Chapter 459 Revenge
All the elixir that is refined in the Medicine Pavilion comes from here.

But the number of elixirs here is limited, and they cannot be used indiscriminately.

According to the level of the pharmacist, he will receive the corresponding amount of elixir every month.

For the elixir refined by the Medicine Pavilion, the necessary share must be paid in full every month, and the rest can be yours.

The elixir handed in will be distributed to the cultivating monks according to their level.

Therefore, the pharmacists in the medicine pavilion actually don't have many pills that they can distribute for themselves every month.

Besides, the monk Li Huan here has seen it before.

Really poor.

Therefore, even if the pharmacists in the medicine pavilion had spare pills, they would not be able to sell them at a price.

No wonder Yaoqing Summit said they were poor.

In this way, it is indeed poor.

But the aura and resources of the Promise Palace are incomparable to any force outside.

There is only one Juling Pagoda in the whole continent.

Therefore, even if the people inside are poor, the monks outside still want to enter here.

Li Huan had seen it in Zangshu Pavilion before.

Important prescriptions such as Old Man Wuji's manuscripts are stored in the Medicine Pavilion.

The pill formula in Zangshu Pavilion is not the most precious.

Therefore, what the pharmacists of the Promise Palace most want to learn should be the manuscripts collected in the Medicine Pavilion.

Presumably such a precious thing cannot be easily seen.

Li Huan came to Yaoling Mountain.

From a distance, I saw some people planting elixir on the mountain.

Li Huan followed what the previous person said, and walked to the farthest corner.

After walking a certain distance from Huan, he saw a chubby body pulling weeds in the elixir field.

If it's not Su Yaoyao, who else is it?

Li Huan really wanted to go there, but someone appeared beside Su Yaoyao before her.

"Su Yaoyao, why are you so slow!"

"It's been a long time, and I've only come here. When will I be able to finish the work!"

Su Yaoyao: "Senior Sister Lin, leave all the medicine fields under your jurisdiction to me alone, how can I get here!"

"You still want to complain!"

"That's right! Looking at you like that, you are lazy!"

"How dare you refute my words!"

Su Yaoyao: "No, I'm not, I mean I'm not so fast!"

"Anyway, if you can't finish it before dark, don't even think about this month's elixir share!"

"When the steward asks, you know what to say!"

Su Yaoyao's face was troubled, she could see that she was feeling very uncomfortable, but she still agreed: "Yes!"

Li Huan waited for those people to leave before reappearing.

From the looks of it, this Su Yaotiao was used to being bullied, and she had no intention of resisting being bullied like this.

Li Huan didn't know what she was thinking.

Li Huan walked to Su Yaoyao's side.

Su Yaoyao thought that those people from before had come again.

Su Yaoyao: "Senior Sister Lin, I'm already fast!"

Li Huan: "Look at who I am?"

Su Yaoya raised her head, but she didn't recognize the person in front of her.

Su Yaoyao: "Senior brother, do you have anything to do with me?"

Li Huan: "Why, can't you hear it?"

Su Yaoyao felt familiar when she heard Li Huan's voice, but she had never seen it before.

Li Huan: "It looks like you stole my letter of recommendation, you're doing well here!"

Li Huan couldn't help teasing.

Su Yaoyao took advantage of herself and stole the letter from Su Shi without paying attention, and then went to Wuji City.

But Li Huan doesn't need that recommendation letter now.

Su Yaoyao finally knew who the person in front of her was.

But the appearance has changed too much!

Su Yaoyao asked tentatively, "Li? Huan?"

Li Huan sneered: "How?"

When Su Yaoyao heard Li Huan answered her, "Wow", she burst into tears!

Li Huan didn't stop her either.

From the looks of it, he suffered a lot here.

It's okay to cry for a while to vent.

Li Huan handed Su Yaoyao a silk scarf: "Wipe it off!"

Su Yaoyao was still sobbing.

Li Huan: "How did you become like this? If you want to go back, I'll ask Brother Yao to pick you up?"

Su Yaoyao was still crying at first, but when she heard that Li Huan was going to see her off, she immediately stopped crying: "No, I won't go!"

Li Huan: "Then you can plant medicine here!"

Li Huan pretended to leave, but Su Yaoyao hurriedly pulled her back.

She has stayed here for a long time, and finally found a familiar person, how could she let Li Huan go so easily.

Su Yaoyao: "I'm here to find the god. I've come all the way, and I haven't met him yet. I'm not reconciled! Li Huan, wait for me! I'll meet once, and I'll go back once I see him!"

Li Huan: "You mean Yunling?"

Su Yaoyao knew about the relationship between Li Huan and Yun Ling, and nodded to Li Huan: "I won't rob you, so I can just take a look at it?"

Li Huan: "You've been here for more than half a year, right? You haven't even seen a single face of this place?"

When Yun Ling came back from Eternal City, didn't he already go back to Wuji Palace?

Li Huan still remembered that Yunzhu's trotters were doing all kinds of things on the road, but when he arrived in Wuji City, that person ran faster than a rabbit.

Su Yaoyao: "I've inquired about it. Immortal Yun is in the Jade Dragon Cold Pool. He went in before I came. I haven't come out yet. I heard that the old injury has recurred. I can't leave the Jade Dragon Cold Pool. Otherwise, it will only get worse. Great Elder, go. I went to gather medicine and haven't come back yet."

Li Huan: "When did you come to Wuji Palace?"

Su Yaoyao: "It's been seven or eight months!"

eight months!

The ancient city was half a year ago!

In other words, when Yun Ling came to rescue her before, he was wounded!

Then...then he fought the Lingzong to save himself!
Li Huan suddenly remembered that when he was seeing Yun Ling before, he always felt that something was wrong!
Now that I think about it, Yunling was able to hide his injury!
Even Li Huan didn't check it out!
Li Huan's heart was suddenly grabbed by something.

Cloud orders!

Li Huan: "Where is the Jade Dragon Cold Pool?"

Su Yaoyao: "I don't know either."

It seems that I can only ask myself.

Su Yaoyao: "I've inquired about it, and I heard that there are many traps there, and ordinary people can't get in at all, so don't think about it."

It's fine if you don't know, but now that you know that Yun Ling is injured, how can Li Huan easily dismiss this idea.

Li Huan: "What happened to those people before?"

Su Yaoyao: "When I was refining alchemy for a month, I accidentally made a mistake and destroyed the elixir.

After that, I failed to submit the monthly report and was fined to come here.

But... But they all entrusted me to take care of the elixir under their jurisdiction.

After I'm busy here every day, I don't have time to refine medicine at all.

So, since then, it has not been handed in every month.

Then I stayed here. "

Li Huan: "They give it to you, you just take it!"

Su Yaoyao: "I... I can't fight, I have resisted before, but, look!"

Su Yaoyao picked up her sleeves, and Li Huan saw many scars on her white and fat arms.

Li Huan: "You! Wait! Master will avenge you tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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