Chapter 489 Hua Yuan Pill

Li Huan hadn't heard anything about the other four elders.

Li Huan had never officially stayed in this medicine pavilion for a day.

Yu He is a pharmacist, presumably Elder Namo would know a little bit.

If you get a chance, just check it out.

Zuo Luo found Li Huan in the crowd.

The last time Li Huan framed him, he was slapped by Duan Muhong for nothing.

Zuo Luo must find a chance to avenge this revenge!
Besides, it was because of Li Huan that he ruined Master's plan before, Zuo Luo must take this opportunity to sue Li Huan in front of his master!
Li Huan found Zuo Luo's attention and didn't care.

Zuo Luo didn't understand either, Li Huan was laughing when he was clearly facing a catastrophe!

Soon, it's time for the competition!
All alchemists take out the elixirs they have refined.

Zuo Luo wanted to show off, so he walked in the front.

In order to avoid him, Li Huan walked last.

As soon as Zuo Luo took out the elixir, the whole audience cried out in surprise!
"My God! It turned out to be a fifth-grade Huayuan pill!"

"Such a difficult pill can be refined in such a short time!"

"No.1 this time must be Senior Brother Zuo!"

"Brother Zuo came out of seclusion, and his medicine refining skills have really improved a lot."

"It looks like I'm going to retreat too! Learn from Senior Brother Zuo!"

The elder who was sitting there took a look and was very satisfied.

You must know that there is a time limit for this competition.

Under the limited time, the general pharmacists would choose the simpler and surer pill refining!

Otherwise, if the elixir is not refined within the specified time, it will be a failure.

To refine complex pills in a short period of time, a pharmacist needs to be familiar with all kinds of medicine refining skills.

Even for alchemists of the same grade, their respective levels are quite different.

Zuo Luo was able to refine the elixir that no one else could refine in a short period of time, that was even better.

With the comparison of Zuo Luo's elixir in the front, the elixir refined by the pharmacist in the back became mediocre.

This is also Zuo Luo's purpose!

Desire to show off, own medicine refining level.

Mu Rou: "Xiangxue, your apprentice is really good."

Mo Xiangxue: "It's just a little hard work, compared to yours, it's a bit worse!"

Although Mo Xiangxue's mouth was modest, her expression was very flattering.

Mu Rou: "Xiangxue, you are too modest. There are monks like this all over the street, but not everyone can be a pharmacist. Although Yan Ran's cultivation level is passable, she doesn't know anything about refining medicine."

Mo Xiangxue glanced at Nalan Yan who was beside Mu Rou, saw her smiling at him cleverly, and smiled back.

Mo Xiangxue: "No matter how many monks there are, it's a matter of talent. I think Yanran is a pretty good kid."

Nalanyan: "Thank you uncle for your compliment."

Mo Xiangxue: "You're polite, this is my newly refined Zhuyan Pill, which is just right for you."

Nalanyan took the elixir and quickly thanked her.

Mo Xiangxue is a seventh-rank pharmacist, the elixir she refines is hard to find, and this Zhuyan elixir is exactly what she wants!
At this moment, another exclamation suddenly burst out at the place where the results were checked!
What Su Yaoyao refined was actually a fifth-grade elixir!
And it is also the Huayuan Pill of the fifth rank!

There are thousands of changes in the refining process of Huayuan Pill.

You can't make a mistake in one step, you can only make a pill in one fell swoop.

Therefore, when refining Huayuan Pill, the pharmacist must have a high degree of concentration, and there is nothing wrong with it.

It is precisely because of this that, on such occasions, few people try to refine this kind of elixir.

But once it is successfully refined, it will become an existence that stands out from the crowd.

Mo Xiangxue was flattered just now.

As a result, someone was eager to slap him in the face!
This Zuo Luo is her direct disciple, and to refine such a difficult pill, it is because she has a bright face and teaches well.

But a little-known person can refine pills at the same level as the disciples she personally taught!
This does not mean that the people she teaches are not necessarily much better than others.

On the surface, Mo Xiangxue didn't like having a fit, but in her heart, she was already unhappy.

But this Su Yaotiao is really eye-opening.

Not so long ago, he was a fat ugly monster.

Appeared suddenly, lost a lot of weight, like a completely changed person.

Now even the level of refining pills has improved!

Those people who fought against Su Yaoyao in the past were all so jealous that they were going crazy!
Su Yaoyao ignored these people.

Just quietly waiting for the result.

Su Yaoyao is getting a lot of attention now, if Zuo Luo wants to make a move after the competition, it will not be so easy.

Zuo Luo was a little unwilling, but he was still under his control.

He is also at the fifth rank, even if Su Yaoyao is promoted to the same rank as himself, he still has ways to deal with her!

Rong Fang: "Elder Mo, you really teach well!"

Although Mo Xiangxue has never taught Su Yaoyao, she is from the Medicine Pavilion.

When others praise her, even if she doesn't want it in her heart, she still has to accept it.

She took a closer look at Su Yaoyao, and felt that she looked familiar, but she had never heard of this name.

It seems that after it's over, I have to ask Zuo Luo carefully about Su Yaotiao's origin.

Mo Xiangxue: "Second Elder, you are being polite. The Medicine Pavilion exists to improve medicine refining skills."

Mu Rou: "Our Wuji Palace is also thanks to Xiangxue's help in running the Medicine Pavilion for so many years. Otherwise, such a disciple's pills would not be able to be supplied at all. Xiangxue is a great contributor to our Wuji Palace."

The words of the third elder were very useful to Mo Xiangxue.

The fourth elder and the fifth elder listened from the sidelines from the beginning to the end, without any expression.

Li Huan saw the performance of these people.

"I heard that three alchemists are needed to go to the ancient ruins. There are already two here. Who do you think will be the third?"

"I think Gan Yang has a chance. He is also a fifth rank, and he and Zuo Luo are together on weekdays."

"I'm almost finished reading this. If nothing else, it should be Gan Yang."

This Gan Yang was also the one who competed with Li Huan in the Pharmacist Association last time.

Naturally, he also recognized Li Huan.

But Gan Yang has confidence in himself.

Although his elixir is not as good as Zuo Luo, it is still possible to get No.3.

Sure enough, Gan Yang's elixir also won a lot of praise.

Gan Yang was extremely proud, this time he must go to this ancient ruins.

I heard there is a big opportunity there.

Soon, after most of the alchemists' elixirs had been shown, some people had already started to curry favor with the top three in their hearts.

Because Su Yaoyao was bullied by many people before, she didn't associate with those people.

Except for Su Yaoyao, Zuo Luo and Gan Yang stood together, accepting everyone's pursuit.

Soon, someone came forward to announce the result.

But Su Yaoyao stepped forward to stop it: "There are still people who haven't read the elixir!"

(End of this chapter)

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