Chapter 821 Returning to the Prince's Mansion

Li Huan didn't want to see Prince Yun.

As soon as I saw him, I thought of myself before. I made so much effort in the Prince's Mansion, but it was all in vain!

Prince Yun also looked puzzled.

It was fine just now, so what did you say that you only love him in your life!
Immediately turned his face, this hasn't been a demon yet!

So, are all women so fickle?

Li Huan: "Why are you here?"

Prince Yun: "Master Gu said, we can't lose a hair of your hair."

Li Huan: I know, you didn't come to find me!never mind!Since you are not Yunling, I don't expect anything from you.

Prince Yun: "Before you..."

He wanted to ask Li Huan why he said he was not Yun Ling before he left.

He is obviously Yunling, as if it were a fake!
Why not!

But as soon as these words came out, wouldn't it appear that he had no face.

To ask or not to ask?
Prince Yun was very entangled.

Like an aggrieved little daughter-in-law, from time to time she secretly looks at Li Huan with resentful eyes.

Li Huan didn't have time to talk to him, he was preoccupied with the matter of phonology.

How can Yin Yun take the initiative to cut off the root of love?
Prince Yun: "What are you thinking?"

Li Huan: "Don't worry about it!"

Prince Yun: How embarrassing!I said no to ask!
The arrogant Prince Yun closed his mouth resentfully.

The atmosphere began to stalemate.

There was nothing to say along the way, and when Li Huan was about to reach the imperial city, Li Huan came out of his thoughts.

All of them took Prince Yun's private spaceship along the way, and the speed was much faster.

Li Huan felt a little dissatisfied when he thought of the Murong family chasing her down.

The old man Gu Suifeng doesn't know when he will come back.

If Li Huan returns to Chen's house now, will it hurt them?
Li Huan: "Stop the boat! I want to get off the boat."

Yun Ling: "No, you have to go back with me, and it will be safe to return to the Prince's Mansion."

Li Huan: "I have nothing to do with you, why should I go back with you!"

Yun Ling: "You like me!"

Li Huan: "I like you big-headed ghost! The person I like is not you at all!"

Prince Yun: "Then the person you like is called Yunling?"

Li Huan: ... Has this person been replaced?
Prince Yun: "If you don't speak, that's it. My name is Yun Ling."

Li Huan: "Yun, you big-headed ghost, get the hell out of here! Stay away from me!"

Prince Yun: "That's not okay! If you lose a hair, how can I explain to Master Gu?"

Li Huan: ...can you stop talking about hairs all the time, I will take them off tomorrow!Let you explain!
Once Li Huan, who was originally calm and witty, saw this face, he couldn't help but say a few words.

In short, it is against Prince Yun in various ways.

Can't do it.

Enhanced version of Yunzuojing Possession.

What's rare is that Prince Yun didn't say anything this time.

He didn't keep avoiding Lihuan like before.

Wherever Li Huan appeared, he would appear there.

Like a shadow.

Prince Yun: "Murong's family cannot reach the Prince's Mansion."

Li Huan finally gave up, because Prince Yun was telling the truth.

He is the only one who can help her block the Murong family in the whole imperial city.

That's why Gu Suifeng entrusted Li Huan to Prince Yun before leaving.

Before Li Huan left, the entire imperial city was against Li Huan, and she was extremely shameless for what she did in the Prince's Mansion.

Think that Li Huan is the chief culprit who harmed their prince!

She must be driven away.

Crying in front of the prince's mansion every day, telling Li Huan to get out of the imperial city.

Li Huan finally left as he wished, they couldn't be happier.

This hasn't stopped for a few days, but in the end, they came back again!
It was still picked up by the prince himself!
This news was enough to stir up the anti-lihuan self-defense forces in the entire imperial city.

Therefore, when Li Huan re-entered the Prince's Mansion, it became the biggest gossip news in the imperial city.

Eat melon crowd:

"I heard that the crown prince went to pick him up in person!"

"Yes! I still specially went to invite you back."

"What does this mean?"

Anti-Lihuan Self-Defense Force:

"What else can you mean, Li Huan is just a vixen!"

"Yes! I pretended to leave before! Play hard to get!"

"What a cunning person, we are all blinded by her appearance!"


"I don't think so. The prince went to pick him up in person, maybe it's because he's really nice."

"Yeah! A long time makes love! What a happy ending!"

"Maybe it will become a good story!"

The Anti-Lihuan Self-Defense Force exploded when they heard such remarks:

"What is love for a long time, it is obviously Li Huan who clings to the prince with a stern face!"

"That's right! The prince has no choice but to promise Master Gu!"

"Yes! After all, Li Huan is Master Gu's disciple."

There are different factions in the imperial city, different opinions, each with their own opinions, but they cannot be unified.

Since the last time I saw Li Huan and Murong Xuezhi's competition, many people began to maintain a neutral attitude towards Li Huan.

No longer adding insult to injury, but not favoring Li Huan.

But the Fanlihuan Self-Defense Forces can't do it, they are going crazy with jealousy.

Why would a person of unknown origin want to occupy their male god.

As a result, the front of the Prince's Mansion became lively again.

Since Li Huan came back, she has been practicing in her yard.

What Yin Yun said is right, this divine fire is of great help to the practice of refining medicine.

In just a few days, she had broken through to the mortal level.

Take it a step further, anytime.

Thousands of miles a day.

However, the more this happened, the more guilty Li Huan felt.

This divine fire is phonological.

Li Huan got rid of distracting thoughts and concentrated on refining the elixir, and was soon promoted to Xuan-level pharmacist.

Except for Prince Yun coming to check on Li Huan every day, he is also busy the rest of the time.

Li Huan: "Since you don't want to see me, you don't have to come here again."

Prince Yun: "No, I want to keep an eye on you, and I can't let you lose a single hair."

Li Huan: ...

Come on!I will shave my hair now!
Prince Yun didn't know what was going on, Li Huan followed him every day before, trying to get close to him all the time.

He found this girl really annoying.

But as soon as Li Huan left, he felt uncomfortable again.

It was hard to find him back, and if he didn't take a look at him every day, he would feel uneasy.

Naturally, Li Huan couldn't understand Prince Yun's heart.

Ever since she was sure that Prince Yun was not Yun Ling, she had no interest in Prince Yun.

It was like this person was possessed by an evil spirit, swaying blindly in front of him all day long.

I also learned from my previous routines.

Prince Yun:
"The weather is fine today. Look at the clouds, isn't it beautiful?"

"I just saw a colorful fish in the pond, shall I go and see it with you?"

"It's raining, it's a bit cold, and it will be warmer for two people to eat."

Li Huan: It's summer now!summer!
Still warm!Want to heat me up?
Also, please don't take me to see the cloud in the middle of the night, please!
Are there any clouds?Have it?

And that colorful fish!
is that fishThat's a monster!

Li Huan complained silently in his heart, but Prince Yun was always happy with it, and did all kinds of tricks.

Li Huan: I must be possessed by an evil spirit!
(End of this chapter)

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