Chapter 814 Summoning Chinese Cabbage

Killer: Arrogant!When they saw us coming, they didn't even hide!
Li Huan stood in front of Shura War God.

Because the God of War's figure is too tall, most of his figure is covered by the forest in front of him, and he is in the state of a ghost.

The killers couldn't see, and didn't sense the danger.

This time there are ten.

The moment he arrived, Li Huan was surrounded.

None of the people who went to hunt them down went back.

In other words, everyone's mission failed.

This guy is definitely tricky.

These killers had already got the news, they didn't dare to stay for a moment, and they started to attack as soon as they came up.

But they were too impatient to notice that something was wrong behind Li Huan.

It was too late by the time it got close.

That war god, like a god descending, is majestic and terrifying!
The moment you open your eyes, you can feel like falling into an abyss.

Pores stand on end, shivering!
Although Shura God of War did not harm Li Huan, he grabbed all the flies around him one by one and crushed them to death with his bare hands!
Without any effort, all the menacing people will be crushed to death!

This is probably the most embarrassing way of death that they never dreamed of!

These killers are all figures who call the wind and shake the rain on the outside.

In the eyes of Asura War God, they all became flies.

Or the kind that is crushed to death with bare hands!
Really miserable!

Li Huan deliberately let one go and asked him to go back and report the news.

Soon, the third batch of killers came upon hearing the news.

The Murong family is determined this time!

To be precise, it was Murong Xuezhi who made the decision to die from joy.

Therefore, people are constantly being sent here through the oral instructions of the ancestors.

Unfortunately, they are all annoying flies in the eyes of Shura War God.

You can kill a few with one hand.

The killers who came were getting higher and higher, and the number of them was also increasing!
It's a pity that all of them were crushed to death by the Shura God of War!

One catch one accurate!

Li Huan was really shocked!
Are all the war gods of the Demon Race so powerful?


That human race is not...

In this case, wouldn't it be possible to flatten the territory of the human race at any time?
Soul-devouring Beast: Do you think God of War is a Chinese cabbage and can be summoned casually?

Li Huan: Young master, I am born beautiful, good luck!
Soul-devouring Beast: ...shameless!

Li Huan: Can we chat happily?

Soul Devourer: Demons need dark magic energy, just like you need spiritual energy. If there is no dark magic energy, not only will the cultivation base be greatly reduced, but even life may not be saved. Except for the royal family, the rest of the demons cannot easily leaving their territory.

Li Huan: So, before this battlefield of the gods and the underworld, there was no ghost energy?

Soul-devouring Beast: I don’t know, I heard that there is no such thing. In order to successfully enter the chassis of the human race, the demons filled it with dark devil energy to see if they can adapt.

Li Huan: I seem to have discovered a great secret!

Soul Eater: Stupid!Do you think these people don't know?There are so many bases to prevent them from continuing to expand.

Li Huan ignored the Soul-devouring Beast's contempt, and only hoped that there would be more killers, so that they could be dealt with at once!
Lest you have to start your escape career again.

Unfortunately, God did not wish.

After solving the No.20 attack.

The soul body of Shura War God is getting thinner and thinner.

Li Huan: What's going on?

Soul-devouring Beast: It’s not Chinese cabbage.Calling is timeless.

Li Huan: Then I have to wait until I run out before leaving!

Soul-devouring Beast: You thought it was all Chinese cabbage!
At the same time as they were talking, the Shura War God almost became invisible!
His stature is thin, and his strength has also been constrained, and he is about to disappear.

He was able to catch killers with bare hands before, but now he has to catch them several times before he succeeds. Moreover, the killers are still struggling in the hands of Shura God of War, and they were not crushed to death immediately.

Li Huan hurried forward to make up the knife.

Siji's swordsmanship is extremely proficient, and in just a few moves, he has eliminated everyone.

It all depends on Shura God of War to pinch them all.

Otherwise, Li Huan would not be able to deal with these people so quickly no matter what.

After a few moves, although there was no danger, it consumed too much aura and mental power.

Finally, the person was dealt with without any risk.

Li Huan wanted to call again, but it was useless.

Soul-devouring Beast: You thought it was all Chinese cabbage!
Li Huan: ...

21 attacks are on their way!

Li Huan put away the bones of the nine ghosts and ran towards the demons!
If you don't run at this time, you won't be able to get out!

Soul-devouring beast: Who is born beautiful?Who's lucky?

Li Huan: ...Damn old man!You wait!

Li Huan ran while complaining.

As long as you enter the territory of the demons, there is a way to hide.

These people dare not search their whereabouts in the city of the demons, because they have a chance to run away.

It's a pity that Li Huan was quickly caught up without the protection of Shura God of War.

The city of the demons has been resolved here!

But for Li Huan, it became impossible to reach!
I don't know if there were too many people destroyed before, but this time, the killer who came was the most that Li Huan had ever seen!
A total of 30 people!
Thirty top killers surrounded Li Huan as soon as they arrived!

The wind is still.

It is almost impossible to escape!

Li Huan can only fight.

Unfortunately, at her current level.

Only to be beaten!

In just a few moves, Li Huan was defeated!

I don't know if it was intentional or not, those killers didn't kill with one move, but with one palm and one punch.

Li Huan was completely abused.

There are too many people who have been solved by her before!
These killers are all intentional.

They want to torture Li Huan to death!

Li Huan had nothing to look at.

But still gritted his teeth and insisted.

Soon, the sequelae of the summoning appeared, and Li Huan's mental power was instantly exhausted!
Without the blessing of thought power, Li Huan's defeat would be even faster.

"I don't know what happened to those people in front!"

"Just such a rookie, all of them were wiped out!"

"So what, it's not about to die!"

Li Huan's spirit began to be in a trance, she was going to die!

The blood on the ground was all hers.

There are injuries all over the body.

Li Huan: Old guy, I'm sorry, I still want you to die with me!
Li Huan took out the Nine Phantom Bone Fire, and exhausted his last aura to detonate the Nine Phantom Bone Fire.


The skyfire-level explosion instantly razed the entire area to the ground.

Right now!
Time freezes!

A hole was cut in the void, and a feminine and delicate man walked out of the hole.

The face is exquisite and handsome, but the eyes are full of femininity.

"It's really you!"

The voice was very nice, but when he saw Li Huan's injuries all over his body, he suddenly became furious!
The red eyes heralded the prelude to the storm!

With a wave of his bare hand, the Nine Phantom Bone Fire ignited by Li Huan turned into a flame again.

Immediately afterwards, another cluster of flames also appeared on his hand!
Mother and son meet each other!

The sky, the earth, and the wind are still and silent!

next second!
Go back in time!

Back to the moment before being detonated by Li Huan!
It's a pity that those killers have been reduced to powder.

He picked up Li Huan: "Huan'er, come home with me!"

(small theater)

A certain month: Who came out?guess!

Little cuties: You don’t need to guess, you will know it at a glance!Peerless beauty!
Soul-devouring Beast: Do you think all beautiful men are Chinese cabbage!
A certain month: Hahaha... I fainted from laughing~
(End of this chapter)

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