Chapter 673 Martial Soul Divine Phoenix
With such power, no one who is under pressure can stand still!

Some people with insufficient cultivation were directly forced by this coercion to vomit blood and fall to the ground!

Already running far away, the dormant monsters are trembling all over!

Lie on the ground and dare not move for half a minute!

Too strong!

Heavenly Lightning Tribulation!


Nine Heavens Profound Thunder, annihilate everything!
The moment the ninth thunder fell, the sky and the earth were completely white.

Everything seems to have disappeared!
There is only white left in the world!
Never Ending White!

That is the power of thunder!
When the dark clouds dispersed, everything returned to calm, and the bright sun shone down from the nine-day sky.

All of them held their breath.

No movement!

Nothing at all!


"Lin Yushu, your hope is gone!"

"Against the sky! It's death!"

Just at the moment when Ziwu Peak elder's words fell!
A piercing sound suddenly rose from the top of the mountain!

A golden light suddenly emanates from the top of the mountain, the golden light is dazzling, extremely sacred!


A cry breaks through the sky!
A huge divine phoenix rose from the top of Misty Peak.

The phoenix dances for nine days, watching the world with disdain!
The body of the phoenix is ​​solid, emitting a radiant light.

The golden light is dazzling, and the gold is overflowing!

Majestic treasure, divine brilliance!
Substantial tweets, shocking the world!

At this time, all the beasts in the entire Tianyuan Continent knelt down and bowed in the direction of Misty Peak, trembling, not daring to move!
The monsters huddled together and crouched in the corner, not daring to make any mistakes!

There are also low-level monsters lying on the ground directly, unable to move.

The divine phoenix hits the sky, flying to the sky in an unholy and inviolable posture!

Cailian is in the sky, and colorful auspicious clouds pave the way for her!
The sky is clear, and the blue sky of the Yaochi Lake sets her off!

The divine phoenix in the air chirped again!
She is declaring!

She's on tour!

Overlook the world!

I am the only one!





A steady stream of chirping sounds gathered from all directions!

Just a moment!

The sky over Misty Peak is filled with all kinds of birds!
The phoenix sings for nine days, and its wings are fluttering, attracting all kinds of birds to the phoenix!
The seventh, eighth, ninth, and even the never-before-born holy beasts were alarmed!
They hovered over Misty Peak, bowing to the Divine Phoenix above the sky!
Hundred birds toward the phoenix!

The clouds are all over the sky!

"Divine Phoenix! That is the Divine Phoenix Martial Soul!!"

"Your Lin family actually has a reincarnation of the Divine Phoenix!"

The elders of Ziwu Peak panicked!

This is a real god!

They actually provoked the gods!
Zi Yuan's anger instantly flared up.

This person must not stay!
You must tell the above immediately!
Zi Yuan yelled at the elders of Ziwu Peak: "What kind of god is not a god! It's just a little baby who has just passed the catastrophe! Only a grown god is a god! If you die in the cradle, you are nothing! Kill me!"

The elders of Ziwu Peak also know that this matter cannot be better!

Either they die, or Ziwu Peak dies!
Do your best to kill this kind of god in the cradle!
Otherwise, there will be endless troubles!
Although the elders of Misty Peak were pleasantly surprised, they were more worried!
They also didn't expect that Li Huan's talent would be so strong that he awakened his martial soul just after he survived the thunder tribulation.

Now it is known by the people of Ziwu Peak!

No matter what, I can't let them go back today!
If people in the Wuji Continent know about it, then what awaits Li Huan is an endless pursuit!

Divine Phoenix Martial Soul!

The legendary king Wuhun!
The Divine Phoenix in the sky finally returned to Li Huan's body.

Li Huan opened his eyes, and there was a golden light in his eyes!

She actually awakened her martial soul after crossing the tribulation!

Martial Soul Divine Phoenix!

Li Huan: Why can't I see her?
Soul-devouring Beast: With your current cultivation, you can't control her at all, so you should practice honestly.

Li Huan: ...

Li Huan: What do you mean, I can't use my martial spirit to fight now?
Soul Eater: You can say that.

Li Huan: This is really a sad story that cannot be sadder!

Soul-devouring Beast: The legendary Divine Phoenix will be reincarnated on your body, who are you?
Li Huan: I am who I am!Fireworks of different colors!

Soul-devouring Beast: ...It doesn't matter if it can't be used, everyone is innocent and guilty.

Li Huan: Got it!

After Li Huan finished speaking, she stood up!

All her clothes were ruined.

Li Huan searched in the space, and found the Liuxian dress that Yun Ling once gave her.

This was the first gift Yun Ling gave to herself. Unfortunately, Li Huan put it on the shelf because of jealousy, and never had a chance to wear it since then!
The pure white skirt is trimmed with gold silk, and it is embroidered with golden butterflies fluttering its wings!
One step at a time, like a lotus flower, like a moon in a cloud, like snow on a high mountain!

After Li Huan changed into her clothes, Yu Wan was stunned!

Fishball: "You! You! You!"

Li Huan: "What?"

Fishball: "Your face!"

Li Huan: "What happened to my face?"

Li Huan took out a mirror, the person in the mirror was full of water, icy muscles and bones, bright eyes and white teeth!
Is this yourself?

What does it look like after unblocking?
It looks much better than before.

But Li Huan has no time to appreciate it now, she has more important things to do!

Li Huan: "Divine Phoenix!"

Li Huan summoned the Divine Phoenix Sword and left the space in an instant to support Lin Yushu and the others!

Leave the fishballs alone in a completely sluggish space.

Yuwan: If she is completely unsealed, isn't it...

It's so beautiful too!
If we talk about Li Huan before, it was a ball of pink, glutinous and beautiful buns.

Now it is a lotus plant blooming in the wind!

Delicate and elegant, charming and graceful!
With vigorous vigor!
Like a newborn sun!
The whole body exudes vitality, and there is a trace of divinity hidden in it!
Graceful and graceful, elegant demeanor.

Li Huan has been promoted to the Spirit Sect and can ride the waves!
The moment Li Huan came out, he attacked the elders of Ziwu Peak!

Li Huan's body has been baptized by the Thunder Tribulation Liquid, and all his attacks have the power of thunder!

"Four Seasons Sword is back!"

"Four seasons swordsmanship, causality!"

Li Huan's swordsmanship was brought to the extreme by her!

The artistic conception in the sword has reached the perfect state, and the whole person is like a sword out of its sheath, unstoppable!

The battle situation that was originally suppressed because of the lack of an elder on Misty Peak, became much easier because of Li Huan's joining!

All the elders are excited!
They just witnessed the return of the Divine Phoenix with their own eyes!

Years of anticipation finally has an answer!

The momentum is at an all-time high!

The elders of Ziwu Peak had the upper hand just now, but soon became defeated!
Lin Yushu: "Well done, girl!"

Li Huan: "Grandpa Lin, I will definitely help you break the legs of these lackeys!"

Li Huan's appearance boosted a lot of morale.

The people in Misty Peak were shocked by the previous scene!

There is a feeling of pride!

Their Misty Peak is no worse than Ziwu Peak!

"Long live Li Huan!"

"Come on, Li Huan!"

Li Huan looked at the ground, it was the friends from the tenth team!

Li Huan laughed!
Come fight!
my teammates!
Swear to defend Misty Peak!
(End of this chapter)

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