Chapter 464 Beggar
Li Huan: "I've already handed in the task of the Medicine Pavilion for you. You don't have to worry about the elixir field. You still have this. Remember to take one pill every three days. After a month, the poison will be cured." Open it, remember, don't come out until your cultivation has surpassed Zuo Luo's!"

With tears in Su Yaoyao's eyes, she fiercely hugged Li Huan.

Li Huan: "Quick! Let go, I can't breathe anymore!"

Su Yaoyao: "Apart from my father, you are the only one who treats me well! Li Huan, I will never forget you!"

Li Huan: "Stop rambling, Zuo Luocha will come over later, you go in!

Remember, don't come out!
Four hundred points is enough for you to become a great spiritual master in it!
Just don't waste my hard work! "

Su Yaoya nodded heavily, and said goodbye to Li Huan reluctantly.

After Li Huan left Juling Pagoda, Zuo Luo soon knew.

Su Yaoyao actually took out a lot of elixirs and paid back the elixirs she owed!
Zuo Luo immediately sent someone to arrest Su Yaoyao, but they searched the entire medicine cabinet and found no one!

Where can such a fat person hide!
Besides, she has no relatives or reasons here!

Just when Zuo Luo was in a hurry to find Su Yaoyao.

Duan Muhong actually sent someone to deliver the letter.

Zuo Luo's head was still wrapped with a bandage, but Duan Muhong's letter, he did not dare to neglect.

But after reading the letter, Zuo Luo's expression changed!

Duan Muhong said that the elixir he sent last time turned out to be very effective, better than the previous ones, and the quality of the elixir was neat, so all the elixir sent in the future will be like this!

Although the pill was snatched from Su Yaoyao last time, the person who actually refined it was Li Huan.

Li Huan's level of refining pills is naturally the best.

Moreover, the elixirs of the elixir refined by Li Huan are all produced in his own space.

Therefore, comparing other pills with those refined by Li Huan, they are completely different.

Zuo Luo suspected that Su Yaoyao was responsible for his beating.

But now, only Su Yaoyao knows the whereabouts of this elixir, and it's impossible not to find it!

Zuo Luo: "Take someone to search other places as well!"

Li Huan has not been found here yet, and now there is another Su Yaotiao!

Zuo Luo was devastated by these two people!
Suddenly, Zuo Luo had a flash of inspiration!
They are all from Medicine King Valley!
Zuo Luo had investigated Li Huan's background before.

Su Yaoyao must be at Li Huan's place!

So Zuo Luo took people to Li Huan's residence again!
But Li Huan had already packed up and left!

The people brought by Zuo Luo went straight to nothing!
For several days, Zuo Luo led people everywhere to search for these two people.

It caused complaints in the Promise Palace.

But still no one was found!

Su Yaoyao was sent to Juling Pagoda by Li Huan.

There is a vast space in the Juling Pagoda, and everyone spent points to practice.

No one wants to waste time minding other people's business.

So Su Yaoyao is inside, just be careful.

Basically undetectable.

And Li Huan went directly to where the inner door was!
Li Huan brought a large number of spiritual birds.

Lin Qingxuan: "My God! What is this! I can't hide my saliva!"

Mo Linfen: "Li Huan, your skills are simply amazing!"

Even Donghua couldn't help it: "Okay, I'm so hungry!"

Li Huan: "It will be ready soon! By the way, will what I said be accomplished?"

Donghua: "It's not impossible for you to stay in the inner sect, but you must change your identity."

Li Huan: "Who should I replace?"

Donghua: "Just change the name as you like. Fangzheng and our inner sect can often go out on missions, and there are also people who don't know each other. The name Li Huan is already known in the Medicine Pavilion, and I think Zuo Luo is determined to catch it. You, you change your name, stay with us, and make sure he can't find it!"

Li Huan: "Then you guys will call me Yun Huan from now on!"

Lin Qingxuan: "That's right! Brother Yun Huan, you can stay here with peace of mind, we'll cover you, and I promise nothing will happen!"

Mo Linfen: "That's right, our team was originally short of one person, but now we have gathered four people, and we can take on Mo Hushan's mission."

Li Huan: "Where is Mohu Mountain?"

Donghua: "It's just a place for hunting. You are a pharmacist. With you here, we have an extra layer of protection."

Mo Linfen: "Exactly! There are many good things on Mount Mohu! Once you go there, you'll know!"

Li Huan: "Alright then, let's go to Mount Mohu to have a look!"

"Wait! Where's my leg of lamb!"

Lin Qingxuan suddenly exclaimed.

Mo Linfen also took a quick look: "My pheasant legs are gone too!"

Donghua: "Who!"

Li Huan was also surprised that someone took the things away in front of them, and with his best perception, he didn't even notice!
Li Huan instantly became alert.

After searching for a while, I finally saw the eaten bones not far away!
Lin Qingguan: "My leg of lamb!! Who is it!"

Mo Linfen's complexion is also not very good, such delicious pheasant legs!

It was stolen and eaten!

Li Huan: "It seems that this person's cultivation is above ours."

Donghua: "We can't just leave it like that, we must find him!"

Li Huan: "Wait!"

Li Huan took out half of the suckling pig again, and used a lot of spices to spread out the fragrance.

After the suckling pig is roasted, the aroma is overflowing.

Even the few people squatting on guard couldn't help it!

Donghua: "Yun Huan, do you think that person will appear?"

Li Huan: "Do you want to eat?"

Donghua: "I think so."

Li Huan: "Then he will definitely come."

Sure enough, after a while, that person appeared!

The four of Li Huan stared at the grill closely.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and the grill was empty!

Li Huan and the others came out quickly, and saw a man running ahead carrying half a roast pig.

Li Huan: "How can there be such a person in the Wuji Palace!"

Although the people in front couldn't see their faces clearly, they were also dressed in rags from behind.

No, to be precise, they were dressed in tatters.

The whole body is like a beggar, with disheveled hair.

Donghua: "We haven't seen this person before."

Lin Qingxuan: "Whoever he is! Catch him! Grab the young master's leg of lamb! See if I don't teach him a lesson!"

As a result, the harsh words were spoken too early.

The four of them teamed up and didn't catch anyone!

Li Huan: "You really don't know this person?"

Li Huan took a closer look, and although that person looked inconspicuous, his agility was simply not comparable to that of ordinary people!

Li Huan couldn't even catch up with the Broken Cloud Step!

Although he is currently a great spiritual master, Li Huan's Broken Cloud Step has also been promoted to the Spirit Emperor!
Donghua: "No!
No matter how down-and-out the disciples of Wuji Palace are, they still have the uniform clothes of the sect to wear.

But look at that man, he is obviously a beggar!
How could there be beggars in the Promise Palace! "

Lin Qingxuan: "Stinky beggar! How dare you rob us!"

Li Huan: "Can ordinary beggars enter through the psychedelic forest?"

To be honest, if Li Huan hadn't been led the way, he would have gotten lost in the psychedelic forest.

(End of this chapter)

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