Am I raising a pig?Eating and sleeping every day!
But the little milk cat is worthy of being a little milk cat, it can understand anything!
After being translated by the little milk cat, Li Huan finally understood!

Nine Phantom Bone Fire promised the ancestors of Hehuanzong to help their descendants practice here.

As for why, it doesn't remember!
So, Li Huan wanted to take it away, but it hesitated!
It felt that was an important commitment.

But I can't remember what promise!
After listening to Li Huan, I don't know what to say!
There is a treasure mountain in the sky, but I have to return empty-handed!

Soul-devouring Beast: You can ask him to keep his fire seed here. With the fire seed here, a new Nine Phantom Bone Fire will be bred here in the future, so it will not be considered a breach of promise.

Li Huan: Then why don't we use tinder?
Soul Devourer: You are stupid!The evolution of a Shenhuo can be as fast as hundreds of years!Slow tens of thousands of years!
Li Huan: God!Then I'd better do it now!

Soul Devourer: A child can be taught!

Li Huan: "I will exchange with you the Qi of Shiyuan, you go with me, and then leave a ray of fire to stay here, isn't that all right?"

Jiuyouling Guhuo obviously did not expect that Li Huan would propose such a method.

It seems... as if... yes!
Jiuyou Linghuo thought for a while, and finally agreed!
But to separate the kindling, a lot of spirit energy is needed to help!

Fortunately, Li Huan's Shiyuan Qi is spiritual Qi!
Therefore, Li Huan took the Nine Phantom Bone Fire into his own space.

The Nine Phantom Bone Fire kept absorbing the Qi of Shiyuan in the space of Lihuan.

Li Huan felt that the source of air in the space had become much thinner!

Li Huan: I really feel bad!
Soul-devouring beast: I will raise it again in the future, but if I miss these nine ghost bones, there will be no more!

Li Huan: Yes!
Finally, after ten days, Nine Phantom Bone Fire successfully separated the fire seed!

In Li Huan's space, there is no trace of Shiyuan Qi at this moment!
It was sucked dry!

(End of this chapter)

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