Chapter 55
"Oh, so it's the third sister! You are here alone, I thought it was a maid from some family who was slacking off here."

Rong Menglan said, "Is she that trash from your family?"

The two spoke loudly, without concealing their sarcasm.

Soon the ladies around gathered to watch the excitement.

Li Huan found that Rong Menglan didn't recognize her and didn't speak.

That's right, now that Li Huan is made up like this, this Rong Menglan has only seen it a few times in a hurry.

Besides, Li Huan was dressed as a man at that time, so it would be strange to recognize him.

"Third sister, why are you sleeping here?

That’s right, for a person like you who can’t cultivate, what else can he do if he doesn’t sleep all day long.

Unlike us, who worry about cultivation every day and work hard, it seems that it is good to be a waste. "

Li Huan said nothing, watching Li An perform.

Seeing that Li Huan ignored her, Li An continued to smear her in order not to lose face: "You don't know, my third sister sleeps for ten hours out of twelve hours a day, and the remaining two hours are spent in bed. Let's eat, let's live a leisurely life."

A woman walking with her: "Doesn't that mean that she eats and sleeps all day, so what's the difference between her and a beast?"


A group of people laughed at these words, and looked at Li Huan with contempt.

"I've heard that married women also like to sleep, but that's because..."

"Because of what?"

"Because I'm pregnant."

"Impossible, the third lady from the Li family is not married yet, is she?"

For a moment, all kinds of vicious words and pointing eyes in the crowd rushed towards Li Huan.

Some malicious people stared at Li Huan's belly, trying to see what was different.

This is what Li'an wanted, and she had to continue to add fuel to the flames: "Sister San, are you dressing up like this today to attract His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?"

Li'an raised the two syllables of the word 'Prince' extremely high.

"Attract His Royal Highness?"

"Is she the one who is engaged to the prince?"

"Just this appearance still attracts the prince, and I don't care how much I weigh."

For a while, all kinds of derogatory words came towards Lihuan one after another.

Li Huan remained silent, still looking at the lake calmly.

She was waiting, and she didn't know if Zuo Moxun was ready.

Rong Menglan only took a few glances at Li Huan before leaving, she seemed to be looking for someone.

This Rong Menglan doesn't like the crown prince of Yunlong Kingdom, and it doesn't matter to her what Miss Li's family does.

If it wasn't for this Miss Li's efforts to curry favor, she would disdain to stay with these people, it would be demeaning.

But Rong Menglan is not interested, it does not mean that others are not interested either.

Seeing that Li Huan was still silent, Li An continued to speak: "Sister, why are you silent? Are you waiting for His Highness the Crown Prince? I heard that the Crown Prince is back today."

"Does it matter to you? I am the one who has a marriage contract with the prince, not you."

Li Huan was really impatient and said bluntly.

"Miss Lan, look, this is the person who robbed you of the crown prince. She just said it herself."

Li Ning came from the corner accompanied by a person.

The person who came was Na Lanzhizhi!
Lan Zhizhi sized up Li Huan, and said to Li An and Li Ning with an unfriendly expression: "Are you teasing me?"

Li An: "No, Miss Lan, this is the person who is engaged to the Crown Prince. She is a waste who wants to miss His Highness the Crown Prince. It is really hateful."

Li Ning: "That's right, such a person dares to snatch it from you, and he doesn't take a picture of himself without taking a piss."

Li An Li Ning talked more and more vigorously, trying to smear Li Huan.

"Crack, snap!"

Two rounds of applause sounded.

Lan Zhizhi slapped Li An and Li Ning angrily: "Shut up, you tricked me all the way here just to watch you act, you can't treat me as a fool."

Li An: "No! What I said is true, it is this trash who is trying to rob Your Highness the Crown Prince from you."

Li Ning: "That's right, Miss Lan, she is the one who is engaged to the crown prince, and she has been refusing to divorce for so long because of His Royal Highness Xiao Xiang."

Lan Zhizhi really didn't have the patience to tangle with these two people, and said unceremoniously: "You also know that she is a waste, do you think I am not as good as a waste in your eyes, do you think I am stupid or the prince is stupid? Hmm ? It's a good way to use my hand to take revenge on your enemies, do you want me to invite someone to help you publicize it?"

"No no no, we didn't."

The two said in unison.

Lan Zhizhi: "Don't bother me with such mentally retarded things in the future!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Li An and Li Ning quickly apologized.

Lan Zhizhi passed by Li An when he was leaving, and said to Li Huan in a voice that only two people could hear: "Remember to keep the promise!"


Li Huan replied affirmatively.

Nalan Zhizhi looked at Li Huan's face and this attire very satisfied.

Even if her aunt had told her the truth, she would not be happy to have anything to do with the person she admired. Seeing that Li Huan was so sensible, she was still very satisfied.

After Lan Zhizhi left, the young ladies who had gathered to watch the fun all dispersed, and the bosses all spoke, what's so interesting about this excitement.

Li Ning covered his face and said nothing, but Li An really stared at Li Huan, as if he wanted to see a hole in Li Huan!
Li Huan didn't care, and still looked at the lake calmly.

In the end, Li Ning will leave Allah.

He couldn't make Li Huan look bad, but he got slapped instead.

Near noon, a group of people in the distance slowly walked along the shore of Yunlong Lake.

Presumably the banquet was about to begin, and the Empress Dowager was helped over by someone.

The Empress Dowager's birthday is divided into lunch and dinner. For lunch, all the official families bring their own sons and daughters to celebrate the Empress Dowager's birthday, and the whole world celebrates it.

For dinner, a small number of people are left to accompany the Queen Mother to have a family dinner. Those who can stay this evening are the real people who are appreciated by the Queen Mother.

These ladies all wanted to perform outstandingly at lunch so that they could stay for the family dinner in the evening.

Just when the Queen Mother was about to enter the Yunlong Pavilion, bursts of fairy music suddenly sounded on the shore of the lake.

There are dragons at the bottom of the water and huge waves, and there is no rain hanging on the shore.

The water dragon in the lake churned up from the lake, soaring through the clouds and fog, with a magnificent momentum, swallowing clouds and fog towards the Queen Mother.

The mist condensed, and the words "Longevity without Borders" unexpectedly appeared on the Changhong.

On the surface of the lake, a large group of dragon scale fish suddenly appeared, posing with a big "Shou" character.

The queen mother looked at it with joy in her heart: "Good! Good! This is it?"

Zuo Moxun suddenly walked out from the crowd: "See the Queen Mother."

Queen Mother: "It's Mo Xun, you made it up? You really have a heart."

Zuo Moxun: "The Empress Dowager has profound blessings and is the auspiciousness of our Yunlong Kingdom. I have one more thing here to dedicate to the Empress Dowager. I wish the Empress Dowager live as long as the heavens, and bless my Yunlong Kingdom forever."

(End of this chapter)

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