Chapter 450 The Psychedelic Forest
After invigilator Zhang finished his work, he told Li Huan.

The Medicine Pavilion has already contacted her.

Take the token of the Medicine Pavilion and set off in three days.

They can't go to see off Lihuan anymore, because the pharmacist association won the medicine pavilion because of the invigilator Zhang.

All of a sudden it got busier.

The order for the elixir has been queued for two years!

They're going to be busy!
Proctor Zhang gave Li Huan a lot of things, saying that Li Huan deserved it.

Li Huan didn't want it at first, but when he opened it, he found that it was all Lingshi!
Proctor Zhang: "I asked Yao Qingfeng, and he said that you just like spirit stones, so you have installed so many! It's okay!"

Li Huan: "Senior brother still understands me!"

Li Huan took the Lingshi and said goodbye to Yao Qingfeng.

Yao Qingfeng: "Junior sister, do you have to go?"

Li Huan: "Yes."

Yao Qingfeng: "Then Zuo Luo seems to be a vengeful."

Li Huan: "But if I don't go, I won't be able to find my family!"

Yao Qingfeng also knew a little bit before.

But he didn't know the specific situation.

All he knew was that the person Li Huan was looking for might be in Wuji Palace.

Yao Qingfeng: "Then you should pay attention to your own safety. If there is anything wrong, just tell your brother."

Li Huan: "Okay! By the way, this is for you!"

Li Huan took out a notebook he had organized and handed it to Yao Qingfeng.

Yao Qingfeng You wrote this?

Li Huan nodded.

Yao Qingfeng: "I will watch!"

What Yao Qingfeng didn't know was that it was Li Huan's little book.

In the future, he will become the most famous ninth-grade pharmacist in Tianyuan Continent!

Yao Qingfeng took a few rare elixir from the warehouse of the Pharmacist Association, and handed it to Li Huan, saying that he would keep it on his body for later use.

Yao Qingfeng knew that Li Huan had space bags, so he packed several bags with the rest of the elixir.

Li Huan: "Moving?"

Yao Qingfeng: "Junior Sister! The Medicine Pavilion is not the Pharmacist Association, they are poor! There are no such good resources as ours, you take them with you and use them slowly, if there is not enough to write a letter back, I will get someone to bring them to you!"

Li Huan: "Well, it's better to be a senior brother!"

Yao Qingfeng: "As long as you know! Be careful!"

Li Huan bid farewell to Yao Qingfeng and returned to her yard, where she practiced in space for two days.

Woke up early on the third day.

Li Huan said goodbye to Yu Xiaoling and the others.

But Yu Xiaoling didn't say anything to Yuan Jiangxue.

After all, there are not a few people who go to the Medicine Pavilion every year.

Besides, the Pharmacist Association has close contacts with the Medicine Pavilion, so it is not impossible to meet each other.

Seeing Yu Xiaoling's innocent appearance, Li Huan was deeply moved.

They didn't even know that the Medicine Pavilion wanted to annex the Pharmacist Association.

The third grade is a low-level alchemist.

There are many things that have no chance to come into contact with.

After Li Huan said goodbye to them, he set off.

Although Wuji Palace is near Wuji City.

But to really go from Wuji City to Wuji Palace, it may take ten days!
This is still fast!

Because, outside the Promise Palace, there is a desolate natural barrier!

It is said that it is a psychedelic forest set up by the old man Wuji to train the people in the Wuji Palace.

If you want to enter the Wuji Palace, this is the first test.

Must pass through the Psychedelic Forest.

Because of the previous competition, Li Huan and the others had offended the alchemist of the Promise Palace.

So this time, she can only go to the Wuji Palace alone.

There was no one to lead the way, so Yao Qingfeng found a map for her before leaving.

Li Huan memorized the map before starting to set off.

Just after leaving Wuji City, Li Huan felt that he was being watched!
I don't know which way people are from.


Not quite.

Bingyu still has some influence in the Valley of the Medicine King, but this Wuji City is not the Valley of the Medicine King.

Li Huan used the Cloud Breaking Step, trying to quickly throw off the people following him.

But the man was still in hot pursuit.

It seems that the cultivation base is not low!
Li Huan suddenly noticed that this breath was somewhat familiar.

It's him!

It seems to be Qianqinyun's person!
Li Huan had fought Kun Luo before in the Realm of Fantasy Beasts, and Li Huan knew Qianqin Rhyme.

But Qian Qinyun didn't know that the person in the Realm of Fantasy Beasts was Li Huan.

Li Huan ran through a forest, and then found a place to hide.

When Kun Luo caught up, he found that Li Huan was gone.

Suddenly, a powerful sword energy appeared above his head!

Li Huan's Four Seasons swordsmanship came directly from top to bottom.

Kun Luo hurriedly avoided.

Kun Luo saw Li Huan's face: "It's you! That boy from the Realm of Fantasy Beasts!

I didn't expect that the lady was looking for you!
Just grab it back! "

Kun Luo remembered that last time Li Huan was chased by him and ran all over Phantom Beast.

But in the end he ran away!

This time he will never be fooled again!
Li Huan: "Catch me? Really? Then just try it out!"

Kun Luo's impression of Li Huan still stays in the time of Phantom Beast.

So when he saw that Li Huan not only didn't run, but also took the initiative to attack, he was instantly excited!
This is what you asked for!

grab it!
Kun Luo used a meteor hammer.

The Meteor Hammer is a powerful weapon, extremely heavy, and it dances vigorously.

Extremely domineering!

Li Huan could even see clearly the sparks flying around the meteor hammer.

Kun Luo was originally a sturdy man, with the blessing of the meteor hammer.

Strength is maximized.

Li Huan's Divine Phoenix Sword trembled as it was hit.

Fortunately, Li Huan's realm has been raised!

Otherwise, it would be really difficult to deal with this purely powerful spirit emperor.

"King Kong bodyguard!"

"The earth rejuvenates!"

Kun Luo's hammering technique is exquisite and powerful.

After fighting for a few rounds, Li Huan felt a little strenuous, so he began to change the fighting method.

With skillful breaking force, four or two moves a thousand jins.

Resist with kneading strength, use various tricky angles, and use your own mental strength to specifically attack Kunluo's weak points.

At first, Kun Luo didn't take Li Huan seriously.

But the more he fought, the more frightened Kun Luo became!
This person, looking so small, can't even beat him!
Although Kun Luo has a high cultivation level and a strong body, this is his advantage.

But it is also a fatal flaw.

He couldn't be so flexible as Li Huan.

Relying on his powerful perception, Li Huan continuously broke through Kun Luo's defense.

Kun Luo was quickly defeated.

The lady gave him something before, saying it was a critical time to use.

At that time, he didn't even bother, but now, he had to use that thing!
Taking advantage of Li Huan's attack, Kun Luo shot a small hand crossbow.

Li Huan got a little scratched when he didn't check for a while.

A bloodstain instantly appeared on the arm!
The blood stain instantly turned black.


Li Huan: "You are the Linghuang in vain. I thought you were an upright gentleman. I didn't expect you to use hidden weapons!"

Kun Luo blushed at Li Huan's words.

Kun Luo is the kind of straightforward guy, he really disdains these things on weekdays!
However, he couldn't hold Li Huan!
Li Huan said that on purpose.

Li Huan had fought Kun Luo before in the Realm of Magic Beasts.

Li Huan could tell that Kun Luo was not a sinister villain.

It was also because of this that Li Huan had a chance to escape.

Now Li Huan also said that on purpose, she wanted to disturb Kun Luo's mental power.

Sure enough, Kun Luo felt guilty!

(End of this chapter)

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