Chapter 667 Overdraft
Li Huan doesn't want to stay here any longer!
Zi Yuan just left, and will not come again during this period of time!

After all, Li Huan's place is full of poison.

He is a person who cherishes his life and will not stay here any longer.

Therefore, every time I come to get the medicine, I don't show up at all on weekdays!

If you're lucky, Li Huan has a month to escape!
One month, must escape back!
The kitty started off quickly.

After breaking the restriction, Li Huan looked nervously at the lightning grid in front of him.

The little milk cat looked at Li Huan confidently, and even patted his chest with his little paw, as if to say: "Look at me!"

Li Huan nodded, feeling extremely nervous.

The little milk cat's paws stretched towards the electrified place.

at last!

bumped into!
It's not like before, when one paw goes down, the whole hand is scorched black!

The last time I left Huan, my heart ached.

I have never dared to let the little milk cat try again.

This time, Li Huan was still not at ease, so he took the little milk cat's hand and examined it carefully.

no problem.

Li Huan is really jealous of this kind of natural skill that can be promoted as long as he eats it!

The little milk cat looked at Li Huan proudly.

Li Huan: "You are the best!"

The little milk cat was encouraged and immediately became full of energy.

Soon a big hole was eaten out of this electrified place.

Li Huan released the fish balls and dug a hole with him.

Li Huan is like a little gopher, digging towards freedom!
Finally, two days later, Li Huan came out!
This is the foot of Ziwu Peak!
As soon as Li Huan came out, all traces of her presence here were wiped away.

After you're done, run in the direction of Misty Peak.

This time Li Huan tried his best to go back.

Li Huan didn't know how many times he had escaped.

It fails every time.

Li Huan must go back this time.

One month is really not enough for the distance between Misty Peak and Purple Wu Peak!

Li Huan can only use all means on the road.

Constantly control the birds instead of walking.

When one falls down, Li Huan will replace it with another one!
Day and night, non-stop.

Even sleeping is running away!

Several times, Li Huan almost fell asleep on the bird and fell off.

Later, Li Huan thought of a way to tie himself to a bird with parasitic seeds to prevent him from falling asleep on the road and falling from midair.

Finally, after 20 days, it approached the boundary of Misty Peak!
finally come back!
Li Huan didn't dare to delay, for these 20 days Li Huan didn't dare to stay for a moment, she just wanted to go back.

Going back to Misty Peak became Li Huan's only hope.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, Li Huan will not forcefully cross the tribulation.

During the catastrophe, if one is not careful, the catastrophe will be lost, Li Huan dare not be impulsive!

Just when Li Huan saw hope!
Suddenly, I realized that the mental lock had come again!

More than 20 days, about the same time as Li Huan expected!

When Li Huan left, the pharmaceutical secret room was full of poison.

Even if Zi Yuan finds out that he has escaped, he must first remove the poison from his body!
But Li Huan underestimated Zi Yuan's ability!

Zi Yuan found out that Li Huan had run away!

This man ran away right under his nose!
She still ran away after she had read "The Classic of Ten Thousand Poisons"!
The "Sutra of Ten Thousand Poisons" must never be passed on.

Otherwise, let alone Li Huan, he would die without a whole body.

The entire Ziwu Peak will also fall into a place of eternal doom.

Li Huan was right in guessing that none of Zi Yuan's belongings belonged to him, and he also worked hard for others.

Zi Yuan's entire face was livid, and everyone in Ziwu Peak was dispatched to track down Li Huan!
Li Huan has been running for more than 20 days, and will soon arrive at Misty Peak.

Even though Zi Yuan knew that chasing him like this would lead to a battle between Feng and Feng, he didn't care about it that much.

Bring people to the direction of Li Huan.

Li Huan felt that Zi Yuan was getting closer and closer to him.

That mental lock is getting stronger and stronger.

Seeing that victory was just around the corner, Li Huan's numb legs couldn't care less about running.

With the last sliver of strength, he rushed into the restriction of Misty Peak.

As soon as Li Huan came in, he was discovered!
"Which team is this guy from?"

"I don't know, why was he injured so badly? Could he be dead?"

"It doesn't look like it, it should have passed out."

Li Huan had been missing for more than a year, and several newcomers did not know her.

Some people had never seen her before she left.

During Li Huan's time at Misty Peak, he was either completing missions or cultivating.

Even when they broke the record and left, they followed Yun Ling quietly.

Therefore, these people don't know Li Huan.

As soon as more people gathered, someone recognized it.

"Isn't this Li Huan?"

"Which Li Huan?"

"It's the Li Huan who broke the record a year ago!"

"Oh my god! She is Li Huan who broke the record of a pharmacist! Isn't she missing?"

"Hurry up and report to the elders!"

"You are stupid! Seeing that the elder wants a thousand points, what is your relationship with her? You want to pay a thousand points!"

"I remember that she seems to belong to Team Ten, why don't you tell Team Ten?"

When the man opened his mouth, everyone fell silent.

It seems that Team Ten is some kind of scourge, and they will die when they touch it.

"The fifth team didn't say that anyone who dares to help the tenth team is against them."

"That's right! Didn't you see that the people from the fifteenth team gave them some food and were taught a lesson?"

"Then what should I do? Just let her lie here like this?"

"It's not that you don't want to save yourself, why don't you go to Lin Heng?"

"Yes, Senior Brother Lin might be able to!"

A few people felt sorry for making Li Huan so dizzy here, so they went to find Lin Heng.

But before those people came back, the people from the fifth team just finished their mission and came back.

Li Huan was in a coma because he had seriously overdrawn his spiritual energy.

She exerted her last ounce of strength and finally reached Misty Peak. The moment she entered, her tense mental strength suddenly relaxed, which led to a coma.

Therefore, Li Huan fell at the entrance.

The pharmacist of the fifth team is He Jiayan, who was a little jealous of Li Huan at first, but after seeing Li Huan break the record with her own eyes, she put away her thoughts.

After more than a year since Li Huan left, she gradually let go of it.

But He Jiayan didn't expect that Li Huan would fall here in such a mess after being missing for a year.

He Jiayan: "Why is Li Huan here?"

"Senior Sister Jiayan, do you know her?"

He Jiayan: "Naturally, Li Huan is the most powerful pharmacist in Misty Peak."

"Then what do you think we should do now?"

After He Jiayan squatted down, she checked Li Huan.

This is still a complete body!

It's almost overdrawn to the point of belly failure!
What did Li Huan go through!
How did it become like this?
Just when He Jiayan took out a pill and was about to take it for Li Huan, someone stopped her suddenly.


He Jiayan looked up and saw the alluring woman walking towards her: "Nalanyan, I don't have time to argue with you, I want to save someone now!"

(End of this chapter)

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