Chapter 49 New Clothes
Kong Xin now treats Li Huan as much as he worships him.

Seeing their sincerity, Li Huan did not seem to be lying: "Since this is the case, I really need help. To tell the truth, I have a grudge against General Huguo!"

Wang Sulin was surprised: "General Protector? Are you talking about Li Ge?"

Kong Xin: "You are all surnamed Li, so are you from Li's family?"

"No, I have nothing to do with him, I just have an enmity with Li Ge, he took over my family's property.

The twists and turns are too complicated, so I can't tell you, but what I want to do is to take back what belongs to me! "

The four of them were startled, but soon relieved.

Judging from Li Huan's young age, good temperament, and excellent medicine refining, he is not from a commoner's background no matter what.

Wang Batian: "What Brother Li wants us to do, just say it!"


"Yes, just say it!"

Li Huan: "I actually want to hire you. Each person pays 200 taels of silver per month. Although it's not much now, we will add more in the future. Are you willing?"


Ye Xin blurted out: "Yes, we are willing!"

Then he turned his head and said to Wang Batian: "Brother Wang, I don't want to live this kind of life of licking blood at crossings anymore, please promise, even if you don't agree, I will agree."

Kong Xin and Wang Sulin also looked at Wang Batian.

Wang Batian: "Okay! To be honest, we are mercenaries who lick blood every day. Except for the money for wound treatment, we don't have so much income every month. We are all orphans. We grew up together. Don't worry if you use us, there will never be any ties!"

Li Huan: "If that's the case, then it's settled, but the money will be paid in a few days. You should heal your injuries first, and I will arrange for you to do things later, okay?"

"it is good!"

The four spoke in unison.

Li Huan was in a very good mood today, she never thought that her sudden act of enthusiasm would help her so much.

Rather than hiring the Batian team, it's better to say that Li Huan needs them.

It is too difficult to deal with Li Ge with bare hands, and he must cultivate his own power.

And the Batian team is the best candidate, they have cultivation base and are grateful to Li Huan.

Li Huan returned to Changhuan Pavilion and began to practice. He had been promoted too quickly before, but now his realm is not stable, so he needs to consolidate it.

early morning!

"Miss, Madam sent someone to invite you over to have breakfast together."

Qiuyue came to call Lihuan early in the morning.

Li Huan withdrew from cultivation, what would Lin Mumu do after living in peace for a while.

Li Huan didn't want to bother, but continued to live here.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves!

It's a hard day, I want to make alchemy to make money!Cultivation hangs you!

Li Huan wailed in his heart, but he cleaned up quickly and went to the main hall.

Everyone in Lifu was there this morning, except Li Yu, who was said to be studying and practicing, and rarely came back.

It turned out that Lin Mumu had made custom clothes for Li Jiao, Li An, and Li Ning.

I will wear it the day after tomorrow to attend the Empress Dowager's birthday, and today I invite everyone to let the embroiderer make the final changes.

Lin Mumu: "Master, I didn't know that Huan'er would also go, and I didn't have time to prepare, so I won't be able to make it in a while.

However, Huan'er and An'er are about the same size, so she can wear An'er's clothes from last year.

Several of them were only worn once, and the material is also very good. I will ask the embroiderer to measure them together and change the size to fit. "

Li Ge was having breakfast, he didn't say a word to Lin Mumu's words, he left in a hurry after breakfast.

Seeing Li Ge leave, Lin Mumu didn't bother to see Li Huan, so she also left together.

Ever since she brought Li Huan to see Concubine Nalan, and now she handed over the sign to ask for an interview, Concubine Nalan always had various reasons to not see her.

Lin Mumu blamed all this on Li Huan.

I don't know what this dead girl said to Lan Shaohua, but Concubine Lan Gui pointed out that Li Huan can go to the Queen Mother's birthday banquet.

So he couldn't do anything to her for a while, holding a breath in his heart, seeing that Li Huan was really panicked.

Li Jiao still looked like that fairy who didn't eat fireworks, and left without leaving a single glance.

Li Huan sneered in her heart, and her own daughters custom-made new clothes for each of them.

Such a long time of indifference, it would be said that it was too late to catch up. It seems that Lin Mumu really doesn't want to see Li Huan.

Li Huan didn't speak, and silently ate the snack in his hands.

But she doesn't cause trouble, it doesn't mean things don't trouble her.

Li'an has just made a marriage contract with Prime Minister Zuo's son, and it's the time when the spring breeze is in full swing.

She went to Changhuan Pavilion several times, but Li Huan didn't show up, she was holding her breath, how could she miss such a good opportunity to show off!
"Oh, these people don't have any self-knowledge at all. It's really beyond their control for a piece of trash to want to attend the imperial banquet."

Li Huan pretended not to hear, and continued to eat her own food.

But then Li An quit: "Hey, waste, what about you, are you deaf?"

Li Huan: "Who is the trash talking about?"

"Crap...! Hmph! Besides you, is there another person here who can't practice?"

"One, two, three, four, five..." Li Huan seriously counted the serving maids.

Li An: "...! Pretend, you just pretend to me. Anyway, with us here, you are just a servant girl. I advise you to give up as soon as possible. His Royal Highness is the eldest sister, and the imperial concubine will definitely announce it at the banquet. As for the divorce, you just have to wait and see, you ugly bastard!"

"Oh? You know all about this?"

Li Huan pretended to be surprised.

Li An was extremely proud: "Hmph, stop daydreaming, marry a reckless man, live a life of a pariah, and don't think about anything else. I heard that Daddy has already found you a husband-in-law in the army, so you just Get married at ease, hahaha..."

Li Ning pulled Li An's sleeve to signal her to stop talking.

Li'an: "What are you afraid of? She is an idiot. If she doesn't marry a pariah, who will she marry? Could it be that there are warriors who want to marry her? No, there are so many concubines, it's okay!"


Li Huan got up and slapped Li An hard on the face.

"You, how dare you hit me!"

Li An looked at Li Huan in disbelief.

Li Huan pressed on step by step: "What's wrong with beating you, you dare to say what you just said again.

If the daughter of the dignified General Protector's family is reduced to the point of being a concubine, you are shameless, and your father is even shameless.

If what you said just now reached daddy's ears, guess what would happen? "

Li An looked at Li An with a half-smile.

Li An's original anger was instantly extinguished by Li Huan's words, and he suddenly panicked: "Who dares to speak out, I'll take your skin off!"

She glared at the maids in the main hall, those maids knew Li An's heart, and they dared not move at this moment.

Then she turned to look at Li Huan, she was unwilling to be slapped like this, and wanted to slap back.

But as soon as he raised his palm, he was pinched by Li Huan and couldn't move.

(End of this chapter)

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