Chapter 638 Deception
Although it was a bit slow, Li Huan could think of the safest way!

Li Huan walked on the top of the tree like this for three days, and finally met some people on the third day!

Those who left early before can now see them here and there!
But they are all exhausted!

In comparison, Li Huan is much more relaxed!

Although this method is a bit ugly!
But there is no need to go to the ground to deal with those shadow-like monsters!

Moreover, there is no need to be attacked by unknown forces on the ground if you are not in the air!

Li Huan was originally the last one to leave!
But now, it quickly surpassed many people!

Li Huan's method was soon discovered by someone!

But they didn't have parasitic seeds, and they didn't know what was in Li Huan's hands, so they thought it was some unknown plant!
A person in the realm of Lingzong suddenly rushed up from the ground: "Hand over what is in your hand!"

Li Huan: "It's clear to grab, but you're still so confident!"

"Hmph! It's just a person in the middle stage of the Spirit Emperor, but he can come here! It's really impressive!"

Li Huan: "Are you envious?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hand over the things, and get out!"

Li Huan: "Then see if anyone has the ability to grab it!"

That person thought that Li Huan's cultivation was not as good as his, so his strength would not be much better!
Being able to reach the fourth level is already burning incense!

It's too easy to catch him now!

But before he could do anything, Li Huan had already traded the parasitic seeds elsewhere!
"Boy! Come here!"

The trees here are huge, and the gaps between the trees are also huge!
If you don't fly, you can only use tools.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to reach such a long distance with a simple jump!
Li Huan is ready to go!

That person is really not reconciled!
The things in Li Huan's hands are too useful for them now!
"Come here, I'll exchange with you!"

When Li Huan turned around, that man thought he was stupid, and would believe such a clumsy excuse!
But Li Huan is not a vegetarian anymore!

Li Huan: "What do you use in exchange?"

"One hundred spirit stones!"

Li Huan: "You sent the beggar!"

"Aren't you just a seed, you can buy hundreds of spirit stones for a hundred!"

Li Huan: "Then you go, buy it!"

Just kidding, the parasitic seeds were stolen by Li Huan from Mu's house!

I don't know how many years the Mu family has been in the elixir business to save such a fortune!
Li Huan believes that this kind of product must be a rare commodity in Tianyuan Continent!

Otherwise, how come this person has never even seen him!
Li Huan wanted to leave, but that person was in a hurry!

"Wait a minute! Two hundred!"

Li Huan: "Not for sale!"

"You! Wait until I catch you! See if I don't tear you apart!"

Li Huan: "Some people are really funny! They can't protect themselves, yet they still have the mind to threaten others!"

Li Huan threw out the parasitic seeds again and crawled forward!

That person was pissed off by Li Huan, really angry!

Directly used the Lingzong's ability to fly in the air!

Li Huan suddenly felt a killing intent!
The person from the Lingzong realm is here!
Attacking towards Li Huan!

Seeing that person is about to catch Li Huan!
At this moment, an unknown mysterious force on the ground suddenly attacked that Spirit Sect!

Poor Lingzong realm, there is no room for resistance!
It was shot down directly!
Soon submerged in black mist!
This time Li Huan can see clearly!
After the fog surrounded the man, it eroded him instantly!

When Li Huan saw the person who was still alive just now, in the blink of an eye, it turned into a black mist and disappeared!
Li Huan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, seeing it with her own eyes is still different from guessing!
Looks like be careful!
This ink mountain range is the place to eat people!

If Li Huan hadn't hung up too much!
He might die here!
Li Huan looked at the parasitic seed in his hand: "You are still welcome!"

Li Huan quickly put this episode behind her and started to move forward!
Ten days later, Li Huan finally saw the border of the Mo Mountain Range!
Li Huan felt like she was about to turn into a monkey!

Climbing for nearly 20 days!
Almost forgot what walking is!

Because of the previous lesson from the Lingzong, many people put away their attention to Li Huan!
But there are also some people who want to go out and trade parasitic seeds with Li Huan!

Li Huan made another big fortune on the road!
Now the wallet is bulging!
But just when Li Huan saw the dawn of victory, something happened!

Just at the edge of Mo Mountain, countless black mist spread, covering the tops of the trees!
Li Huan's previous method is useless!
Seeing the surrounding fog, Li Huan quickly jumped down!
At the same time, use the golden light body protection art to cover your body!
The moment Li Huan landed on the ground, he felt the ground tremble!

Earth Dragon turned over?


The earth is surging!

Like water ripples!
At this time, many people have already reached here!
The last area of ​​the ink mountain range turned into a black lake!
The viscous lake water was like oil, black, and Li Huan's feet were actually stuck!


The black water lake under his feet seems to have some kind of suction, constantly sucking people on the lake into it!
Li Huan felt his body sinking continuously!
Calf, thigh, waist!

In just a few breaths, it was half submerged!

We must find a solution immediately!
If you are submerged by this dark black lake, you may never be able to get out again!
"Divine Phoenix!"

Li Huan instantly summoned the Divine Phoenix Sword!

Shenhuang is spiritual, and immediately floated in mid-air, Li Huan grabbed the hilt of the sword, and the Shenhuang sword kept pulling hard!

But half of Li Huan's body was stuck!

It's hard to come out!
Li Huan poured all the spiritual energy into the Divine Phoenix Sword.

Shenhuang absorbed a large amount of spiritual energy and made a 'buzzing' trembling sound!
"call out!"

Li Huan was pulled out by the Divine Phoenix Sword!

But soon, a strong suction came from the black lake water!

The Divine Phoenix Sword fought desperately against that suction force!
Li Huan: "Let's go!"

"call out!"

Shenhuang took Li Huan and flew towards the edge of the Mo Mountain Range!
Some people also imitate Li Huan and use Yujian to get out of their predicament!
Seeing that they are about to leave the Moshan Mountains!
However, there was a huge wave in the lake in an instant!
The black waves instantly swept in the front part of the people!

Before even a single bubble was dropped, those involved disappeared!


Li Huan quickly retreat!

But soon the huge black wave struck again!

The tide is extremely high, coupled with the suction of the lake, it is difficult to cross this black wave!

At the very moment when it touched the tide, Li Huan suddenly slapped out a palm: "Li Huo Palm!"

Li Huan's palm suddenly punched a hole in the middle of the wave!
At this moment, Li Huan Yujian passed through!

(End of this chapter)

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