Chapter 836
Murong Xuezhi has never found anyone, and the rumors that had just dissipated showed signs of resurgence.

It's bad for her reputation.

Some people even said that Murong Xuezhi was actually childhood sweetheart with Elder Xun.

But because of the family marriage, he had to separate from his beloved.

This time, I came here to see my beloved for the last time.

Others said that Murong Xuezhi's visit to ask for advice was fake.

In fact, it was to hang out with the one I love, and the two were discussing how to elope every day!
The Murong family's marriage with the royal family is actually to embezzle the power of the royal family.

Therefore, Murong Xuezhi doesn't really like Prince Yun either!
Because of his beauty, Prince Yun was originally an existence known to everyone in the Wuji Continent.

Many loyal fans have been obsessed with him for many years.

When I heard the rumors about the marriage between the Murong family and the royal family in Huangcheng, I was still sad for a while.

As a result, Murong Xuezhi is now in Hao Hanzong!

He also lives with Elder Xun!
This is...

Although Elder Xun is beautiful and powerful, he is an imperial pharmacist!

But compared to Prince Yun's flourishing beauty, it's still...

It's just a little bit worse!

When Murong Xuezhi heard these rumors, she gritted her teeth.

But compared to before, this kind of gossip-like rumors are more interesting to talk about.

Maid: "Miss, many people have been sent out to explain, but it seems that the effect is not good."

Murong Xuezhi: "Speak out, just say that I will be in retreat the day after tomorrow to be promoted to the imperial pharmacist. In order to thank the people of the Haohan Sect for their help, I will distribute free pills tomorrow! Anyone who sees will have a share!"

Maid: " many pills will that cost! Miss!"

Murong Xuezhi: "Use mortal level! Murong's family can still afford it. The news has already come from the imperial city. Daddy has already arrived in the imperial city. If such rumors spread back, what do you think will happen!"

Maid: "Yes, this servant knows, let's make arrangements now!"

As soon as the news from Murong Xuezhi came out, the entire Haohan Sect was in a state of excitement!

Although it is mortal level, it has an effect!

"I'll just say no! Miss Murong is here to ask for advice!"

"That's right! There are only people as beautiful and kind as her, not many!"

"That's right! We misunderstood her before."

"Oh! It really shouldn't be, I knew it was tricky!"

As soon as the news came out, the unfavorable rumors about the rumors were instantly reversed.

Lingling'er: "Huan'er! We've worked so hard for so many days, and it's just gone?"

Li Huan: "Wait! There's more! She has her wall ladder, so I can't take it down?"

Early the next morning, the medicine pavilion was full of people.

They are all monks!

Ordinary elixir is useless to high-level monks, but it can be sold for money if it can't stand it!
In a place like the Grand Expansion School, whether it can be upgraded is entirely up to you!
One elixir is enough for them to perform several missions.

All the people who got the news flocked to the Medicine Pavilion in the morning.

Others who got the news are on the way.

Seeing that there were too many people, Xundu couldn't bear Murong Xuezhi's hard work, so he asked to come and help.

Everyone saw that both of them were there, and there was no intimacy.

Those rumors before are naturally self-defeating.

Maid: "Miss! Your method is really effective! Now everyone is saying that you are a fairy!"

Murong Xuezhi: "It's just to take advantage of others. Of course, this is also the fastest and most effective way."

Maid: "But it took the young lady's savings for many years."

Murong Xuezhi: "As long as I make an appointment with Prince Yun, these are trivial matters."

She also noticed last time that Prince Yun doesn't seem to be as shrewd and wise as rumored.


Unfortunately, after only a few short words, Li Huan interrupted her.

What is the specific situation, I don't know yet.

After the incident with the Lin family, Prince Yun seemed to have disappeared as well.

Only come out on the most important days.

Could it be that something else happened that year was related to him?

Otherwise, why has Prince Yun completely changed his style after so many years.

It's only because she was too young at the time to take part in the Lin family's affairs.

Only my sister knew what happened back then.

When I was young, what I heard the most was about Prince Yun, the most outstanding boy in the imperial city!
At the age of ten, he was able to go in and out of Longhu Mountain alone to hunt and kill monsters.

At the age of 12, he was able to confront the demons alone.

And that face!
Just like the rumors, he was astonished.

The family wanted to marry her into the royal family, and she liked it in her heart.

She saw that Prince Yun was no worse than her brother-in-law.

But Murong's family has a higher opinion of brother-in-law.

She doesn't compete with her sister, as long as she can marry into the royal family and become a princess, that's fine.

Right now, daddy is in the imperial city, helping her to facilitate this matter, she can't make trouble by herself.

I don't know what my sister has been busy with for so many years. She has been engaged for so long, and there is no news about the marriage.

Murong Xuezhi's thoughts drifted to nowhere.

I don't know if I was hit by someone.

Xundu saw it and pulled her away.

Murong Xuezhi: "Thank you, Brother Xun."

Xundu: "What do you think?"

Murong Xuezhi: "Nothing."

Xundu was originally a child adopted by Murong's family. He was an extremely talented alchemist, and he almost became the ancestor's direct disciple back then.

It's a pity that later, for some reason, she withdrew, and the name of this direct disciple fell on her head.

Xundu then left Murong's house and came to Haohanzong.

He even became the youngest elder.

This talent is incomparable to him.

Xundu: "There are too many people today, it's best not to be distracted."

Murong Xuezhi: "I see, thank you Senior Brother Xun."

Xun Du: "Are you thinking about the imperial city? I heard that Uncle Murong has arrived in the imperial city."

Murong Xuezhi nodded.

Xundu's eyes were dim, and he suppressed his psychological thoughts.

Just when he was about to speak, a spaceship appeared in the sky of Hao Hanzong.

"It's a private spaceship! Who is this!"

"Look at the level of this ship is not low!"

"Come down! Come down!"

Because Murong Xuezhi distributed the elixir here today, in order to reduce the crowding of people, he chose the largest square of Haohanzong.

The spaceship landed in the center of the square under the watchful eyes of everyone.

A team of guards came out of it!
The momentum is amazing, and it looks like it is well-trained.

Everyone was guessing who it was that actually flew the spaceship directly into the vast sect.

After all, who is so courageous!
Under normal circumstances, this is not allowed!

After all, this is violating the dignity of the sect.

As a result, a person as beautiful as an exiled fairy came out of it.

"Prince Yun! That's Prince Yun!"

"Really? He is a thousand times more handsome than the rumors!"

"I'm going crazy! How can there be such a good-looking person in this world!"

I saw Prince Yun dressed in white, as ethereal as a fairy.

Slowly come out from between the two guards.

That momentum!
That battle!
Murong Xuezhi was dumbfounded when she saw the people getting off the boat, what's going on?

Isn't he in the imperial city?

Did you come here to see me?
(End of this chapter)

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