Chapter 636 Ice Queen
Countless evil spirits entangled Li Huan, trying to drag her into the depths of hell!

Li Huan transformed all these mental attacks into his own spiritual power and injected them into the sea of ​​consciousness!

Suddenly, those ladies seemed to come back to life!
Come out of the ice wall!

All of them have slender waists and full of charm, and they are drawn together.

Li Huan felt that the mental attack was as strong as he could bear!

Li Huan immediately sat down cross-legged, let Ertai landslide in front of him, and I stood still!

Soon, someone couldn't take it anymore and ran towards the ice wall, but was naturally attracted by the ice wall, and was trapped inside forever.

Soon, the first trapped people began to be melted by the ice wall!
Under some unknown force, the red blood water turned into a transparent water-like object!
Let's see at this time, there are still people trapped in the ice wall!

Still so bright, so crystal clear!
But the truth beneath this beauty is simply creepy!

Li Huan's Soul Rescue Bead between Eyebrows appeared again!

Those ladies transformed by spiritual power were still trying to seduce Li Huan, but in the next second, they turned into a wisp of green smoke, which was completely sucked in by the bead between Li Huan's eyebrows!
Li Huan only felt a wave of pure spiritual power, which was instantly fed back to him by the soul-suppressing pearl!

Li Huan quickly absorbed these spiritual powers!
The cultivation base of Soul Eater Art is constantly improving!
Li Huan only felt that his mental strength was rising steadily, and there was a tendency to break through!
Li Huan's current mental strength is equivalent to the peak of the Linghuang!
As long as it can be promoted again!

Even if the cultivation base is not enough, but the spiritual power can match the spiritual realm!
Li Huan found that this is an excellent place to practice spiritual power!
The rest of the people were miserable under the attack of this mental force!

Only Li Huan kept asking for it!

Use the soul-suppressing beads to transform these spiritual powers into pure power, and after absorbing them, practice!

People are more than people, it's really maddening!

A few days later, the number of people who were originally few was reduced by half again!
In this competition in the Valley of Beasts, more than half of the people were eliminated in the first three rounds!
It seems that without waiting for the final decisive battle, most of the problems can be solved on the way!

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and a huge ice sculpture appeared in front of everyone!

"Ice Queen! It turned out to be the Ice Queen!"

"My God! It can't be so unlucky!"

"I remember that in the last competition, there was no Ice Queen!"

Li Huan looked at this ice sculpture that suddenly rose from the ground!

The sculpture is a beautiful woman!

But she is an ice sculpture!

But the next moment, she opened her eyes!
At this moment, Li Huan felt his pressure suddenly double!

Some people with poor mental strength were directly pressured and vomited blood!
Li Huan could only feel an extremely powerful mental force spreading from the statue of the Snow Queen!
Go to all attacks indiscriminately!

Li Huan quickly used the soul-suppressing pearl to protect his sea of ​​consciousness!

The mental power is constantly emerging, and the speed of the Soul Rescue Orb is extremely fast!
Li Huan only felt that the boundless mental power was constantly transforming, and he couldn't absorb it!
Soul Eater is promoted!
Li Huan tried to use the promotion of Soul Eater Art to absorb this excess mental power!
But the promotion failed!

With such a powerful spiritual power, he could still fail to be promoted!
Soul Devouring Art is indeed not a skill that ordinary people can easily practice!
Li Huan has a splitting headache!

But clenched your teeth and insisted!

The Snow Queen found out about Li Huan's situation, so she turned around and looked at Li Huan!

Just when Li Huan thought he could breathe a sigh of relief!
Suddenly, a more powerful mental power surged in!
The Snow Queen seems to be doing it on purpose!

If mental strength is a trickle to deal with the rest of the people, then Li Huan is a broad river!
And this river water is obviously aggressive!
Some people couldn't take it anymore, and directly used their own life-saving security to get out of here!
This is only the fourth level, if you can't pass it, you can try your luck at the back!
If you die here, you will have nothing!
The cultivation of spiritual power is extremely difficult!
The cultivators in the Tianyuan Continent generally do not have high levels of mental strength!

Only Li Huan cultivated from the beginning, and what he cultivated was spiritual power!
And all the time using the energy of origin!
Zhenhunzhu felt the challenge and did not help Li Huan transform!
It directly matched the attack of the Snow Queen!

The Snow Queen was surprised to find that the spiritual power of the person in front of her was still absorbing!

Instantly angry!

How dare you challenge her majesty!
As a result, the Snow Queen intensified her mental attack on Li Huan again!
Soul-suppressing pearls are not to be trifled with!


It runs at high speed, and the huge suction force absorbs all the spiritual attacks of the Ice Queen!
The Ice Queen and Soul Requiem Orb seem to be matching each other!
No one is willing to back down!
Li Huan constantly absorbs the pure spiritual power overflowing from the Soul Rescue Pearl!
Finally, after a few days, Li Huan's mental power broke through!


Spiritual power has been promoted to the realm of Lingzong!

Li Huan suddenly found that his sea of ​​consciousness had expanded countless times again!
Even all the scenes in this ice palace can't be hidden from Li Huan!
Li Huan also saw Yun Ling in mid-air, practicing!

Yun Ling did not enter here!

This time he was waiting for Li Huan outside!

Although Li Huan didn't say anything, Yun Ling also knew that Li Huan guessed that he had gone to trouble with that big black bird before!
So this time Yun Ling resisted the urge to protect the little bun, and entered the state of cultivation in mid-air!

In the end, the Snow Queen was defeated!

There is no mental attack!
Li Huan felt light all over!
The promotion this time is all due to the soul-repelling pearl!

Although his cultivation is still in the middle stage of the Spirit Emperor, his mental strength is comparable to that of the Spirit Sect!
What a surprise!
Li Huan waited until one second before the ice palace closed before coming out!
The biggest gain this time is Li Huan!
This is other people's purgatory.

However, it was Li Huan's cultivation paradise!

There are not many such opportunities, but every time you can get benefits!
This Soul Rescue Pearl is really a treasure!
I don't know who put it between my eyebrows!
From the looks of it, this Soul Repelling Orb is definitely not an ordinary thing!

Li Huan set off again.

This time the cloud order did not appear!

Li Huan knew that he was watching her from above.

One's own path, after all, can only be grown if one walks one's own way!

Yun Ling opened his eyes and watched Xiao Baozi come out of the ice palace, and smiled in relief!
Then close your eyes again and enter the state of cultivation!
After going out this time, you must press down the little buns carefully and taste them!
Yun Ling also knew that Li Huan must grow up as soon as possible!

The Promise Continent is a place full of dangers!
If Li Huan's strength is not enough, it will be extremely dangerous to go there!

Therefore, what he can do now is to let the little bun grow up as soon as possible!

(End of this chapter)

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