Chapter 617

Luo Ya took Li Huan to the mission hall, which was the most frequently visited place for each team.

Li Huan: "I saw before that there are several wooden houses there, where are they?"

The mission hall is near the top of the mountain. Along the way, I passed many places.

Li Huan found that most of the people lived in caves.

Each team dug cave dwellings on the mountain.

But there is actually eleven wooden houses in one place.

Luo Ya looked in the direction Li Huan pointed at.

Luo Ya: "That's the area of ​​the first team, and their strength is the strongest in the entire Misty Peak."

Li Huan: "No wonder, there are so many houses, and no one dares to snatch them in such a conspicuous location."

Luo Ya: "Hush, keep your voice down. Some people like to provoke. I heard that the captain of the first team has a bad temper. If he knows that you are talking about them behind their backs, you will get into trouble."

Li Huan: ...

Just asking a casual question like this will teach you a lesson, so the captain of this team is really stingy.

Li Huan complained in his heart.

But I didn't say anything more, it's better to have one less thing than one more thing.

After Li Huan entered the mission hall, he soon saw the place where the mission was received.

There is even a self-selection here.

Luo Ya: "Use your token to put it in this groove, choose an individual or a team, and different tasks will appear. After accepting the task, do you see the wall behind? There, and then just hand in the things! Then the points will be automatically counted into your token."

Li Huan: "It's really advanced! The Wuji Palace doesn't even have this!"

Luo Ya: "The Promise Palace is just a simple task for children to play. How can there be such things? Here, there are not so many rules to protect the weak."

Li Huan also thought about it, there are patrols in the Promise Palace, and the Discipline Hall, but there is nothing here.

The task of robbing the same team is even more commonplace!

If you fall behind, you will be beaten!

This place is more suitable for monks to cultivate!

Of course, Misty Peak does not allow killing each other, otherwise, Li Huan believes that this place will only be more cruel!
Li Huan chose a personal mission according to the method Luo Ya said.

Li Huan clicked away, and took over all the tasks of collecting elixir.

Luo Ya: "You are crazy! This is not the Wuji Palace! The elixir is extremely rare! If you can't finish it, you will be expelled! If you are expelled from the chassis of the giant beast clan, you can only wait for death!"

Misty Peak has a large mountain guard array, which can guarantee the safety of monks.

However, once expelled, they can only wander in the land of the giant beasts!
There are monster beasts of the giant beast clan everywhere, and the degree of danger is self-evident!

Li Huan: "Don't worry, I need enough points."

Luo Ya: "You just came here, you want points, don't worry! Doing this is really a dead end! Let's do this! I'll go back and call Shen Lin and the others to see if I can find them separately. If I'm lucky, I don't have a chance ! You wait! I'll find someone!"

Before Li Huan could speak, Luo Ya ran away!
Li Huan looked at Luo Ya's back and felt relieved!

She has a good vision and selected ten teams. Although the strength is not strong, they can help each other.

Unfortunately, what Luo Ya didn't know was that Li Huan didn't need it.

It's just some panacea.

Just pull it out of space!
It can be completed in a few breaths of time.

But Roya is gone!

We can only wait for her to come back!
Li Huan quickly took out all the elixir according to what Luo Ya said before, and then put his token on it.

Shibi Mountain actually drowned all of Li Huan's elixir!

When handing in the task, the wall will absorb everything like a water curtain!

Li Huan was a little curious.

But can't get in.

After waiting for a while, Li Huan saw his points soaring in a straight line!

Three hundred points!
Five hundred points!
Six hundred points!
Seven hundred points!
Just a few elixir, unexpectedly, there are [-] points!
Li Huan continued to pick up the mission.

Then turn in the elixir.

This time Li Huan took over the task of refining the elixir.

The level of pills needed here starts from the fifth grade.

Just after Li Huan was promoted to the sixth rank, there were still a lot of fifth rank pills left, which were not used up.

Simply take advantage of this opportunity to deal with it!

It's useless anyway!
Also earn points.

Li Huan took over all the elixir missions of the fifth grade.

Then go to the edge and turn in the task.

When Li Huankuai was about to complete the payment, he saw someone coming!

"Senior Sister, the elixir this time is in excellent condition."

"Well, I'm also very satisfied. After getting the points this time, I want to exchange for a long-awaited elixir, and then hit the sixth grade."

Li Huan's back is facing the people behind, so the people behind can't see what Li Huan is doing.

Li Huan didn't pay attention to the people behind him either.

Li Huan took over all the quests of the fifth-grade pills, so it took a long time.

The people behind were getting impatient, so they came forward to have a look!
In the end, Li Huan poured down a fifth-rank healing elixir.

In an instant, he began to laugh: "What am I supposed to be! Isn't it the most common hemostatic pill, it takes so long! What a trouble!"

Another person pulled her: "Okay, stop talking."

"Senior Sister! Look at her, it took so long for just one hemostatic pill! It was intentional! She must be jealous of you, Senior Sister! She deliberately wanted to embarrass you!"

"Jiayan, you can't say that."

He Jiayan: "Senior Sister, you are so easy to talk! That's why some people don't take you seriously! If I were to talk about Misty Peak, apart from Min Tian and Sun Guan, there is no one who is stronger than you. Pharmacist!"

Li Huan just finished all the tasks, and then turned around to see if there was a suitable sixth-grade elixir that could be used to earn points.

In the end, I heard He Jiayan's last words.

But Li Huan didn't care.

In the end, He Jiayan actually stopped Li Huan: "You made us wait for so long, don't you even have an apology?"

Li Huan: "I made you wait?"

He Jiayan: ...

"I'm sorry, my junior sister is a little anxious. Don't mind. I'm Yichi. I'm new to you?"

Li Huan nodded, it was okay for Yi Chi to speak, and Li Huan didn't intend to argue with them anymore.

In the end, He Jiayan didn't know where her self-confidence came from, and she still insisted on Li Huan's apology.

"Li Huan!"

Luo Ya came with people.

He Jiayan looked at Luo Ya: "It turned out to be a member of the tenth team! I said why are you so unqualified, deliberately delaying time! We have waited so long!"

Luo Ya: "I'm sorry, she's new here and doesn't understand the process very well. I'll take her to apologize to you."

Yichi: "Okay, Jiayan, forget it!"

He Jiayan: "Forget it this time! Don't look at how much you weigh! How dare you waste our time!"

Li Huan doesn't care about her, she really has her eyes on her!
Luo Ya just wanted to say something nice, but Li Huan stopped her.

(End of this chapter)

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