Chapter 44 Tinder
But people who consume too much and have insufficient cultivation cannot last for too long.

The third is ground fire.

Large alchemy sects usually choose a location near a volcano, and use underground magma to refine elixirs.

The heat is sufficient, and the alchemist does not need to waste his own energy.

The disadvantage is that it is not convenient to carry and can only be refined in a fixed place.

The fourth type is the sky fire, except for the fire of the sky thunder.

There are also some high-level monsters, monsters, born with flames.

If the alchemist wanted to obtain such flames, he had to spend a huge price to hunt them down to obtain fire seeds.

The last one is the legendary fire.

Formed by condensing the spirit of heaven and earth, it is said that the highest level of strange fire already existed in the chaotic period, and it is extremely mysterious.

However, there are not many mentions in the old man Yuanyang's books, so these kind of flames should be very rare and extremely precious.

What Li Huan chose was the most basic pill, Liuyang Liyao Pill.

As the name suggests, it can instantly increase the strength of warriors in battle.

Li Huan first picked all the medicinal materials according to the types of Yipin Danfang, and washed them with Lingquan water.

The explosive power is instantly powerful, allowing people to temporarily exert strength beyond their own level.

If it is in a duel, or when a mercenary takes this pill while performing a mission.

It's just God's help!

Leapfrog fighting, except for super geniuses.

But this kind of elixir can allow ordinary warriors to leapfrog fighting.

Exciting to think about!
As far as Gu Lihuan knew, this elixir did not seem to be for sale at present.

Perhaps this old man Yuanyang is too long away from the present era.

Some Dan recipes have been lost in the long river of history.

Of course, this is Li Huan's guess.

Li Huan knew that this continent was huge, and there was a wider world on the other side of the World of Warcraft Forest.

Perhaps there will be such a elixir elsewhere.

But Li Huan had never seen Li Huan in Yunlong Country.

Li Huan followed the steps of refining medicine, first extracting the essence of all the medicinal materials.

Then release the Qi of origin.

Use the spiritual consciousness to control the Qi of origin to slowly wrap the essence of the medicinal liquid.

The qi of origin is attached to the essence of the liquid medicine, and Li Huan can clearly feel the activity of the essence of the liquid medicine.

Every drop is full of energy!

The essence of each medicinal liquid is different, and the strength of energy is the same as the properties and grades of medicinal herbs.

It's amazing!

This was an experience she had never experienced before refining medicine.

Soon Li Huan discovered that there were some impurities in the essence of some medicinal liquids.

This was something she hadn't noticed when refining the potion before.

Li Huan carefully controlled the temperature of the flame.

Slowly condense the essence of the medicinal liquid in the Qi of Origin, and slowly remove the impurities in each drop of medicinal liquid essence.

After all the impurities are removed, the original essence of the medicinal liquid becomes more pure, and the energy fluctuation becomes stronger.

Li Huan then combined the essence of the medicinal liquid according to different attributes.

Slowly suppress it with Shiyuan Qi.

This process is extremely slow.

Li Huan carefully controlled it with his spiritual sense, not daring to be distracted in the slightest!

Li Huan opened the Qinglong medicine cauldron, and a round pill was lying on the cloud platform in the middle of the medicine cauldron.

Li Huan couldn't wait to take out the elixir, which was the first elixir she had refined.

The symbol of a first-grade pharmacist!
A 15-year-old pharmacist!
With the first experience, Li Huan strikes while the iron is hot and starts a new round of pill refining.

Three were refined for the second time, and ten were refined for the third time!
Fourteen pills were refined in just a few hours!

Genius can no longer be used to describe Li Huan!
It's simply a genius, a genius, a genius every day!
Li Huan didn't come out of the space to rest until she was really tired, it really was a exhausting job.

What Li Huan didn't know was.

An ordinary first-grade pharmacist refines a elixir, from selection to purification to refining.

You need at least two years of study before you can formally attempt to refine medicine.

And there are very few who successfully refine it for the first time.

The precious medicine is not without reason.

If Li Huan's alchemist talent spreads out, it will cause a sensation in the entire continent!
But the person concerned didn't know about it, and was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.

When Li Huan woke up, he found that it was already dark.

She packed all the elixirs she refined today into medicine bottles and carried them in her bosom.

Putting on a black oversized robe, he climbed over the wall and left the General's Mansion.

Li Huan came to Linlang Pavilion this time, which is the largest auction place in the imperial capital.

It was the first time for Li Huan to come here, and she wanted to take out the elixir in her hand and sell it. Naturally, she couldn't go to the Medicine Pavilion, as it was easy to be exposed.

Best bet is to get this one up for auction.

The auction house has its own rules and does not probe the seller's information.

Anything, as long as it is valuable enough, can be brought here for auction.

Li Huan came to the gate of Linlang Pavilion. It was just before the auction, and there was still a lot of people, all of whom were warriors.

Ordinary civilians dare not go out at night.

Li Huan was about to go in, but was stopped at the door.

"Go away! This is not for you to enter."

Seeing that Li Huan's cultivation had not fluctuated at all, the warrior guarding the gate was not polite to her.

"I'm here to sell things, it's convenient!"

"What cats and dogs dare to come to Linlang Pavilion, get out of here!"

"I'm really here to sell things, not to make trouble!"

"You brat, can't you hear me telling you to go away?"

Seeing that Li Huan wouldn't leave, the martial artist who guarded the gate viciously attacked Li Huan.


A figure flew out, but it was the warrior just now.

A second-tier martial artist is not enough for Li Huan now.

"Boy, you came here to find fault on purpose! Come on!"

Soon a group of people besieged Li Huan.

But the gatekeepers are only Tier [-] warriors, and the highest commander is only Tier [-], so how could they beat Li Huan.

Soon a group of people lay on the ground and howled.

Li Huan looked at these people coldly without saying a word.

She was wearing a black suit today, and she also wore a hat on her head.

Cover it with a black gauze so that people can't see clearly.

Soon, more warriors emerged from Linlang Pavilion, but to no avail!

All are not Li Huan's opponents.

A group of people lying on the ground looked at the man in black in surprise.

Not right!

Obviously no cultivation base!

At this time, a strong man came out, a fifth-level martial artist, and he looked at Li Huan with an unkind expression.

"Boy, if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you just want to break through. If you dare to make trouble in my Linlang Pavilion, you will come and go today!"

"As I said, I'm just here to sell things."

Li Huan explained again, but the man refused to listen.

The two quickly fought together.

More and more people are watching.

The auction hasn't started yet, so don't rush in. If there's excitement, you have to watch it.

For the people who eat melons, don't look at it for nothing!

(End of this chapter)

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