Chapter 696: Purple Mist Orb

Li Huan almost took away the purple mist from Thunder Island this time!
Li Huan looked at the purple liquid in the bowl.

Start refining the Purple Mist Bead!

The purple mist collected by Li Huan was refined into one!
Only two more!

Li Huan only collected half a bowl, but the ancestor of the Ling family had a full bowl!
It seems that if he wants to refine two more, that one bowl should be barely enough!
Li Huan put the bowl away.

It's time to go to the ancestor of the Ling family!
Li Huan has been avoiding it all the time, just to let the ancestors of the Ling family concentrate on collecting Ziwu for him!
Looking at his big bowl full, it should have been accumulated for a long time!
It's a pity that these are all divorced!
I feel happy just thinking about it!
When Li Huan came, the patriarch of the Ling family was wondering!
Why did this Purple Haze end so soon!
Because he has lived here for a long time!
It is for this purple mist bead!

Therefore, some surrounding forces dare not come up to snatch him!
The patriarch of the Ling family never thought that someone would argue with him!

Some forces from far away rushed over, and he would turn a blind eye.

After all, there is no need to bother to offend someone who is capable and only collects once.

He was able to collect a dozen drops several times before!

But this time only five drops were gathered!
Don't know when the next time will be!

A letter from the Ling family said that something happened at home!
He wanted to go back quickly to see what was going on.

The patriarch of the Ling family was a little dissatisfied with this harvest!
But just when he was about to put away his things, he found a bead appeared not far in front of him!
This is……

Purple fog bead!
Ready-made Purple Mist Beads!

No wonder there is so much less purple mist this time!
It turns out that there is a natural one here!

The ancestor of the Ling family didn't even think about it!
Immediately run to pick up the beads!
But the second he reached out and bent over!
"call out!"

A short arrow suddenly galloped towards him!

Amazing power!

The patriarch of the Ling family retreated hastily, and managed to dodge the short arrow!

Suddenly, I found that the bowl in my hand was gone! !

what happened!

"who is it!"

This is his whole two years of hard work!

The patriarch of the Ling family is the pinnacle of the Linghuang, so the aura is naturally not as high as Li Huan!
Therefore, the speed at which he collects is simply not as good as Li Huan!
It took a full two years of hard work to collect a bowl!
It actually disappeared at such a critical time!

The patriarch of the Ling family is going crazy!

The point is, the bead on the ground is gone too!

Someone is definitely making trouble!

Just that short arrow!
But he searched for a long time, but he didn't see the short arrow just now!
It's like nothing happened before!
But the bowl in his hand disappeared!

The patriarch of the Ling family became furious instantly!
Constantly attacking all around indiscriminately!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Most of the trees in the tiankeng were destroyed in an instant!
All the destroyed places didn't have what he was looking for!

The culprit, Li Huan, has already come out!
Li Huan couldn't wait to refine this bowl of purple mist.

She found a quiet place and began to refine the bowl of purple liquid.

The strong spirit of thunder is jumping in the bowl!

Really good stuff!
Although it is not as good as Lei Jieye.

But it is indeed a good thing for lightning protection!
When the three of them cross the catastrophe, Li Huan arranges a few more formations, and it should be safe!

The entry qualification for the Wuji Continent is the Spirit Sect!
Surbi and the others must overcome the tribulation before they arrive!

When they leave here and arrive at the Magic Sea, Li Huan will find a place for them to exercise.

Li Huan refined a bowl and got two Purple Mist Beads!
Li Huan put away the three beads and returned to the previous cave!

After waiting for a while, none of the three of them showed up!
Li Huan felt it, and found the sound of fighting in the center.

Li Huan rushed over immediately!
It turned out that the ancestor of the Ling family was furious and angered everyone!

Arrest everyone who appears here!
When Li Huan came, many people were trapped in the sinkhole in the center!

Including the herb pickers who hid from the rain with Li Huan before.

Su Erbi still has Yin Yun, and Dongfang Rui is dealing with the ancestors of the Ling family.

Li Huan was not in a hurry to join, this was a rare opportunity to exercise!
With the strength of the three of them, it is a bit difficult to deal with a peak Linghuang!

But it's not life-threatening.

Li Huan simply sat up and practiced!

The patriarch of the Ling family did not expect that the three of them this time turned out to be a piece of iron!
He arrested people in batches before!

No one dared to resist him!

But here it is!

The three of them teamed up.

The patriarch of the Ling family looked at the three little dolls in front of him, furious!

Patriarch of the Ling family: "Hand over the things!"

Sulby: "This purple haze is naturally produced. We collect ours, and you collect yours! Why should you grab ours!"

Dongfang Rui: "That's right! Bad old man!"

Yin Yun: "Don't you know that this old man is a pirate!"

Sulby: "Is he the ancestor of the Ling family?"

Dongfang Rui: "That's just right!"

Patriarch of the Ling family: "What are you talking about! Have you ever been to the Ling family?"

Dongfang Rui: "It's more than just being there!"

The ancestors of the two families instantly remembered the previous letters!
It seems that it has nothing to do with these three people!

Patriarch of the Ling family: "Since this is the case, it would be a pity to kill him!"

The spirit of the ancestor of the Ling family suddenly rose sharply!

Sulby was the first to be injured by him and retreated behind.

The second one is Dongfang Rui!
Yin Yun stalemate for a while, and soon retreated!

It seems that there is still a gap in this level!

Both Su Erbi and Dongfang Rui were injured.

Yin Yun couldn't last much longer, and the ancestor of the Ling family: "Boy, dare to be arrogant in front of me! Die!"

Li Huan took a step forward and stood in the air: "Shenhuang! Go!"

Just when the patriarch of the Ling family was at his happiest, someone suddenly pierced his heart with a sword!

The ancestor of the Ling family suddenly widened his eyes and looked at his chest in disbelief!
he died!
The place that was still a little noisy just now suddenly became silent!

Those who were captured by the ancestors of the Ling family looked at the young man above their heads.

Dressed in white, standing in the sky!

"Spirit Sect! It turned out to be the Spirit Sect!"

"That kid wasn't..."

"My God! I actually talked to Lingzong!"

The people who hid from the rain with Li Huan before were all surprised, looking at the boy in the air!
Dodge the rain with Lingzong!

Then you can take it out and brag for a lifetime!
Li Huan glanced at them: "Let's go!"

When Li Huan and the others came to the shore, the people outside didn't know what happened inside!
Li Huan found a boat that was about to leave.

To go to the fantasy sea, you need to be led by a familiar boat, otherwise, you will get lost.

When Li Huan and the others were about to board the ship, several large ships suddenly surrounded the pier!

Captain: "These little brothers can't leave!"

Li Huan: "Why don't you leave?"

Captain: "People from the Ling family are here!"

Li Huan: "The Ling family?"

Captain: "Yes! Didn't you see those ships?"

Dongfang Rui: "People from the Ling family are here, what does it matter if we leave or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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