Chapter 58 The Prince
Li'an was delighted to get the result, and looked at Zuo Moxun expectantly: "Brother Moxun, you see I'm pregnant, and the child is yours!"

Zuo Moxun felt angry.

But based on good upbringing, he patiently said: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! I haven't touched you, don't I know?"

Seeing that Zuo Mo refused to admit his life and death, Li An felt aggrieved in his heart.

Tears flowed out uncontrollably: "I ask the empress dowager to make the decision for me! The Zuo family has bullied people too much!"

The queen mother also had a headache at this time, she watched Zuo Moxun grow up.

This kid doesn't seem like such a careless person.

But at this time the pharmacist had informed the result.

One said the child was his, and the other said it wasn't.

The empress dowager felt a little helpless when her birthday turned out to be like this.

"The emperor is here! The imperial concubine is here! The prince is here!"

There are palace people outside the door singing.

I saw a middle-aged man, dressed in a bright yellow dragon robe, walking majestically surrounded by a group of people.

Behind her was Concubine Lan Gui, and a young man.

The man wore a white corset with gold trim and a glazed golden crown.

With sharp edges and corners, sword eyebrows and star eyes, he comes in steps, with an imposing manner, like a sword out of its sheath.

It is Yun Xiao, the crown prince of Yunlong Kingdom who has returned from studying abroad!
Everyone quickly stood up and saluted.

After the emperor, imperial concubine and prince were seated, everyone was ordered to sit down again.

The emperor looked kind, with a righteous air, he seemed to be a good emperor.

Lan Zhizhi looked at Yun Xiao with surprise.

Li Jiao glanced casually, but quickly looked away again.

She wants to maintain her aloof personality, and is afraid of being gossiped.

Even though I couldn't bear it in my heart, I wanted to stare at the prince carefully.

Li Huan had no intention of paying attention to the prince, he only took one look and stopped paying attention.

Seeing the three standing in the middle, the emperor asked the ins and outs clearly.

Only then did I realize that this was a scene of two girls snatching a marriage.

I was a little curious in my heart, but kept my expressions.

Lan Shaohua knew that the Queen Mother was already angry at this time.

Because of the involvement of the previous court, it is not easy for the emperor to intervene in this matter.

Lan Shaohua was able to become a concubine from a talented person, so there is something she doesn't understand.

She looked at the three of them, and pretended to be kind and said, "Since the children are already married, they are engaged, so they are going to get married, but this green plum can't live up to it, so let's marry both of them." .”

Lan Shaohua just wanted to expose this matter quickly so as not to disturb the emperor's interest.

However, how could Zuo Moxun tolerate other people's mistreatment of his life: "I want to report to the imperial concubine, this child is definitely not mine. I will not marry Lian'er in this life, and I will never take a concubine!"

Zuo Moxun's intentions couldn't be more obvious, I don't want to marry both of them, if you force me to marry, then Li An can only be a concubine!
How can Li An be willing, she is going to be the wife of the wife, concubine?

That's not to be laughed to death by the entire imperial capital, she is unwilling no matter what!
"Zuo Moxun! You are so ruthless, you don't want your own flesh and blood just for the sake of a vixen, I'll show you!"

That said, Li An wanted to commit suicide.

This is the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet!
Someone has the audacity to commit suicide!

Sure enough, the dagger in Li An's hand was taken away in the blink of an eye.

"I'm not alive! I'm not alive!"

Li An couldn't figure it out, so he had to sit on the ground and start messing around.

How can she still have the appearance of a boudoir lady, a lively shrew.

At this moment, the melon-eaters sitting on both sides began to sympathize with Zuo Moxun.

If such a daughter-in-law gets married back, she is afraid that something will happen and the family will have no peace.

No wonder Zuo Moxun refused to admit it.

Those who originally disliked Zuo Moxun's ruthlessness also changed their attitudes one after another.

"That's enough! Concubine, send someone to bring the proving stone!"

The majestic voice of the emperor echoed in the hall.

"Your Majesty, that is a royal family test, how can..."

Concubine Lan Gui said with a look of embarrassment.


The imperial concubine didn't dare to refute any more, so she got up and left.

The pro-testing stone, as the name suggests, is used for pro-testing.

All newborn children of the royal family have to pass the parent-in-law test, and only those who pass the test can be officially recognized.

This is also to prevent someone from keeping secrets and to ensure the purity of the royal blood.

Even if it is not born in the womb, as long as it is pregnant, the mother's blood can also be tested.

It seems that the emperor is really angry at being troubled this time.

It's no wonder that the emperor is known as a filial son. The queen mother's birthday was originally a joyful event to be celebrated by the whole world, but now it is a mess, it is really outrageous.

Soon Lan Shaohua came back, holding a box in his hand, the box was opened, and inside was an ordinary stone, which didn't look like anything special.

However, after Zuo Moxun dripped blood on the stone, the stone quickly absorbed it.

Li An, with a happy face, as long as you pass the test stone, Zuo Mo will not admit it when he finds it.

She confidently cut her finger and dripped the blood on the parent-testing stone, and soon the stone also absorbed the blood.

After a while, the stone glowed red! ! !

"Red! Red! It's red! Brother Mo Xun, the child is yours!"

Li Huan screamed in surprise!

Li Ge and Lin Mumu suddenly let go of their hanging hearts.

At this time, the attitude of the people who eat melons has quietly changed.

The result turned out to be like this, what is the matter with being a little disappointed.

"How could this be! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Zuo Moxun looked at Su Ruilian, and saw that Su Ruilian's delicate face was completely devoid of blood at the moment, and it was frighteningly pale.

With unsteady footsteps, Zuo Moxun hurriedly stepped forward and hugged her: "Lian'er, it's not mine, really, you trust me! Really not!"

Su Ruilian didn't know what to do at this time, she believed in her heart, this is the person she loved since she was a child, but the fact is...

The Empress Dowager was also taken aback by this result, but the fact is: "If this is the case, then let's all marry!"

Zuo Moxun: "No! Never! That child is definitely not mine!"

Li An: "Brother Mo Xun, do you hate me so much? Do you hate me so much that you don't even want your own child? What's wrong with me? You want to despise our mother and child like this!"

At this time, Li An was confident, straightened his waist and started to question.

The fetus has not yet formed, and even the gender has been revealed.

The truth is here, no matter what, she is married to this Zuo family.

A powerful family like the Zuo family is very different from Lifu.

From now on, she will also live a happy life of being sought after and flattered!

Li An immediately turned around and knelt in front of Prime Minister Zuo. Because Prime Minister Zuo had a very high status, he sat at the front.

Li An Ru complained like weeping: "Father-in-law, please accept my daughter-in-law's respect. Although brother Mo Xun doesn't like me, I shouldn't pester him, but the child is innocent. I really can't bear to let him lose his father at birth." , ask father to be the master for our mother and son, this is the eldest grandson of the Zuo family!"

A group of crows flew over Prime Minister Zuo's head, this... this...

(End of this chapter)

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