Chapter 642 The Past
It was a fluke for Li Huan to win this time!
If that person were not so conceited and directly fought Li Huan, Li Huan might not be able to win!

Li Huan's real strength really can't beat him!

After the people from Ziwu Peak go out, they should soon find that they are not poisoned!
He didn't believe it before!
But he was fooled by Li Huan!
It is impossible for Li Huan's toxin to poison a giant in such a short period of time!
She actually used formations!

Li Huan drew a closed formation around the ring!
This formation blocked the aura!

Without the aura, it was as if his energy source had been taken away!

Although Li Huan also has a certain influence!
But it is not as obvious as the giant!
The giant's stature is huge, so the aura it needs is naturally huge!
Li Huan drained the supply of spiritual energy, so he was naturally powerless!

Li Huan has the energy of origin, and can cope without spiritual energy, but the giant has no source of energy, and with Li Huan's mystification, he is naturally extremely scared!
The mentality has collapsed, and Li Huan will take the opportunity to attack again, it will be a matter of course!

It's the heart that won this time!

Attack on the heart!

But this feud has already been forged, it seems that you should be careful when you go out!
After Li Huan won, the little milk cat immediately jumped up!
The referee nodded to Li Huan: "Follow me!"

We can finally meet the patriarch of the Behemoth Clan!
Li Huan can't wait!
Li Huan followed that person, out of here, this is still inside the cave!

However, the caves of the Giant Beasts are even bigger than the palaces of ordinary people!
Li Huan passed through a forest and passed a river!

It finally arrived after two days!
Referee: "The small island in front is enough, go up by yourself!"

The referee docked the boat and let Li Huan go down.

Li Huan got off the boat, and the referee drove the boat away!

After Li Huan landed on the island, he looked at the boundless coastline!

Sure enough, the things of the giant beast clan cannot be viewed with ordinary eyes!
What is the difference between this island and a continent?
With no one to show the way, Li Huan had no choice but to go there by himself.

Li Huan walked for a few days before finding the palace in the center of the island!
this palace...

Li Huan felt a little familiar!
The architectural style is somewhat similar to the Promise Palace!

It looks like the rumors are true!
The patriarch of the Giant Beast Clan is from the Promise Continent!
Just why is he here?

Li Huan walked in front of the palace, only to realize that the palace is huge!

Li Huan was like a snail who walked for a long time before reaching the door!
But after reaching the gate, Li Huan realized that he was not as high as the threshold!
This is embarrassing!

Li Huan finally climbed up the threshold, and then tried to knock on the door.


Can't reach the knocker!

This is even more embarrassing!

Li Huan had to release Bruno and ask him to knock on the door for him!
Bruno looked at Li Huan with a proud face: Dwarf!You also have times to beg me!
Li Huan: Besides, I'll throw you back to Tomb Shou Village!
Bruno took a vicious look at Li Huan, and then knocked on the door with his front paws!
In the end, before knocking, the door opened by itself!
"come in!"

Li Huan put Bruno away and jumped off the threshold.

After entering, it turned out to be normal inside!
It seems that there should be something here that can change the size of an object at a glance like the power of space!
It's amazing!

Li Huan walked in: "Hello?"

"Hello Hello hello……"

There is an echo!
From the looks of it, this place only looks normal on the surface, but it is actually quite large!
The patriarch of the Giant Beast Clan didn't make things smaller just for Li Huan, did he?
I have to say, the truth about Li Huan!

"You finally came."

When Li Huan turned around, he saw a familiar figure!

Li Huan: "Titan?"

Titan nodded.

Li Huan: "You don't mean to tell me that you are the... patriarch of the Giant Beast Clan?"

Tai Tan shook his head: "I am his son, and my father Tyson is the patriarch."

It's easy to have acquaintances, Li Huan finally feels relieved!
Li Huan: "Where's your father?"

Titan: "He's not here, I'm going to find him."

Li Huan: "What? Where did he go?"

Titan: "The Promise Continent."

"How long have you been gone?"

Titan: "One year."

Li Huan's heart is shattered!

You worked so hard to get here!

I actually missed it!

It’s just that!

Does God just like to mess with me?

Titan: "You saved me, so you can make a request to me. If you win, you can choose one of our giant beast clan's martial skills to take back."

Li Huan didn't say a word, she wasn't doing it for that so-called martial skill at all!

She came to tell Nanny Qin about something her mother left for her!
Titan: "What?"

Li Huan took out the letter that Nanny Qin had given her, and Tai Tan read it after receiving it.

Titan: "You come with me!"

Li Huan followed Tai Tan to bring the center of the palace.

The little milk cat, the translator, just jumped down!
Li Huan watched it run to a place and stop: "Wow!"

Titan nodded.

Li Huan: "Is this what my mother left behind?"

It's a box, the same as the one that Li Huan dug out under the osmanthus tree in Lihuo City before!
Titan: "It's yours if you can open it, otherwise..."

Li Huan suddenly felt a killing intent!
Li Huan quickly cut his finger and dripped a drop of blood into it!
Soon "snap!"

The box is open!
At this moment, Tai Tan suddenly knelt down: "Master!"

Li Huan was very surprised: "This is you?"

Titan: "My father said, whoever can open this box is my little master, and it's you!"

Li Huan was at a loss, Tai Tan's father was the patriarch of the Giant Beast Clan, no matter what he was thousands of years old!
The Titan also looks hundreds of years old!
Li Huan is only a teenager!

A person who is hundreds of years old is calling her master!

There's something wrong with this style!

Li Huan didn't ask any further questions, since Nanny Qin asked her to find the patriarch of the Giant Beast Clan, there must be a reason for it!

Li Huan saw that there was an Unsealing Pill inside the box!

Li Huan has eaten!
So she knows!

When Li Huan took out the unsealing pill, his hands were shaking!
too excited!

It turned out to be Unsealing Pill!

Li Huan has been having some weird dreams recently!
Intuition told Li Huan that those were all things before being sealed!

This Unsealing Pill can tell her about the past!

If not all, you can know why!
Li Huan needed to calm down, and was not in a hurry to take Jiefeng Pill.

In front of Unsealing Pill is a crystal ball!

Li Huan took out the crystal ball.

What is sealed here is someone else's memory!
Li Huan poured spiritual energy into it, but found it was useless!

Li Huan immediately replaced it with Shiyuan Qi!

The picture inside the crystal ball suddenly jumped out!
It's mother!
It's grandpa!
here is……

Leaving the house!

Li Mansion of Yunlong Kingdom!

Mother's belly is huge!
It looks like it's about to give birth!

This is the scene when Li Huan was born!

Lin Yuxian: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Lin Yunshang: "Father, this is the only way to save Huan'er, I must do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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