Chapter 491 Kindness
Li Huan: "I don't know how to do things like helping people make wedding dresses, and throwing them away like old shoes afterwards."

Li Huan's words were not only rejecting Duan Muhong's solicitation, but also telling Zuo Luo.

Although Li Huan knew that the two would continue to cooperate sooner or later.

However, being able to alienate one time counts as one time.

After the seeds of alienation are planted, there will always be a day to germinate!
Duan Muhong: "If you don't eat a toast, you will be punished! Let's go!"

Duan Muhong left with his own people.

Before leaving, he called Zuo Luo away together.

Sulby: "I didn't expect you to be at the sixth rank! It made me worry for a long time!"

Li Huan: "I was only promoted last night, so I didn't have time to say it."

Sulby: "Now those who want to touch you, be careful."

Li Huan: "What is this token for?"

Sulby: "The Promise Palace was originally made by alchemists. This token is a kind of protection for alchemists above the sixth rank. As long as they are promoted to the sixth rank, it is available. It can be used to save life when encountering dangerous things."

Li Huan: "Is it a secret treasure?"

Sulby: "That's right! This thing can also mobilize the staff of the Promise Palace to help you do things. In short, there are many benefits."

Li Huan: "When are we leaving?"

Sulby: "Tomorrow."

Li Huan: "So fast?"

Sulby: "When this ancient relic was discovered, many people saw it. Other forces will also go, but the number of people should not be as many as our Promise Palace."

Su Yaoyao: "Why did you lie before?"

Li Huan: "Your father probably wants to hide something, I think Elder Mo and the third elder both know about it."

Su Yaoyao: "About my mother?"

Li Huan: "It's possible, but I don't think Elder Mo's behavior is a good thing. Pay attention, we can take this opportunity to ask Yao Qingfeng."

Su Yaoyao: "Okay, let's go tomorrow."

Sulby also said a few words to Li Huan and went back to prepare.

Li Huan returned to her own yard, waited until it was dark, and used water-repelling beads to directly enter the Weishui River.

She will be away for a while tomorrow to say goodbye to Yunling.

At this time in another place in the Promise Palace.

Duan Muhong: "Junior Sister Nalan, you are here."

Nalanyan: "Elder brother, just talk about it. It's so late, it's inappropriate to be seen by others."

Duan Muhong was not angry, but invited Na Lanyan to sit down.

Duan Muhong: "Don't I even have the chance to have a drink with you?

I heard that you didn't even ask for a place in the ancient ruins for the sake of the second junior brother, and you didn't even go to the sect competition?

So infatuated, does he know? "

Nalanyan: "What does the senior brother want to say?"

Duan Muhong: "I'm leaving tomorrow, so tonight, can I talk to you or chat with you?"

Na Lanyan didn't want to tear herself apart with Duan Muhong, so she could only make false claims with him.

But it didn't take long for Nalanyan to notice something was wrong.

Nalanyan: "You! Drugged!"

Nalanyan looked at Duanmuhong angrily.

Duan Muhong threw away the wine glass in his hand, came over and took Na Lanyan's hand: "Junior Sister, why are you talking so badly.

You don't already know how I feel about you.

Come today, don’t you stay with me, stay together, stay together, stay together?
You see, you even drank the elixir of pleasure.

Are we taking advantage of the beauty of this beautiful day to do what we should do? "

Nalanyan's face changed drastically: "Eldest senior brother, if my master finds out, you will die!"

Duan Muhong: "Really?
Then give it a try!

When the time comes, will she marry you to me, or help you execute me!
Come on, little beauty, it's not been a day or two since Senior Brother has taken a fancy to you! "

Nalanyan wanted to resist, but she couldn't exert all her strength.

Nalanyan looked at Duan Muhong who was slapping her hands up and down, feeling disgusted.

Nalanyan: "Elder brother, if you don't want to regret it, then let me go!"

This time, Duan Muhong specially asked Zuo Luo to customize the most powerful medicine.

He didn't believe it, he couldn't win Nalan Yan today!

A sneer suddenly appeared on Nalanyan's vicious face: "If that's the case, then you can't blame me."


Duan Muhong let out a scream and felt severe pain in his lower abdomen.

Nalanyan held a bloody dagger in her hand.

Nalanyan: "Do you think that if I drink your wine, I will submit obediently?

Ah!How about it.

Still want to get stabbed again?

Let me tell you, forget it this time, if there is a next time, hum! "

While wiping the dagger in her hand, Nalanyan looked at Duanmuhong mockingly.

Not at all weak and weak like before.

Nalanyan: "I respect you and call you big brother, but if you don't respect you, what do you think you are!
Still want to compare with the second brother?
You're not even worthy to carry his shoes!
In my whole life, I will only marry Second Senior Brother! "

Nalanyan dropped the dagger and walked away.

Duan Muhong clutched his wound, looked at Na Lanyan's back, his face was throbbing with veins.

Duan Muhong was on the verge of rage at this time!


Duan Muhong knocked all the food and wine on the table to the ground.

Duan Muhong: "I want to escape from me!

Nalan Yan, if I, Duan Muhong, can't get you, I swear I won't be a human being!
just wait!
After I get the inheritance from the ancient ruins, all of you must surrender at my feet!

Yunling that sick child!
court death! "

Nalanyan left Duanmuhong's residence, but did not go back, but went to Yulong Hantan where Yunling was.

There is a courtyard above the Jade Dragon Cold Pool, where Yun Ling rests when he is not practicing.

At this moment, Yun Ling was adjusting his breath when he suddenly heard a cry for help.

Before he could go out, he saw Nalan Yanyi, shirt, no, he pushed the door open and came in.

Nalanyan's embarrassed appearance is different from that at Duanmuhong's place before.

Nalan Yan rushed over pitifully, trying to hug Yun Ling.

But Yun Ling avoided him.

Yun Ling's face turned cold instantly: "Get out!"

Nalanyan: "Second Senior Brother! Help me!
Just now... Eldest brother took medicine just now, he...he wanted to defile me!

Second senior brother, although I did something wrong before.

However, I already knew I was wrong!

Can you help me for the sake of my mother saving you! "

Nalan Yan looked at Yun Ling, with tears streaming down her face that I still felt pitiful for.

It looks like a white lotus with dew, even if it is crying, it is beautiful and refined, and it looks like a fairy descended from the world and has been greatly wronged.

Nalanyan reminded Yunling with the grace of saving her life.

If it weren't for her Holy Dragon City, Yun Ling would have died long ago!

This is her greatest strength!

Even if Yun Ling doesn't like her now, it doesn't matter.

But as long as there is this kind of kindness, Nalanyan will seize every opportunity!
Sure enough, Yun Ling's attitude was a little better.

But still stood on the side without moving.

Nalanyan was originally dressed, unlined, no, tidy.

Now he deliberately pulled down his clothes.

Then the whole person took the opportunity to fall towards Yun Ling.

With this move, Nalanyan threw herself into her arms, and Nalan Yan calculated the angle.

Even when she cried, she showed her most beautiful appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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