Chapter 493 Provocation
Li Huan blushed, and instantly withdrew her hand.

Li Huan: "Be serious, I'm going to practice outside tomorrow, so be honest."

Yun Ling: "Then tonight, can you not leave?"

Li Huan: "What are you doing?"

Yun Ling looked shy, and looked at Li Huan affectionately and silently: "I want to hug to sleep! He wants to hug."

Li Huan: ...

Li Huan didn't leave in the end, because once she left, Yun Zuojing would immediately go online.

When Li Huan came to the team the next day, she was already late.

Yun Ling got up early in the morning and made a lot of snacks with his own hands. He had to finish eating before leaving.

Li Huan couldn't hold back him, so he could only follow Yun's order to mess around.

As a result, she was late, and Li Huan was the last one to come.

This time the team was led by Duan Muhong, ten monks, and three alchemists.

Duan Muhong intends to win over Li Huan, and will not tear his face apart until Li Huan gives a formal answer.

Su Yaoyao and Su Erbi saw Li Huan approaching, and quickly pulled her to their side.

Li Huan took a look and saw that Nalan Yan had also come!

Last night, his face was swollen from being beaten by Li Huan, but at this time there was no trace of it.

It was as if Nalanyan hadn't seen Li Huan.

But Li Huan could feel Nalan Yan's hatred for her!
It seems that you have to be careful this time, Nalanyan is here to deal with her!
Rong Menglan: "Why did you come here! There are so many people waiting for you, are you embarrassed!"

Li Huan: "Sorry, I worked too hard last night!"

As soon as Li Huan's words fell, Nalanyan couldn't help trembling, the knuckles of her fingers turned pale from being pinched, she was angry!
Li Huan thought it was so much fun!

She is now a sixth-grade pharmacist.

These people, even if they don't like themselves, they have to hold back.

Even if you want to frame him, you have to weigh it so that no one can see the slightest trace before you can do it.

Sulby didn't know what happened to Li Huan last night, so he asked curiously, "What did you do?"

Li Huan: "It's nothing, I just did something I've always wanted to do but didn't do. Thinking about it, it tastes really good!"

Nalanyan was not like fireworks in the world, if she was hit by Li Huan, her excited eyes would jump out and shoot Li Huan right through!

Nalanyan: "Since everyone is here! Let's go!"

Dongfang Rui was rejected by Nalanyan last night, so he was originally angry.

But early in the morning, Nalanyan actually came to apologize to him!

And also proposed to accompany him on an adventure to the ruins.

Duan Muhong naturally wished for it!

Therefore, Duan Muhong made some arrangements and replaced No.10 with Lingshi.

Let Nalan Yan go on top.

With Duan Muhong's status in Wuji Palace, no one dared to say anything even if he didn't want to.

At this time, Nalan Yan was angry with Yun Ling and wanted to take revenge on Li Huan.

It's not Duanmuhong's change of heart that he thought!

But Duanmuhong didn't know, thinking that Nalanyan was still interested in him.

The main purpose of Nalan Yan's visit this time is to deal with Li Huan.

Li Huan remained silent and followed behind the team.

Fortunately, she is the highest-ranked pharmacist here, and most people dare not offend her.

Even Rong Menglan restrained herself a lot.

I don't know what dangers I will encounter along the way, and the alchemist can save lives at critical moments.

Therefore, she dare not confront Li Huan blatantly now.

They don't cause trouble, and Li Huan is not the kind of person who causes trouble.

The most important thing for Li Huan now is to improve her cultivation.

Li Huan already had the spiritual emperor's cultivation level before, but he was poisoned, so he is still a great spiritual master now.

Although among the people of the same generation, it is not bad.

But to beware of Nalanyan, he needs to be promoted as soon as possible.

After the group left the psychedelic forest, they didn't go to Wuji City, but walked to the World of Warcraft Forest.

It is said that the ancient ruins discovered this time are in the Warcraft Forest.

The Warcraft forest is huge.

It also occupies the most central position in Tianyuan Continent.

The vast territory hides many unknown and mysterious areas.

The ancient ruins this time were accidentally discovered by people from a small sect in Wuji City who were practicing hunting and killing monsters in it.

But even with the strength of the sect, they did not break the restriction of this ruin, so they released the news as a last resort, allowing people from other sects to participate.

Because some formation masters have calculated that this restriction is an ancient formation.

Therefore, this ruin is very likely to be an ancient ruin.

The ancient ruins are also attractive to the Wuji Palace, so the elders of the sect took advantage of this sect competition to participate in the top ten disciples.

The great sect of the Promise Palace, and the elders of the Promise Palace, naturally will not compete with the elders of other small sects to grab this kind of opportunity for experience.

Therefore, this time, only the Wuji Palace is all disciples, while the disciples of the rest of the sects all came with their elders.

Duan Muhong has the highest cultivation base in this team and is also the captain this time.

After they arrived at their destination, Duan Muhong drove away all the people from the sect that occupied the best position.

The elder of the small sect was originally not happy, seeing that all the disciples and no elders came to the Wuji Palace, he was a little arrogant, but when he made a move, he found that Duan Muhong's cultivation level was not inferior to his!

In addition, the rest of the disciples in Wuji Palace were not weak in cultivation, so the elder could only lead them away in despair.

Rong Menglan: "Senior brother is still amazing! Those people don't care how much they weigh, they even dare to provoke people from our Promise Palace!"

Rong Menglan spoke in a very loud voice, without any intention of hiding it.

So everyone who came heard it.

The elder, who was defeated by Duan Muhong, was so young that he vomited blood on the spot after being ridiculed like this!
But that elder had an old illness, and for a while, because of the increase in Qi and blood, he immediately fell unconscious.

There was only one elder from that small sect, and now something happened to the elder, and the rest of the disciples panicked.

Don't know what to do.

For the Promise Palace, because it was Duan Muhong's hand.

So no one is willing to stand up and help this elder.

Because if they made a move, it would be to save Duan Muhong's face.

Su Erbi couldn't see it, so please Li Huan for treatment.

Li Huan came out and immediately rescued the elder. When the elder woke up, Li Huan handed the elder a pill.

Li Huan: "After taking this Qingxin Pill, then use this Guyuan Pill. You are like this, you can't move your breath, you need to rest."

The elder didn't expect the people from Wuji Palace to rescue him, so he hesitated.

Sulby: "Don't worry, we are not with them, you take this elixir, my sister, but the most powerful alchemist here!"

The old man: "Thank you, girl."

"Whoever speaks out loud here dares to say that he is the most powerful alchemist here!"

A provocative and extremely dissatisfied voice came from behind everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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