Chapter 676: Divine Phoenix Blood
The more the ancestor of Ziwu Peak thought about it, the more he felt that he was right!

If the little doll in front of me is really so wicked.

It's impossible, I'll be immobilized by myself!

He took out a dagger: "Just kill it directly! Huh! I don't believe it, you are still invulnerable!"


Li Huan doesn't have an iron wall!
Li Huan really has no choice but to do it with real swords and guns!

Li Huan: "Do you know why I wanted to kill Zi Yuan?"

Ancestor Ziwu Peak: "Why?"

Li Huan: "Because..."

Ancestor Ziwu Peak: "Don't dawdle! Say it!"

Li Huan: "I know his secret! He is helping people refine drugs!"

Ziwu Peak Patriarch: "I know this!"

Li Huan: "No, you don't know, there are other things besides refining poison!"

Ancestor Ziwu Peak: "Don't be secretive! Say it quickly!"

Li Huan: "If you say so, you won't kill me?"

Ancestor Ziwu Peak: "Is it possible?"

Li Huan: "Then I won't talk about it! It's death anyway!"


Li Huan only spoke half of what he had said, and his curiosity was aroused, but it suddenly stopped!
What secret does Zi Yuan have that he doesn't know?
He knows about drug making, what else!
What is it!
What is it!
The ancestor of Ziwu Peak became irritable in an instant, rushed over and grabbed Li Huan's neck: "Say! Say it quickly! What is it!"

Li Huan: "I...I'm dead, will never know!"

Li Huan was almost out of breath!

Still affirming that he knows Zi Yuan's secret!

But where's the secret!
It's just Li Huan making it up to deceive him!
After half a quarter of an hour, she will be able to live, not only can she live, but Misty Peak can also keep it!

Li Huan: "This secret is related to the survival of your Ziwu Peak!"

The ancestor of Ziwu Peak: "Impossible! What secrets can Ziyuan have that is related to the survival of Ziwu Peak! You are bluffing me! Damn girl! Are you bluffing me!"

Li Huan: "How is it possible! I helped him make drugs for a year, don't I know who he is helping! This secret is related to the people above!"

The Ziwu Peak Patriarch's hand suddenly loosened, Li Huan gasped for breath, and almost died!

Li Huan doesn't know what's above or not!


It's enough to be able to bluff for a while!
The ancestor of Ziwu Peak suddenly caught Lin Yushu from the air: "Stinky girl! Playing with me? Don't tell me, I'll kill him right now!"

Lin Yushu was pinned down by him, and could only be slaughtered by the ancestors of Ziwu Peak.

Lin Yushu: "Girl, don't listen to him! He will kill you immediately! I can't live anymore! You have to live well!"

The ancestor of Ziwu Peak: "Hmph! If you don't say anything, I will kill Misty Peak! If you don't say anything, there is also the Wuji Palace! Lin Yuxian built the Wuji Palace for you, and I will destroy it in front of you!"

It turns out that the grandfather is the old man Wuji, Li Huan smiled.

No wonder Juling Pagoda seems familiar, the power of space!
Li Huan stood up: "Come here, I will only tell you one person, after all, this is the secret of your Ziwu Peak! But, you let them all go! Don't worry, I can't escape from your palm!"

Ancestor of Ziwu Peak: "You are wise!"

After saying that, he threw Lin Yushu aside: "Go away!"

Lin Yushu stepped forward: "No! Girl, you can't believe what he said! You can't say it!"

Li Huan: "It doesn't matter, sooner or later I will die! My life alone, you will also earn!"

The ancestor of Ziwu Peak walked towards Li Huan: "Just figure it out! Killing you is nothing more than moving your fingers!"

He walked to Li Huan and approached Li Huan, wanting to know Zi Yuan's secret!

Li Huan leaned in: "The secret is..."

In an instant, a dagger suddenly stabbed Ziwufeng Patriarch in the heart!
"court death!!!"

At this moment, Li Huan was hit by a powerful force and flew backwards!

At the peak of Lingdi's all-out attack!
Li Huan smiled, afraid that he would not survive!

However, the ancestor of Ziwu Peak was also poisoned by Li Huan!
Drunk and dreamy!

Ziwu Peak's own poison!
Li Huan smashed countless towering ancient trees in a row, and finally hit a mountain beside Misty Peak, and his whole body was embedded in it!

Completely fainted!

too strong!
Li Huan's internal organs were shattered!
"small bun!!!"

The sky was suddenly torn open by some powerful force!
A banished fairy stepped out of the star!

He galloped over and immediately hugged Li Huan out!

But look at Li Huan's appearance!

There is blood all over the body!

There was a purple-red bruise on the neck, and the breath was weak, as if he would die at any moment!
Yun Ling didn't even think about it, and poured spiritual energy on Li Huan desperately.

Then he took out the pill and poured the whole bottle into Li Huan's mouth!
However, the little bun in his arms didn't move at all!

Yun Ling's eyes were red with anxiety, and the little bun's aura was disappearing little by little!
Yun Ling can't even breathe!
Ziwu Peak Patriarch: "Boy! You were able to come out alive!"

Yun Ling ignored him at all, and kept pouring spiritual energy on Li Huan.

The tendons are broken!

Belly shattered!

The bones are broken!

His little bun is going to die!

Lin Yushu and other elders rushed forward.

Lin Yushu: "Use this! Divine Phoenix blood!"

Yun Ling's eyes seemed to be eating people, it was extremely terrifying!
The whole person turned into a devil!
Yun Ling glanced at Lin Yushu, as if being targeted by a devil!
My heart skipped a beat!
Lin Yushu: "She has awakened the martial spirit, use this to activate the martial spirit to repair her body!"

The blood of the Divine Phoenix was originally intended to be given to Li Huan, but since Li Huan was rescued from the robbery, there was no chance.

And none of them thought that Li Huan would awaken his martial soul when he was crossing the tribulation!

Ordinary monks at least have to touch the threshold of the Martial Soul in the realm of the Spirit Venerable.

Those with strong talents must be in the realm of the Spirit Emperor at the earliest!

There are very few people who have awakened their martial souls in the realm of Lingzong!

Awakened after crossing the catastrophe, unprecedented!

Yun Ling's aura eased a little, and he took the blood of the Divine Phoenix.

But he didn't use it directly for Li Huan, but used his aura to slowly transfer it to Li Huan after refining the palm of his hand.

Lin Yushu and the rest of the elders watched in horror!
He was actually able to directly refine the blood of the Divine Phoenix!

This drop of Divine Phoenix blood from the Lin family was preserved until now through the strength of the whole family!
One can imagine how precious it is!

Moreover, Shenhuang is a divine beast, and every drop of blood is a priceless treasure, which contains divine power, which cannot be controlled by ordinary people.

And Yun Ling not only refined it, but also gave it to Li Huan without wasting a single cent!
Li Huan's body was slowly recovering after absorbing the blood of the Divine Phoenix.

The ancestor of Ziwu Peak: "Hmph! It's a waste of effort!"

He has no consciousness of being poisoned at all!

Still angry, Li Huan's cunning!
Damn girl!
He even lied to him!

If he still doesn't know that Li Huan lied to him, then he will have lived in vain for hundreds of years!
Yun Ling saw that Li Huan's aura improved, and the terrifying aura that no one should enter gradually dissipated.

Lin Yushu took the opportunity to step forward and said to Yun Ling, "Leave it to us!"

(End of this chapter)

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