Chapter 694 Thunder Island

There are not many elixirs on the island, so Li Huan collected some.

Some elixirs are not of high grade, but they are indispensable medicines.

Therefore, Li Huan is in the upper middle of the space.

After resting here for a day, Li Huan set off again.

Li Huan studied the map.

The fastest way to go to the Magic Sea is through Thunder Island.

If you bypass Thunder Island, it will only take more than ten days.

Li Huan didn't want to wait, and drove directly to Thunder Island.

He sailed by himself and couldn't get the latest information. Li Huan didn't know what was happening on Thunder Island, so he could only take a step to see.

The people from the Ling family behind simply did not chase after him for the time being.

But Li Huan didn't think they would let her off like that.

After all, Li Huan emptied his treasure house, which to the pirates meant killing them!
Two days later, the Thunder Island is in sight!

Li Huan did not go to shore.

Li Huan took out a small boat.

Sulby: "Why don't you take this big boat?"

Li Huan: "I don't know what's going on in Thunder Island, so it's better to be careful."

Dongfang Rui sat next to Li Huan as soon as he got on the boat: "The boat is better!"

Li Huan shook his head helplessly, Rui is three years old!

Rui, who will never grow up, is three years old.

Li Huan put away the big boat, and the four of them went to Thunder Island in an extremely inconspicuous boat.

Li Huan and the others found a pier to dock.

Thunder Island is not as big as Wide Area Island, but the trade is very frequent, people come and go, very lively.

Rhyme: "There seems to be a sound of thunder on this island?"

Sulby: "I heard it too, so is it called Thunder Island?"

Li Huan: "Go in and find out!"

After the four entered the island, they found a restaurant with the most customers.

While Xiao Er was serving the food, Li Huan inquired about Thunder Island.

Xiaoer: "You guys don't know about that! Our Thunder Island is most famous for its sound of thunder! If there is no sound of thunder, there would be no Thunder Island!"

Li Huan: "Do you have any explanation?"

Xiao Er: "I don't know the details, but this thunder is the root of Thunder Island."

Li Huan watched him want to speak but refused, grabbed a handful from the ground of the space, and threw a gold coin casually.

Xiao Er put away the gold coins: "When Thunder Island is in a thunderstorm, the god of thunder will descend!"

Sulby: "What!? Thor?"

So Erbi looked in disbelief, Xiao Er was in a hurry.

Xiaoer: "Really! It's absolutely true!"

Li Huan threw out another gold coin, and Xiao Er silently put away the gold coin: "If this young man doesn't believe it, he will find out when it rains."

Li Huan threw the gold coin in his hand on the table: "Just say what you want! Once you finish talking, it's all yours!"

Only then did Xiao Er show a smile: "There is a mysterious place in the middle of Thundering Island. Whenever there is a thundering sky, purple mist can be produced there, and that mist is the key!"

Li Huan: "Purple mist?"

Xiao Er: "Yes! A long time ago, there was a powerful person who traveled thousands of miles to Thunder Island to capture the purple mist, and then refined it into purple mist beads. These purple mist beads are a good thing!"

The purple mist amidst the thunder made Li Huan's heart suddenly alive.

Li Huan: "Speak on!"

Xiao Er quietly put away a handful of gold coins on the table, and then said, "Purple mist beads can not only protect against lightning, but also can be used to resist thunder when the Linghuang crosses the catastrophe! There is a price but no market!"

Li Huan nodded in satisfaction.

Xiaoer walked away wisely.

Sulby: "This little girl is really serious. One sentence costs a gold coin."

Li Huan: "It's just some useless stones, if you give them, you will give them."

Aren't they just stones, used by Li Huan to pave the way for the space!

If Li Huan guessed correctly, this Purple Mist Bead is something like a lightning protection bead!

Li Huan found a place to stay after eating.

Dongfang Rui: "Aren't you in a hurry? The Ling family will catch up!"

Li Huan: "No problem."

Sulby: "Does Huan'er want that bead?"

Li Huan: "It's not me, it's you three!"

Yin Yun: "The three of us are about to cross the tribulation! If this bead is really useful, it should be able to keep us from going through the tribulation smoothly, but..."

Li Huan: "Let's take a look first! Such things are not available to ordinary people. I guess the ancestor of the Ling family is here!"

Li Huan had heard before that the ancestor of the Ling family was about to cross the catastrophe.

Maybe they just waited for this purple fog bead, it seems that Li Huan and the others came at the right time!
Dongfang Rui: "Then what are you waiting for! Let's go! Go grab the beads!"

Su Erbi hit Dongfang Rui on the head with his chopsticks: "You are a pig! People just said it was a thunderstorm day! Look, does it look like it's raining today?"

Dongfang Rui: "You are enough! Don't think that I don't hit women, my lord!"

Sulby: "What! Want to call back!"

Dongfang Rui: "Forget it! Good men don't fight with women! Hmph! I'm going to practice, sir!"

Li Huan looked away, smiled, and looked at the cloudless weather, it seemed that he would have to wait for a few days.

When Li Huan was crossing the catastrophe, Lin Yushu and the others used all the Thunder Tribulation Liquid they had accumulated all their lives.

The reason why Li Huan survived the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation so smoothly was the Thunder Tribulation Liquid.

Right now, it is naturally impossible for Li Huan to catch this Thunder Tribulation Liquid.

But this Purple Mist Bead, you can give it a try!
Li Huan and the others stayed on Thunder Island.

It hasn't rained for several days!

And it's getting hotter every day!

Li Huan also took the opportunity to go to the center of the island, where many forces had long been guarding.

It seems that what the little girl said is correct, this purple mist pearl has a price but no market!
Li Huan noticed several very powerful auras hidden on the island.

It seems that another bloodbath is coming!

In the past few days, whenever I have time, Li Huan will go for a walk in the central area.

It seems to be careless, but in fact, it has been paying attention to the changes here.

The center of the island turned out to be a natural sinkhole!

Even if it is not raining, the sound of thunder can be heard in this tiankeng.

Li Huan had searched carefully, and it seemed to be an echo.

But the tiankeng was too deep, so Li Huan didn't investigate deeply.

Sulby: "It's been ten days! When will it rain!"

Dongfang Rui: "I'm going to dry it out!"

Yin Yun: "Have you been asked to follow?"

Dongfang Rui: "Master, I suddenly feel cooler now!"

Sulby: "It seems to be!"

Rhyme: "Shameless!"

Dongfang Rui: "Really! I really feel cooler!"

Sulby: "Really! Me too! It's windy!"

Li Huan: "It's going to rain! I hope it's a thunderstorm!"

Dongfang Rui: "Is that..."

The four of them looked at each other tacitly.

Soon, many people squatting on the island noticed something strange.

Before Li Huan found a natural cave, the four of them rushed there now.

As soon as we got in, it started to rain!

The rain is pouring, and the water is pouring!
(End of this chapter)

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