Chapter 452 Purple Illusion Misty Grass

Kun Luo didn't know what was going on.

But he saw someone running in front of him.

Kun Luo knew it was Li Huan at a glance.

This cunning fox!

Kun Luo even suspected that the fox he saw before was Li Huan!
He was actually watching his own jokes!
Kun Luo is angry!
Li Huan is now at the pinnacle of Spirit Master, while Kun Luo is still at the realm of Spirit Emperor!

There is too much difference in this realm, Li Huan will naturally be at a disadvantage!
No matter how Li Huan's Broken Cloud Walk, not everyone can catch up!

Run, run, run away!
Keep running forward.

Kun Luo had chased and lost it once before, but this time, he chased him even tighter.

Seeing that he was about to catch up, Li Huan hurriedly threw out the explosive spirit stone in his hand.

Kun Luo had been fooled once, but this time when Li Huan threw something out, he had already been prepared.


There was an explosion, and Kun Luo dodged in time.

However, Li Huan took the opportunity to run even further.

Li Huan finally looked ahead and saw a golden-scaled falcon.

The Golden Scaled Falcon is known for its speed, so Li Huan ran over quickly.

The golden-scaled falcon felt that someone was coming and wanted to fly, but Li Huan directly confused it with a mental attack.

Kun Luo is here!
Now that there is a big gap between him and Li Huan, he is more comfortable chasing him.

Li Huan is about to be caught!
At this moment, Li Huan suddenly rode on the back of the golden-scaled falcon.


The golden-scaled falcon honked and flew into the sky with Li Huan!

Li Huan: "Big man! There will be no future!"

Before Li Huan left, he did not forget to drop a blasting spirit stone.

Kun Luo hurriedly avoided.


When Kun Luo stood up again, Li Huan was gone!
Li Huan sat on the back of the golden-scaled falcon and headed all the way to the Wuji Palace.

"Senior brother, look!"

A group of people on the ground saw the golden-scaled falcon that Li Huan made.

"Brother, that man can actually teach flying monsters!"

"Which elder is it from?"

The leader looked at it, but did not speak.

He obviously didn't know the person sitting on it.

Those who can have flying monsters are at least disciples of the inner sect.

"Chase! Go up and have a look!"

So this group of three people chased in the direction where Li Huan was going!
Li Huan has been flying for a while, and controlling the monster requires a lot of mental strength.

Now that Li Huan's cultivation has dropped, all he can use is his mental strength.

Not all can be consumed.

After all, Li Huan met Ning Ningtian's silly son before.

shoot yourself down; pass.

Will there be someone in the Promise Palace who is all right to eat and shoot a monster or something.

Then she is not finished.

So after flying for a while, Li Huan came down.

The golden-scaled falcon was not controlled by Li Huan's consciousness, so it flew away quickly.

Li Huan rested for a while.

"Why not! I came here before!"

"That's right! Which senior brother is it, so we can pay a visit."

Li Huan heard the movement, and soon someone found her.

Li Huan is now dressed as a man.


Li Huan looked at the three people in front of him, but didn't speak.

One of them looked at Li Huan.

"who are you?"

Li Huan: "Who are you?"

"I asked first, you speak first!"

Li Huan: "You speak first!"

"Alright then! I'm Lin Qingxuan, this is my senior brother, Mo Linfen, this is senior brother, Donghua."

Li Huan reported them to his family, presumably they were disciples of Wuji Palace.

"Li Huan!"

Lin Qingxuan: "What are you doing here? You are not from our Wuji Palace!"

Li Huan: "I am! I am from the Medicine Pavilion!"

Lin Qingxuan: "Are you a pharmacist? You were in the sky before?"

Li Huan took out his token.

The man took a look and was very surprised.

Lin Qingxuan: "Senior brother, look!"

Donghua glanced at Li Huan's token, and was also very surprised: "You are a fifth-grade pharmacist! Why haven't I seen you before!"

Li Huan: "I'm from the Pharmacist Association, I just came here."

Donghua: "It's you! I heard about it!"

Donghua looked at Li Huan again: "Zuo Luo and the others have been punished a lot when they came back. If you come now, there must be no good fruit to eat!"

Lin Qingxuan: "Brother, you mean, this is the person who defeated Zuo Luo and the others?"

This time the three of them looked at Li Huan again.

They also heard that the Medicine Court lost to the Pharmacist Association this time.

This is something that hasn't happened in many years.

Zuo Luo is Elder Mo's direct disciple, so he lost a lot of face this time.

It spread throughout the Promise Palace.

Li Huan: "It's just a fluke."

Donghua and the others confirmed Li Huan's identity and became respectful.

A fifth-grade pharmacist is not something they can easily meet.

Lin Qingxuan: "Why didn't you go with Zuo Luo and the others!"

Lin Qingxuan said that he subconsciously covered his mouth.

Lin Qingxuan: "That's not what I mean, I mean it's too dangerous for you to walk alone in the psychedelic forest."

Donghua: "Zuo Luo is not very talkative, so be careful when you go in."

Li Huan nodded, and it could be seen that these people were still very enthusiastic: "Who are you?"

Lin Qingxuan: "Let's go out to perform a mission and find a medicinal herb."

Li Huan: "Then did you find it?"

Lin Qingxuan: "Not yet, but it should be soon."

Mo Linfen: "Brother, it's too soon. We have been searching in the psychedelic forest for more than ten days. If we can't find it again, we won't be able to complete the task!"

Li Huan: "What herb?"

Mo Linfen: "It's the purple illusion mist grass. It's in this illusion forest, but I just can't find it."

Li Huan: "Is there a time limit for this mission?"


Li Huan: "I've heard of this kind of grass. They are different during the day and night, and the appearance after picking is also different from before."

Lin Qingxuan: "There is such a strange grass! Then what should I do!"

Li Huan: "If you don't mind, I'll help you find it, but I have one condition."

Donghua: "Tell me."

Li Huan felt a little embarrassed.

Donghua: "Is there any difficulty?"

Li Huan: "Well, I'm lost, I'll help you find this, can you guide me?"

Lin Qingxuan: "What am I supposed to do! We have to go back after completing the mission! Just drop in!"

Li Huan: "Okay, I'll help you find it."

Lin Qingxuan: "Great!"

Li Huan: "Is there a stream here? Or a place with water?"

Mo Linfen: "I know. When I went to fetch water, I found it. It was right in front."

Li Huan: "Purple Magic Misty Grass will appear in places with water at night.

But it can't be seen clearly in the water, because it becomes transparent when it touches the water.

But at dawn, they will come out of the water.

As long as we stay by the water pool, we will be able to find it at dawn. "

"That's great! Let's go to the water now!"

So Li Huan joined the three-person team.

Help them find the purple magic mist grass.

(End of this chapter)

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