Chapter 82
As soon as he reached the door, Su Pingting led someone to stop him: "You are not allowed to leave!"

"Bang bang bang!"

There were dozens of beeps in a row.

All the people brought by Su Pingting were blown away and fell to the ground. No one could clearly see how Yun Ling made the move.

Su Pingting was stunned, and looked at Yun Ling: "You! You are a spiritual master! My God! I have never seen such a young spiritual master!"

Su Pingting's gaze at Yun Ling became even more obsessed, she must have such a man!

Li Huan looked at Yun Ling's monstrous face.

Sure enough, what the uncle said was right, such a good-looking man.

Either attract bees today, or attract butterflies tomorrow!
Yun Ling seemed to have noticed something, and looked at Li Huan with secretive eyes.

Still haven't seen clearly how Yun Ling made his move.

But seeing Su Pingting flying out in a parabola.

It was very far away before the sound of "Boom!" fell.

Before he could even cry out in pain, he passed out.

"You, promoted? Congratulations!"

Li Huan smiled awkwardly.

With a gloomy face, Yun Ling walked towards Li Huan.

"You, what are you doing? I didn't provoke you, a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands!"

Li Huan assumed a defensive posture.

Yun Ling didn't say a word, and directly picked up Li Huan.

Yes, just pick it up, put it on your shoulders, like a sack.

Li Huan wanted to struggle, but Yun Ling slapped her hard on a part below the waist.

Li Huan was dying immediately, his face was flushed red, he could only close his eyes and pretend to be dead.

Otherwise, the eyes of the people eating melons on the road would expose her.

When they arrived at the inn, Yun Ling threw Li Huan on the bed and stared at Li Huan.

With an expression about to eat people, it looks extremely terrifying.

Li Huan looked at Yun Ling nervously: "What are you doing, I warn you, I am poisonous, the poison given by my uncle can kill people invisible."

Yun Ling suddenly leaned over.

Li Huan only felt a black shadow oppressing him, and then his lips were engulfed.

(Silence is better than sound here, hundreds of words are omitted...)
Until Yun Ling noticed the coldness on his face.

Only then did he realize that the people under him were already crying.

Yun Ling became sober in an instant: "I... I'm sorry, I just..."

I was hit by Su Shi's words just now, I just don't want you to have any possibility of leaving me.

But Yun Ling didn't say the following words out of his mouth.

He tidied up Li Huan's torn clothes: "It won't happen in the future, I will wait until you are willing to do it."

Li Huan didn't speak, but with a slight movement of his eyelids, tears formed a thread.

Yun Ling felt distressed, but didn't know what to do, so he hurried out the door.

Li Huan sat in the inn blankly.

Until nightfall, Ling Feng came to pick her up with a carriage.

When Ling Feng came, he found that Li Huan's eyes were red and swollen, and he was a little surprised that this was the prince's favorite person.

Being bullied by someone, crying like this.

Li Huan didn't want to ride in Ling Feng's carriage.

But Ling Feng told her that Nalan Yan's people were still at the junction of Yunlong Country, and it would be safer to follow his words.

Li Huan thought about it too, for a rookie like himself.

Going back alone is really difficult to guarantee a safe return to Yunlong.

Still too weak!

Yun Ling never showed up, and Li Huan couldn't tell what it was like.

Although he finally stopped, Li Huan didn't like the feeling of being unable to resist.

Like a lamb at the slaughter.

Practice, improve your strength as soon as possible, strength is everything!
On the way back, Li Huan practiced non-stop.

Eliminate all the disadvantages of being promoted too quickly before, and consolidate your cultivation base.

Nanny Qin has trained Li Huan's physique very well over the years, and Li Huan currently has no physical problems.

You must work hard to get the qualification to go to Wuji Palace.

Li Huan asked Su Shi that the Promise Palace is on the other side of the Demonic Beast Forest.

To go to the Promise Palace, one must pass through the Demonic Beast Forest, and those who are not cultivated enough will probably die in the Demonic Beast Forest before reaching the Wuji Palace.

Su Shi also told Li Huan that on the other side of the World of Warcraft forest, there are many spirits and strong people everywhere.

The highest alchemist is the ninth-rank alchemist. If you have the opportunity in the future, you must go to the other side of the Warcraft Forest.

At the Leiyin Gate on the north side of Yaowang Valley, there is a special passage leading to the other side of the Demonic Beast Forest.

There is no need to go through the depths of the Warcraft Forest. The existence in the depths of the Warcraft Forest is too terrifying, and there is no return.

Su Shi told Li Huan to go back and settle the mundane affairs, so he came to him, don't waste his talent.

I am very grateful from Huan.

The way back was extremely smooth, and the people who wanted to come to Nalanyan had already withdrawn.

What Li Huan didn't know was that Yun Ling had already dealt with these people first.

Li Huan drove slowly into the imperial capital in a carriage.

Yun Ling stood on the city gate and looked at Li Huan's carriage, full of thoughts.

Ling Feng directly brought Li Huan to Prince Yun's Mansion.

Li Huan was about to leave, but Ling Feng hurried forward: "Princess, you came back from the palace, you should change your clothes before leaving, I will change the car to see you off later."

When Li Huan saw the clothes prepared in advance, his expression was complicated.

With such meticulous arrangements, I'm afraid there is no one else except Yun Ling.

But Li Huan still didn't want to see Yun Ling for the time being.

Xu is angry, Xu is... not sure.

At present, Li Huan only wants to cultivate.

Sufficient strength is the foundation of one's life.

Li Huan changed her clothes.

The fine sky blue evening cloud gauze, the pink and tender lotus embroidery dotted the skirt, and a green belt around the waist.

The close-fitting tailoring outlines Li Huan's slender figure,

When Li Huan put on this dress, she looked like a budding hibiscus, wearing a windbreaker, graceful and graceful.

I don't know, is it because of the improvement of cultivation, Li Huan's temperament has changed a lot.

Yu He said that sealing is not just talent.

It may also be appearance, bloodline, and inheritance.

These are all sealed together with the cultivation base.

(small theater)

Enthusiastic onlookers: Xiao Yueyue, didn't you say that this chapter was locked in a dark room?
A certain month: Did you see the (brackets) I typed?Little cuties actively use their imaginations, I believe you can do it!

Cutie: No!I don't want to imagine!
A certain month: Then close the little black room!
(End of this chapter)

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