Chapter 810 Spy
Li Huan used the flames of the Nine Phantom Bone Fire to cultivate in a place where the devilish energy was strong.

He didn't really come out until it was confirmed that no one was following him.

Li Huan came out and went directly to the front line.

Li Huan joined a small team and followed them to kill monsters every day.

The cultivation base has indeed improved a lot, but still can't find anything about 1000 years ago.

It's been so long that few people know about it.

Team member number one: "If you want to know, there is actually a way to let you know about the past."

Team member No. [-]: "You are crazy! How can you instruct her to go to the Demon Race!"

Team No. [-]: "I just mentioned this possibility, and I definitely didn't instruct anyone!"

Li Huan silently remembered No. [-]'s words in his heart. It seemed that there might be clues from the demons.

Demons generally live longer than human monks.

Moreover, Li Huan heard that the lifespan of a high-level monster is [-] years!

Moreover, it can be dissected and reborn!
Every time you are reborn, your cultivation level will be higher than before!
Talent will also be higher!

After nine autopsies, he became an immortal existence!

On this day, Li Huan suddenly found that more people were injured.

Li Huan: "What's going on? Is the death rate a little higher recently?"

"I don't know, I heard that there is a big movement in the Demon Race."

Li Huan voluntarily signed up for the pharmacist team, and followed everyone to help treat the wounded.

This is a temporary team activated when the death rate is too high, the purpose is to help the human monks recover from their injuries as soon as possible.

Li Huan heard a lot of news during the treatment.

It turns out that the royal family, which has been missing for thousands of years, has returned!
And the Demon Lord returns to his throne, under the leadership of the High Priest, he is ready to unify the divided Demon Race!
If it is really unified, then it will suffer!

Once the demons are united, to put it bluntly, the entire battlefield of the gods and the underworld will no longer exist!

Because it will become the new territory of the demons!

The reason why the Demon Race has fought against the Human Race for so many years and still has not won is because they have accumulated too many internal conflicts.

In the final analysis, they have no royal family!

The royal family is the ruler of the demon clan!
Only the royal family can dominate the situation of the demon clan!
I heard that the demon king is back!

Everyone on the battlefield of the gods and the underworld panicked!

"They must be stopped!"

"We're looking for someone to sneak in and spy on the situation!"

"Yes! Know yourself, know your enemy, and win every battle!"

Li Huan just needed to go to the Demon Race to find out what happened 1000 years ago, so he took this opportunity to sign up!

There are only a few people who sign up together.

They were intensively trained in the basic knowledge of the demons for a few days, and then they were sent away!
Li Huan got a magic stone, and everyone who signed up got one.

It can be regarded as an encouragement to them, but also a means of protection.

Li Huan threw the talisman stone into the space.

Let's go with the big team!

"Remember, being able to come back alive is the most important thing!"

"Come back and tell us what you have seen and heard!"

"Don't be discovered! Otherwise, a dead end!"

There are ten in total.

They were named the winning squad!

To put it bluntly, it is cannon fodder, but it is just to appease those who are still on the battlefield of the gods and ghosts.

We have sent someone out!
Not for nothing!
Li Huan also took a closer look at these ten people, except for one or two who were passionate and really wanted to spy on the situation.

The rest come with a purpose of their own.

Li Huan also had a purpose, but there was no conflict with spying on information.

The battlefield of the gods and the underworld is still some distance away from the demons.

Li Huan followed them all the way forward carefully.

On the way, some monsters were beheaded, and a demon general was killed together.

It will soon be close to the city of the demons, but the people in the team have disagreements.

Some wanted to go to the city, saying that the news in the city was better.

Some said that they could not enter the city, and the chances of being discovered were even greater if they entered the city!

They are all demons in disguise, not real demons, if they are discovered, they will have to die!

The people on both sides refused to give in, so they could only divide into two teams!
Li Huan wanted to find out about his grandfather, so he chose to go to the city.

There were only three people who agreed to go to the city.

Li Huan and his party of three entered the city and parted ways with the rest.

Li Huan has the demon energy in his hands, so he has almost no intention of having any relationship with the demons.

The other two were extremely nervous.

Li Huan quietly poured a little devilish energy into the rosary beads, and each of them gave them one.

Chen Yu: "Thank you! This bead is amazing."

Yuan Rou: "Thank you! It's also the first time I've seen it, and it seems to have dark magic energy inside."

Li Huan: "Wear it on your body, you can get away with it, it's better than the camouflage they gave you!"

Of these two people, Chen Yu really came to inquire about the news, only Yuan Rou and Li Huan were not.

However, these did not prevent them from forming a team of three!

Li Huan found a teahouse. If he wanted to inquire about news, the teahouse was the most suitable place.

They sit here drinking tea, as long as they don't act like monsters, it's hard to find that they are not members of the demon clan.

Coupled with the devilish energy on his body, he is almost no different from the demons!

Li Huan still has the bone fire of Nine Phantoms, even if he attacks with his hands, he can't see any flaws!

After they sat down for a while, the city became a commotion!

A group of soldiers escorted a group of people into the city.

Yuan Rou: "It's them!"

Li Huan saw that the team that had separated from them before had been captured!
Although what these people said made sense, the guards of the demon clan would focus on the outside when they wanted to patrol. In comparison, the city was the safer one!
It's a pity that only three of the ten people have thought about this clearly.

Chen Yu: "Do you want to help them?"

Li Huan: "Don't worry, wait and see, we don't know the specific situation yet, if we go forward indiscriminately, maybe we will be arrested together!"

Li Huan's kindness was not rewarded!
Because of the people being escorted, someone saw them!
It was found that the three of them were drinking tea leisurely!
Why should they suffer!
"I report it!"

Someone in the escorted team shouted.

A magician walked over.

The man pointed towards Li Huan.

Yuan Rou: "How could this happen!"

Chen Yu: "I still want to save them! I really don't know what to do!"

Li Huan: "Keep quiet for a while, I'll take care of it!"

The demon general looked at the three people who were drinking tea, and found that they all had dark demon energy on them, so he just glanced at them and continued to escort them away!
The person who reported it was dumbfounded!
what happened?

Those three people are clearly the human race that came with them!
Why not catch?
The rest of the people can't stand it anymore!

Even if you get caught!
That's my bad luck!

But it's really disgusting to involve other people in it!

But the person who reported it didn't think so!

He is not convinced!

Why did they choose the most dangerous place and not get caught!

Informant: "They are the Terrans who came with us! They are in disguise! They must be!"

The demon general stopped again and walked towards Li Huan.

Chen Yu and Yuan Rou's palms were covered with sweat.

Li Huan drank tea calmly, as if watching the excitement, watching the coming magic general.

(End of this chapter)

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