Chapter 615 Rest
The captain of the ninth team: "You said that the face-to-face in the tenth team is a pharmacist?"

No. [-] of Team Nine: "It's not impossible! Think about it, if she has enough energy recovery pills, according to Shen Lin's character, it's not impossible to build all the team members into wooden houses, after all, that kid is just idle! It would make sense if she was a pharmacist! Look at that mist! Someone has obviously poisoned her!"

Captain of Team Nine: "You have suddenly become smarter!"

No. [-] of Team Nine: "Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, as long as the captain can reward me with a recovery pill, that's fine!"

No. [-] looked smug, feeling that his IQ had improved by leaps and bounds!
In the end, there was no reward, and what was greeted was a punch!

Captain of the Ninth Team: "You are a pig! If you praise you, you still want to go to heaven! Seven wooden houses, with Shen Lin's cultivation level, at least a dozen bottles of energy recovery pills! If the little baby can refine so many Huiqi Dan, go to the tenth team! Doesn’t it smell good in the first team! Call you a pig! You insulted the pig! Get out! It’s annoying to see it!”

No. [-] of Team Nine covered his head with an aggrieved expression on his face.

The captain of the ninth team was still puzzled after speaking, and kicked the back of No. [-] again!
Captain of the Ninth Team: "Let me hear you talking nonsense in a serious manner next time, and see if I won't cut you!"


Number one thought he was right, but the captain didn't believe it.

The captain of the Ninth Team, I don't know, what he said was the truth!

However, who would believe it!

If Shen Lin and Luo Ya hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it either!
Li Huan, she is synonymous with evildoers!

The ninth team has been unable to eat the tenth team.

I was able to succeed every time before, but this time I tried everything to no avail!
So the captain of the ninth team clapped his hands and went straight to the eighth team!
Li Huan went to Lin Heng's place in the past few days, used pills, bought Lin Heng, and got a lot of things about formations!

When the tenth team went out to carry out the task, Li Huan was studying the formation, so he didn't go.

Li Huan strengthened the formation again.

I have to say that even Li Huan admired Lin Heng's formation skills!
Li Huan learned and arranged, and immediately used it in the tenth team!

Before Li Huan could test the results, another team came!
This time, all the members of Team Nine are here!

The captain of the ninth team has agreed with the captain of the eighth team!

Secretly promised benefits, let the eighth team intercept the tenth team, so that he can bring people here to investigate again!

Captain of Team Nine: "Are you sure everyone has gone out?"

No. [-] of Team Nine: "Yes! I saw it with my own eyes!"

No. [-] was sent to keep an eye on them before, and he went back to report the news as soon as Team [-] left.

Captain of the Ninth Team: "Okay! Let's go! This time we must see what the Tenth Team is hiding! If you dare to hide it, we will snatch it!"

"Okay! Grab, grab, grab!"

Li Huan looked at the members of Team Nine with an idiot-like expression on his face. With such an IQ, how did they cultivate to become the Linghuang?

Can't believe it!
Li Huan didn't make a move, but released Bruno directly!

Li Huan said yes to it, just scare them a bit!
When Team Nine approached the fog, they suddenly saw a pair of dark green eyes!

"Captain, what is that glowing thing in front?"

Captain of the Ninth Team: "Go and see! Maybe it's the treasure hidden by the Tenth Team!"

As a result, when they approached, the glowing thing suddenly started to move!

No. [-] of Team Nine: "Captain, why is it suddenly so cold?"

Captain of the Ninth Team: "Is there any? Maybe it's a baby with water attributes! Hmph! It's ours!"

"Okay! Grab!"

Just when they were about to approach the luminous place!
The surrounding fog suddenly dissipated!

Where is the shining baby in front of me!
It's a fang!
Two-headed wolf!
Those green eyes are its eyes!

Bruno suddenly opened his huge mouth!

Show your fangs!
"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

Everyone in Team Nine, who saw the truth clearly, was shocked!

Some of them even had weak legs and couldn't even run!

Bruno stood up suddenly and walked forward.

Those weak-legged ones fainted from fright!

The rest of the people had long since disappeared without a trace!

Li Huan came over and threw them out.

Then patted Bruno's big paw: "Good job! This is your reward!"

Li Huan gave it a lot of delicious food, and then took it back into space.

Then continue to study your own formation!

But the members of Team Nine, after going out, exploded!
The tenth team even raised monster beasts of the giant beast clan privately!

You must know that Misty Peak is on the chassis of the Behemoth Clan!


In order to ensure the safety of everyone, Misty Peak not only set up a large formation to protect the mountain, but also clearly stipulated that the giant beast race cannot be introduced into Misty Peak!
As far as the fierce beast they saw just now, judging from its size, it is obviously a giant beast!

Captain of the Ninth Team: "This time! The Tenth Team is dead! Let's go! Go to the top of the mountain and file a complaint!"

Team member No. [-]: "But, captain, if there is no proof, the elder won't believe it!"

Captain of the ninth team: "Didn't you see it just now! What evidence do you want! Just show enough points! The elders will show up!"

So the captain of the ninth team took the points he had accumulated all his life and went to the top of the mountain!

Li Huan was completely unaware of this matter, and was still concentrating on studying the formation.

However, Bruno has been put away by Li Huan!
Not long after, Shen Lin and the others came back.

As a result, Li Huan took a look!
All of them are wounded!
Li Huan: "What's going on?"

Shen Lin: "We met people from Team Eight."

Luo Ya: "They wanted to snatch the nine-color dragonscale lizard we hunted so hard, so they fought."

Li Huan: "Heal your injuries first, I think you should not go out during this period of time!"

Shen Lin: "What?"

Li Huan: "The people from the ninth team came again just now, I suspect they discussed it with the eighth team!"

Luo Ya: "Are you okay?"

Li Huan: "It's okay, they are the ones who have something to do, but they won't stop for the time being, I think it's better not to go out recently."

Shen Lin: "Well, everyone will take it as a rest recently, Luo Ya, let's see if there is enough food."

Luo Ya: "Five days should be enough."

Shen Lin: "Then let's rest for five days!"

While helping them treat their injuries, Li Huan helped them check their bodies.

Li Huan can help them refine their own elixir, and the effect of taking it will be much better.

While everyone was healing, the captain of Team Nine came with the elders!
Shen Lin stood up suddenly, and then everyone saw a middle-aged man suddenly appearing in front of the wooden house.

Li Huan was very surprised, she couldn't feel this person's cultivation at all!
Moreover, it is not easy for this person to enter the formation she set up without making a sound!
Shen Lin: "Elder Mu!"

When Li Huan heard Shen Lin addressing him, he was slightly relieved.

Elder Mu: "Someone has exposed that you have introduced the giant beast tribe without permission, is there such a thing?"

Luo Ya: "Impossible! Who is so boring!"

(End of this chapter)

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