Chapter 63 Rejuvenation Pill

The queen mother was puzzled: "Oh? What did you mean?"

Li Huan: "Qi Queen Mother, since the age of five, my daughter was deemed to have zero talent, so she was sent by my father to Lihuo City to cultivate. There was also a mother Qin who went with her. She left me this medicine." .”

Queen Mother: "Then she..."

Li Huan suddenly knelt down with a sincere expression.

Slowly she opened her mouth and said, "Nurse Qin worked tirelessly, thanking my grandfather for his kindness, and taking care of me in Lihuo City for more than ten years.

In addition to diet and daily life, he also taught me to identify herbs and analyze their pharmacology, and they love me like a mother and daughter, but...

However, it was the night before my father sent someone to pick me up from Lihuo City.

A group of warrior killers suddenly came to our yard. In order to protect me, my mother fought with the gangsters, and her whereabouts are still unknown. "

Li Huan burst into tears, speaking sincerely.

Everyone was surprised and sympathized.

But at the same time, he wondered, who would bother to kill a trash with no cultivation?

Who wouldn't want a good-for-nothing lady back?
Especially Lin Mumu's request to see the noble concubine was rejected several times before, which many people know.

After various speculations for a while, the eyes of everyone looking at Li's family changed.

Li Jiao's face remained unchanged, as if all this had nothing to do with her.

She is an iceberg snow lotus high above, and the mundane world is just a fleeting moment.

Some people saw Li Jiao's appearance and thought of her graceful dancing posture before.

That Li Huan is a waste who can't cultivate, no one will believe that the crown prince will really marry her.

This Li Huan cannot marry, it is understandable that Li Jia wants to keep this marriage and push Li Jiao out.

For a while, the outlet changed again.

After hearing Li Huan's words, the queen mother was obviously also surprised.

Looking at Li Ge in the crowd: "The general who protects the country knows about this."

Li Ge hurried forward and knelt down: "I know about this, I know."

Queen Mother: "Then, do you know where Mother Qin is now? Have you sent someone to look for it?"

Li Ge was drenched in cold sweat from being questioned by the Queen Mother, and quickly said: "I have looked for it, I have looked for it."

"Then where is Mother Qin?"

"I don't know, I don't know..."


The queen mother suddenly snorted coldly: "I think Lin Yuxian saved the lives of Ai's family and the emperor back then.

How do you treat his only granddaughter now?
I don't care what you have in mind.

But if you find that you have neglected Huan'er in any way.

Watch your head! "

The Empress Dowager gave both kindness and power, and Li Ge nodded his head in fright.

The Queen Mother also understands that Li Huan cannot cultivate, and Concubine Lan Gui will definitely not let the Crown Prince marry her.

But the queen mother still remembered Lin Yuxian's kindness in her heart.

Back then, the Empress Dowager was still the late emperor's concubine, so she had no status in the harem.

However, the emperor's talent was mediocre at that time, and he was extremely unfavored.

The life of the mother and son is also extremely difficult, and they are secretly poisoned without knowing it.

In the end, Li Huan's grandfather Lin Yuxian accidentally discovered that the emperor, who was still the prince at that time, had a strange expression on his face.

It was only after they found out that her mother and son were detoxified.

Only in this way did he narrowly avoid the plot, and only then did he have the qualifications to fight for the throne later.

Therefore, the queen mother and the emperor are very grateful to Lin Yuxian.

This Li Ge was able to sit on the position of General Protector.

There is some reason for this, but this Li Ge is obviously not a qualified father.

The Queen Mother did not have a good impression of Li An.

Even his attitude towards Li Ge became bad: "I'll give you a chance to make amends, find out the truth within a month, and find Mother Qin."

Li Ge hurriedly thanked him: "This humble minister will definitely do his best!
After Li Ge withdrew, the Empress Dowager smiled at Li Huan again: "Good boy, come quickly."

Li Huan got up and walked to the Queen Mother.

The Empress Dowager took off the jade bracelet from her hand and put it on Li Huan's hand: "From now on, come to my place often, don't hold back if you are wronged, just tell me about anything.

Although I am old and useless, my words still have some weight, right?emperor? "

The emperor suddenly heard the queen mother calling him, and quickly said yes.

But seeing the Queen Mother still looking at him, he finally understood that this was to support Li Huan.

Immediately rewarded Li Huan with many things.

He also gave her a token to enter and exit the imperial city, with this token, she can enter the palace at any time.

Li Huan said that he wanted to read books in Zangshu Pavilion, and the emperor immediately agreed.

Lin Mumu's angry seven orifices were filled with smoke, and there was nothing he could do.

Finally, she settled a worry, and Li Huan knew that her abilities were limited.

This is the fastest way to find Nanny Qin and the others as soon as possible.

Li Huan started planning before refining the 'Rejuvenation Pill'.

Today I finally have a chance to get what I want.

It is still necessary to speed up the cultivation and cultivate your own power.

The speed of advancement is still too slow!
If everyone present could hear Li Huan's complaints, they might all be crying.

A pervert who can advance to the fourth rank in a month.

He even thinks that his promotion speed is too slow, and other people don't want to live.

Ordinary warriors start from the age of five.

It takes more than ten years of cultivation to have this level of cultivation, and that is all talent.

Misses like Li An and Li Ning, who have practiced for so many years, are only at the second level.

Tier [-] and Tier [-] are all talented people.

After this incident, everyone's attitude towards Li Huan has changed from disdain to sympathy.

Others are just curious.

There are already quite a few young ladies from aristocratic families who are planning to leave the mansion after the birthday banquet, and make friends with this famous useless young lady who left home.

Not for anything else, just for the 'Rejuvenation Pill' that can restore youth.

Li Huan didn't care about other people's opinions, it was a good thing to play with the token in his hand.

After the presenting session was over, the banquet began.

The food in the palace is delicious, and everything is cooked exquisitely.

But Li Huan is used to eating food made with aura ingredients produced in his own space these days, so he doesn't like it very much anymore.

The ingredients in the space are all fed by the Qi of Shiyuan.

Even the most common green vegetables are extremely crisp and refreshing.

Li Huan used some casually, and when the banquet was over, she wanted to go to Zangshu Pavilion to read.

The dinner party was not at Yunlong Pavilion, but at Yongshou Palace where the Empress Dowager lived.

Li Huan was appreciated by the Queen Mother, so she could go back after the dinner.

The rest of Lifu did not have this honor.

So, after the banquet, everyone left in a hurry.

Before leaving, Li Ge specially came to look for Li Huan.

He said that he was too busy before and neglected her, and he must make up for her when he goes back.

Li Huan still had that quiet, easy-to-talk look, and sent him out of the palace with a half-hearted smile.

After Li Ge left, Li Huan asked the palace staff about the location of Zangshu Pavilion, and then went.

This is a rare opportunity, although you can come at any time with a token.

But there are too many rules when entering the palace once.

So come or don't come.

Li Huan showed her token, and the guards let her in, telling her to stay below the fourth floor.

There are six floors in the library pavilion, and the resources of the royal family are still good. Such a large library pavilion must have a rich collection.

No one followed, Li Huan went into the library alone.

(End of this chapter)

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