Chapter 612 The Cabin

Li Huan followed them back to his residence, which was halfway up the mountain.

According to what was said before, the positions of these ten teams are indeed not as good as those above.

Li Huan could feel that there was a spirit gathering array in Misty Peak, and the higher the position on the top of the mountain, the stronger the spirit energy.

From the looks of it, Misty Peak was also transformed by a high-level formation master.

Shen Lin: "Where's your map?"

Li Huan: "I haven't."

Luo Ya: "No? Didn't the elders tell you before you came that you can't lose the map?"

Li Huan: "I said it, but the map is not on me."

Luo Ya: "Is it on the road, the rest of the people bullied you?"

Seeing that Luo Ya was a little angry, Li Huan nodded: "Well, the three of them were together and wanted to kill me. After I jumped off the cliff halfway, I was lucky enough to survive, so I found a way to get here."

Luo Ya really cared about her, so Li Huan told the truth.

Luo Ya: "For this formation, those who come in for the first time have not registered. They must hold a map to enter. Be sure that you have met us, otherwise you will not be able to enter. You cannot stay outside at night, or you will die."

Li Huan was startled, and only then did he understand why Duan Muhong left without making sure that he was really dead.

It turns out that he has always known that the function of this map is that even if Li Huan survives by luck, he cannot enter.

It's still a dead end.

It's a pity that Yihuan was lucky, and met a hunting team on the road, and successfully joined them.

Otherwise, Li Huan would have to sleep outside Misty Peak tonight.

According to Luo Ya, if Li Huan couldn't come in, if he stayed outside at night, he would die.

Duan Muhong's grudge is settled!
Li Huan secretly wrote down a note for him in the small notebook!
Count slowly in the future!
Of course, Nalanyan is already immortal!
Li Huan: "The leader of our team is Duan Muhong, who is the Spirit Sect, and the map is in his hands, but his concubine Na Lanyan has some old grievances with me, so, it should be her intention, not to let me live to the point of death peak."

Luo Ya: "It's disgusting! Let's go! I'll take you to register! As long as you register, you can enter and exit freely in the future!"

Luo Ya dragged Li Huan to a place on the mountainside.

Luo Ya: "Senior brother Lin! There are newcomers coming to register!"

Not long after, a disheveled young man came out of this remote hut.

Lin Huan: "Name, age, cultivation level, specialty."

Li Huan: "Li Huan, sixteen, junior Linghuang, sixth-rank pharmacist."

Li Huan reported his own information, and then Lin Huan's eyes were finally exposed by his hands through the thick hair.

Lin Huan looked at Li Huan carefully: "Such a young junior sister? You are the one who came in with the badge of an excellent alchemist?"

Li Huan nodded: "Yes."

"Well, there is a future!"

After Lin Heng registered Li Huan, he handed Li Huan a sign.

Luo Ya: "Hurry up and record it with your blood. In the future, your points will be included in it, and it will be automatically included in the score. When changing the rankings, those with high personal points will also be rewarded."

Li Huan dripped a drop of blood into it.

Sure enough, I saw the information inside, but the column of points was zero!

Lin Heng: "Junior Junior Sister, if you have any questions in the future, just come to me."

Luo Ya: "Lin Heng! I've been here for so long, why haven't I seen you say this!"

Lin Heng: "Luo Ya, I didn't hit you. For an old girl like you, how can there be such a young junior sister!"

Although Lin Heng was talking nasty words, Li Huan saw that his eyes were indeed clear.

This Lin Heng is not a bad person.

Luo Ya: "You're looking for a fight, aren't you!"

Lin Heng: "You can't beat me!"

Roya: ...

Li Huan: "Then thank you Senior Brother Lin."

Luo Ya pulled Li Huan to leave: "Don't pay attention to him! It's not serious!"

Li Huan: "Hehe!"

Luo Ya was talking ill of Lin Heng to Li Huan all the way: "Don't be fooled by his appearance! He is very cunning!"


Li Huan suddenly thought of Lin Heng's haircut which was comparable to a chicken coop, and he really couldn't laugh or cry!
Of course, when Li Huan saw Lin Heng's serious face later, he realized that what Luo Ya said was true.

Luo Ya: "Lin Heng is the formation master. His duty is to maintain the formations here daily, and do odd jobs. His grades are not included in the rankings. However, I heard that he will receive some hard work every year. fee."

Li Huan: "If you know how to form a formation, you can get something?"

Luo Ya: "That's right, but you must be a senior array master to be eligible!"

Li Huan: "Then what level of formation master is he?"

Li Huan seldom met formation masters, and his own formation techniques have been hovering at the elementary level. It would be good if he could practice with high-level formation masters.

Luo Ya: "I don't know, I haven't heard of it."

Li Huan: "Oh!"

It seems that if you find an opportunity to come over and build a good relationship, you might be able to gain some experience points!
After all, it is extremely rare for a formation master to practice.

Some people learn from each other and give pointers, which can help advance.

Luo Ya was in charge of the tenth team's logistics, so he allocated a piece of the tenth team's chassis for Li Huan to live in.

It is said that it is for Li Huan alone, but it is just an open space with a cave.

Li Huan comforted himself, the people here, with high cultivation base, must be cultivating crazy demons, so they don't care about the environment where they live.

Luo Ya: "There is a lack of food and clothing here, and you can only rely on yourself for everything. This place belongs to a former team member, but he was poached by the eighth team, so it is vacant. It happens to be for you to live in, so you don't have to bother digging it out." hole."

Li Huan: ...

Li Huan really wanted to say don't bother!

She doesn't want to live in a cave!
She had a log cabin, a fully furnished one!
The kind of super comfortable living!
It's a pity that Li Huan can't reveal her own space!

Li Huan: "Then can't you build a house with trees? Isn't a log cabin better than this? I seem to have seen a log cabin just now."

Luo Ya: "The trees here can't be cut down by non-Spiritualists. To build a house, a lot of wood is needed, and spiritual energy is consumed a lot!"

So, it's not that you can't live, it's that you're poor!

For monks, the lack of spiritual energy and spiritual stones is also a kind of poverty!
Li Huan: "I have the Rejuvenation Pill, can Senior Brother Shen help me cut down trees?"

Luo Ya: "Hui Qi Pill? One is not enough!"

Li Huan: "What about the bottle?"

Luo Ya pondered for a while: "Let me go and ask for you! After all, you are also our team member now, Senior Brother Shen is not bad!"

Not long after Luo Ya left, Shen Lin came.

Shen Lin: "Do you want to build a house?"

Li Huan nodded: "Can you help me get some wood?"

Shen Lin: "Okay. Give me the Huiqi Pill."

Shen Lin took Li Huan's Huiqi Pill, went to a place with dense trees, and began to cut trees.

Li Huan tried it himself, and really only the Spirit Sect can shake these trees!
And it also needs to consume a lot of aura!

It turned out that Shen Lin needed a lot of energy to help himself.

Yipin Huiqi Pill is obviously not enough!

But Shen Lin agreed!

Li Huan took advantage of the time when Shen Lin was chopping the tree, returned to the space and began to refine the Huiqi Pill.

(End of this chapter)

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