Chapter 462 Zuo Luo
Since she saw that Li Huan was a man, she thought it was a helper that Su Yaoyao found somewhere.

Li Huan's eyes were cold, and his cultivation level was higher than theirs.

The voices of those people were trembling.

They are usually led by Lin Xunyun.

However, at this time, Lin Xunyun was hit on the head by Li Huan's whip and was knocked out.

So, they ran out of ideas for a while.

But I don't want to show weakness.

He could only speak harsh words and threaten Li Huan.

Li Huan looked at Su Yaoyao and found that she was injured.

The whip that was just put away was taken out again.

"Crack! Crack!"

Li Huan waved the whip in his hand, whipping these people up and screaming.

Before leaving, Li Huan also said: "Don't dare to let me see you bullying her, hum!"

The Promise Palace does not allow killing fellow disciples.

But in private competitions and fights, they usually turn a blind eye.

Li Huan beat them, as long as they don't take their lives, no one will be held accountable.

This is why Lin Xunyun dared to bully Su Yaotiao.

Su Yaoyao came here alone, without background, and honest.

Naturally, it became the target of their daily bullying.

Li Huan took Su Yaoyao back to her place of residence and helped her apply the medicine.

Li Huan: "Didn't I tell you to wait for me?"

Su Yaoyao: "I saw that you didn't get up, so..."

Li Huan: "Forget it, you take these, go and hand in the task and come back to me!"

Su Yaoyao took the bag from Li Huan, opened it, it was full of pills!

It's all what she owes!
Su Yaoyao's jaw almost dropped in surprise!

Su Yaoyao: "You! You are not sleeping! Where did you get the elixir!"

Li Huan: "Just take it to work!"

Su Yaoyao nodded.

The image of Li Huan in her heart was refreshed once again!
Is this person a god?
should be!

The person that the gods like is naturally a god!
Su Yaoyao quickly took the elixir and went to the medicine pavilion where the task was handed in.

Because of Su Yaoyao's body shape, many people know her.

But it's mostly a bad impression.

After all, a girl who is so fat is really a bully!
When Su Yaoyao handed over the elixir, Zuo Luo was also here.

"Senior Brother Zuo, it's really not that I won't help you this time, but that the pills are really not enough!"

Zuo Luo: "It's not been a day or two since I came to borrow the pill, why is it not enough this time!"

"Senior Brother Zuo, I really don't lie to you! If you don't believe me, see for yourself."

The man opened the inventory and showed it to Zuo Luo, and there was really not much left.

Although Zuo Luo didn't say anything, he was very dissatisfied in his heart.

In order to curry favor with some inner sect disciples, Zuo Luo came here every month to take pills.

Then search for other pharmacists and turn in the task.

But this time he has promised Senior Brother Duanmu, if he can't get so many pills...

At this time, Su Yaotiao came.

Su Yaoyao: "I'll hand in the elixir owed to the task!"

Zuo Luo was about to leave when he saw Su Yaoyao take out so many pills.

Quickly winked at the man.

The man took Su Yaoyao's elixir and counted it.

"Su Yaoyao, where did this elixir come from?"

Su Yaoyao: "I refined it!"

"You? Just like you, I don't believe that you can refine so many pills in such a short period of time! You must have stolen it!"

Su Yaoyao became anxious when she heard it: "I don't have it! I didn't steal it!"

"It wasn't stolen, show the evidence! If you can't show it! This pill will be confiscated!"

Seeing that the man wanted to confiscate the pill, Su Yaoyao hurried over to snatch it: "No! It's mine! You can't take it away!"

"Go away! Fatty!"

The man brutally pushed Su Yaoyao away, and then took the elixir away.

Su Yaoyao was impatient and hurried to chase, but was blocked by someone.

Su Yaoyao: "Brother Zuo, tell me for me, I didn't steal that elixir!"

Zuo Luo: "Oh? No?"

Su Yaoyao was already in a panic at this moment, seeing Zuo Luo answering her words, she hastily grabbed Zuo Luo's clothes as if grabbing a life-saving grass.

Zuo Luo felt disgusted in his heart, but he didn't push her away.

Zuo Luo: "It wasn't stolen, so where did these pills come from?"

Su Yaoyao: "I can't say, it wasn't stolen anyway!"

Zuo Luo: "If you don't tell the truth, then I can't help you!"

Zuo Luo brushed off Su Yaoyao's hand, and then pushed her away.

As soon as Zuo Luo went in, the person who inspected the pill gave Zuo Luo the pill.

"Senior Brother Zuo, this elixir came just in time!"

Zuo Luo: "Who is that person?"

"You're talking about Su Yaotiao! I've been here for half a year, and I don't have any background. I'm just an ordinary alchemist."

Zuo Luo: "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, she plants medicine in the Spiritual Medicine Mountain every month, but she has never seen anyone help her. Now the Spiritual Medicine Mountain is almost contracted by her alone!"

Zuo Luo: "That's good, you know what to do?"

"Brother Zuo, don't worry, this elixir has not been registered, there is no such thing at all."

Zuo Luo threw a few spirit stones to those who registered, and left with the pill.

Su Yaoyao was still begging bitterly.

However, no one paid any attention to her.

Li Huan waited for a long time. It stands to reason that after the elixir is returned, as long as the registration is done, he will be back soon.

It shouldn't take so long!
Li Huan left Su Yaoyao's residence and went to the task management office of the Medicine Pavilion.

As soon as Li Huan left, she saw Su Yaoyao sitting at the door in a daze.

Li Huan: "What's going on?"

Su Yaoyao: "They confiscated my elixir! They also kicked me out!"

Li Huan: "What?"

Su Yaoyao told Li Huan what happened before.

Li Huan: "Go in and have a look!"

Su Yaotiao took Li Huan to the mission management office.

Su Yaoyao: "It's him who confiscated my elixir!"

Seeing that it was Su Yaotiao again, that person was obviously impatient.

"Su Yaoyao, if you don't leave, I'll have someone teach you a lesson!"

Before the man could speak, he found that his neck was blocked by a cold long sword!
Li Huan: "Hand over the elixir!"


The man saw how powerful Li Huan was, so he didn't dare to confront her, and changed his words directly: "What kind of pill! I haven't seen any kind of pill!"

Su Yaoyao: "You're lying! I just gave you the pill!"

"Su Yaoyao, don't wrong a good person! I have never seen your elixir!"

Su Yaoyao: "Impossible! I handed it to you!"

Li Huan went in directly, Li Huan opened all the cabinets, but he didn't find his elixir!

Su Yaoyao: "I just gave it to him! Really!"

Let's go out and talk about it!

After Li Huan went out, ask Su Yaoyao to tell her the details of what happened before.

Li Huan: "You mean Zuo Luo was here just now?"

"Hmm! But Senior Brother Zuo said, I can't produce any evidence to prove that the pill was made by me, so he can't help me!"

It's this Zuo Luo again, who was defeated by him before, and now he's having trouble with him here again.

Su Yaoyao couldn't see it, but it doesn't mean that Li Huan didn't know that Zuo Luo must have taken the elixir she made!
From the looks of it, I have to think of a way to teach Zuo Luo a good lesson!
Li Huan: "How long has he been gone?"

Su Yaoyao: "Half an hour."

(End of this chapter)

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