Chapter 466

Li Huan: "There are so many things you didn't discover."

Lin Qingxuan: "Tell me two things to hear?"

Li Huan: "Get lost!"

Now that Li Huan got to know them well, they even reached Mohushan in their fights along the way.

Donghua: "Bronze and blue-eyed tigers generally live in places with abundant water and grass."

Mo Linfen: "Tigers still eat grass?"

Lin Qingxuan greeted him directly with a slap: "Stupid you! How could a tiger eat grass!"

Mo Linfen: "Then why does he live in a place with a lot of grass?"

Li Huan: "Because the monster eating grass is here!

If you were it and wanted to be full, where would you make your home? "

Mo Linfen: "That's right! Why didn't I think of that!"

Lin Qingxuan: "Why didn't I find you so stupid before?"

Mo Linfen: "Go and cool off!"

A group of people started searching on Mount Mohu, but they never found any trace of the brass blue-eyed tiger.

Donghua: "I can only go to the depths to have a look, everyone be careful."

Not long after walking, I suddenly heard a big movement in front of me.

Li Huan: "There are people in front, go and have a look."

The four of them didn't expect that someone would fight in such a place.

Li Huan saw that the two sides were fighting for something.

Li Huan: "Who is that?"

Donghua: "Your rival in love."

Li Huan: "What? My rival in love?"

Donghua: "See that man in white.

The top [-] people in our inner sect are Nalanyan's loyal suitors.

Isn't it your rival in love? "

Li Huan: "Just like him, still in the top [-]? What about you?"

Lin Qingxuan: "Only Senior Brother Donghua is an intermediate level Great Spirit Master, barely able to enter the top fifty.

As for me and Xiaolin, it was about a hundred years away. "

Li Huan took a look, and the one in white clothes was also an intermediate-level Great Spiritualist: "Aren't your cultivations about the same?"

Donghua: "But in battle, in addition to the cultivation base, there are also the solidification of spiritual energy, spiritual weapons, martial arts and other blessings. I lost the last time in the Zongmen Grand Competition."

Mo Linfen: "Yun Huan, you don't have to worry about it. Anyway, Nalanyan has a lot of followers, so there's nothing to be sad about."

Li Huan: "Since you all said that you are rivals in love, then you wouldn't be too sorry for yourself if you didn't snatch this thing."

Donghua: "Don't be impulsive, although Hu Bing is a mid-stage spiritual master.

However, he was able to display the peak fighting power of a Great Spirit Master. "

Li Huan: "Who said I'm going to fight him! We're like this..."

Li Huan pulled the three of them closer in a low voice, and revealed his plan.

Lin Qingxuan: "Is this okay?"

Li Huan: "Then the monster in their hands, if you want it, don't you want it?"

Lin Qingxuan took a look, it was a seventh-order golden-eyed beast, it must have crystal nuclei inside, and it was of good color.

It's hard not to be moved.

What's more, now that the golden-eyed beast is at the end of its battle, the two parties will definitely fight more fiercely soon.

"it is good!"

The four found a place to hide.

Li Huan is something that is needed to start tinkering for a while.

Li Huan depicts the blasting of Lingshi.

It will come in handy when grabbing something.

But the power of blasting the spirit stone should not be too great.

Cannibalism is not allowed in the Promise Palace.

This requires you to control the trend of your spiritual array.

If the power is not enough, it will be a tragedy to steal chickens and lose money.

So Li Huan was extra careful when drawing the formation in the Lingshi this time.

The two parties who robbed in front were all inner disciples, the cultivation bases of the great spiritual masters.

Therefore, Li Huan could only control the power of the explosion to the extent that the Great Spiritualist was injured.

After refining the spirit stone, Li Huan hastened to make a batch of psychedelic powder.

When the call over there was almost done, Li Huan put away his things.

Li Huan: "When I start shouting, you all go out there, drag the golden-eyed beast away, and wait for me by the lake behind."

Donghua: "Okay, Yun Huan, you pay attention to safety."

Li Huan: "Don't worry, I have a solution."

Li Huan began to live in a simple fog formation around her.

She added mihuanyao powder into the mist array.

Li Huan gave Donghua and the others the antidote in advance.

Both sides of the fight at first did not notice any changes around them.

It wasn't until the fog thickened that anyone felt something was wrong.

But ordinary people don't know the formation, they don't know that this is a mist formation arranged by Li Huan, and they think it is Mohushan's abnormal weather.

Li Huan kept staring at the golden-eyed beast, seeing the moment it fell to the ground.

Li Huan threw an explosive spirit stone and immediately shouted: "Come on!"

Donghua, Lin Qingxuan and Mo Lin rushed out of their hiding places immediately.


A bang suddenly sounded in front of him.

At this moment, Li Huan pushed the fog formation with all his strength, and the fog rose together.

Soon, you can't see clearly what's going on around you.

Because Donghua and the others had been staring at the golden-eyed beast, they succeeded immediately after passing by.

Then retreated directly to the back.

After Li Huan activated the mist array at full speed, he confirmed that Donghua and the others had left, and threw out the blasting spirit stones he had carved.

"Boom! Boom!"

Several explosions in a row disrupted the two previous groups in an instant.

Li Huan also took the opportunity to run away.

When the fog clears, there will be no shadow of the golden-eyed beast!
Those people who were plotted were all pale, and finally succeeded, but they were picked peaches by others!

"Hu Bing, what should we do now!"

The strength of the person who fought against Hu Bing before was at the same level as Hu Bing.

They and Hu Bing discovered the golden-eyed beast at the same time, after three days and three nights of fighting.

It's not easy to get it.

Even if the crystal nucleus of the golden-eyed beast is taken away by someone, the loser still has a chance to get the rest.

Now, it was actually taken directly by someone.

Hu Bing: "Jiang Lin, we discovered the golden-eyed beast, so it naturally belongs to us. In this way, whoever recovers the object first will get the crystal nucleus, and the rest will be given to the other party. What do you think?"

Jiang Lin: "Okay, that's the deal!"

So after searching for a while, everyone found some clues and chased in the direction Donghua and the others left.

Li Huan quickly caught up with Donghua and the others.

But when they arrived, they found that Donghua and the others were all frustrated.

Li Huan: "What's going on? Where's the golden-eyed beast?"

Donghua: "When we came here, we happened to meet Brother Duanmu, and he said that would be considered honoring him."

Li Huan: "Brother Duanmu?"

Donghua: "He is the second elder's direct disciple and our senior brother. By the way, he is Nalanyan's number one suitor."

Li Huan: "Where did they go?"

Donghua: "Li Huan, you better not go, Senior Brother Duanmu is at the Spirit Emperor Realm!"

But when Donghua finished speaking, Li Huan had disappeared.

Li Huan sensed it with his spiritual sense, and soon found Duan Muhong.

When Li Huan saw Duan Muhong, he suddenly remembered.

When I returned to Yunlong Kingdom from Jialan Tower, this was the person I met on the road!

(End of this chapter)

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