Chapter 838 A Pot of Porridge
Li Huan was interrupted by this voice.

Prince Yun was not happy, he directly held Li Huan's little head with his slender hands, then leaned over and kissed him!

Soft touch, soft and sweet.

In Prince Yun's heart, it was like countless fireworks blooming, and it felt like walking on the clouds.

The whole person is immersed in the beauty of parting joy.

When Dongfang Rui came in, this was what he saw.

Dongfang Rui's eyes were red with anger, and he stepped forward and pulled Prince Yun away.

When I saw his face, I was stunned for a second, but then I came back to my senses: "You rascal!"

Before everyone could react, they punched Prince Yun in the face.

The area around Prince Yun's obsidian-like eyes instantly became red and swollen.

Prince Yun: "Who are you!"

Dongfang Rui: "Who are you!"

Prince Yun: "I am me!"

Dongfang Rui: "I am your uncle!"

The two looked at each other for an instant and wrestled together for an instant.

People with the wrong aura will know it at a glance!

Li Huan saw two wrestling people, putting their hands on their foreheads.

It was hard to pull the two of them apart.

Li Huan: "Stop hitting! What's going on!"

Dongfang Rui stood up and looked at Li Huan aggrievedly: "Xiao Huanhuan! Did you forget me! You forget me when you have a new love, right? I knew you had a dog behind your back! Fortunately, I came to see !"

Li Huan: ...

Prince Yun: "Xiao Huanhuan is also called by you! She is my princess! She is mine! Also! Who do you say is a dog! Who is a dog!"

Dongfang Rui: "You! You are a dog! What kind of princess is not a concubine! Are you married!"

The two people who were pulled apart just now fought together again!
This time, this precarious little hut was directly defeated!
Li Huan: ...

Linglinger: "Huaner! I suddenly want to go down the mountain! See you another day!"

Lingling'er ran away like a rabbit!
Just kidding, it didn't take long before the house was demolished.

If he stayed any longer, his life would be lost.

Lingling'er went to Hancheng without hesitation.

Go for a few days and come back.

Li Huan yelled several times, but the two of them didn't listen. They didn't stop until it was dark.

Li Huan: "Stop fighting?"

One covered his nose, and the other covered his chest.

With an aggrieved look on his face, he looked at Li Huan in unison.

Prince Yun: "He did it first!"

Dongfang Rui: "If you don't like it, hit it!"

Prince Yun: "Rogue! Vulgar!"

Dongfang Rui: "Try saying one more sentence!"

Dongfang Rui's fist was about to come again, and Prince Yun hurried to complain behind Li Huan.

Li Huan is really the first and the second big.

Li Huan picked up some twigs, lit a fire, and made something along the way: "Eat it! After eating, both of you will be fucked!"

"do not want!"

This time it was rare to have a tacit unison.

The two looked at each other, and finally stopped fighting.

Li Huan: "Then do you still fight?"

"do not fight."

Again in unison.

Prince Yun: "He called me a dog!"

Although Prince Yun didn't do anything anymore, he was afraid that Li Huan would drive her away, but he was still not convinced.

Angrily complained to Li Huan.

Dongfang Rui: "Who told you to talk nonsense! Xiao Huanhuan and I have been engaged for a long time! Look at the bracelet on her hand! It's our token of love!"

Prince Yun: "You are talking nonsense! She is my princess! What kind of bracelet is it? Are you married?"

Dongfang Rui: "What about you! You are not married yet!"

Prince Yun: "I tell you! Xiao Huanhuan's favorite person is me!"

Dongfang Rui: "I am the one who loves her the most!"

"it's me!"

"it's me!"

Li Huan: ...

Li Huan threw down the food, took out a tent by himself, and went to sleep.

Prince Yun and Dongfang Rui are left, you look at me, I look at you!
Dislike each other.

Early the next morning, I saw the two huddled together, sleeping in each other's arms for the night.

The night on the mountain is too cold, presumably when they fell asleep, they unconsciously leaned against each other to keep warm.

Li Huan ignored them, the hut that was demolished yesterday needed to be repaired.

Li Huan got up early in the morning, put away the tent, and went to find wood.

When Prince Yun and Dongfang Rui woke up, they saw that they were hugging each other!

As if seeing a ghost, they immediately separated again.

Dislike each other again!

Seeing Li Huan repairing the house, the two rushed to help.

It was not until dusk that a decent wooden house was finally repaired.

Dongfang Rui: "Finally, I don't have to sleep on the floor tonight!"

Prince Yun: "It's all thanks to our little Huanhuan!"

Dongfang Rui: "A sycophant!"

Prince Yun: "Then you mean that Xiao Huanhuan is not good anymore!"

Dongfang Rui: "I didn't mean that! You deliberately slandered me!"

The two noisy and finally entered the house.

One held Li Huan's hand, but no one was willing to give in.

Prince Yun: "Little Huanhuan, let's sleep together tonight!"

Dongfang Rui: "No! If you want to sleep, you are with me! What are you! When I slept with Xiao Huanhuan, you didn't know where to play with mud!"

Prince Yun: "Oh! She is my princess, she is doomed! You can snatch her if you want!"

Li Huan was pulled by the two of them, and felt that his body was about to be torn apart from the middle!
Li Huan: "Stop!"

The two stopped instantly!

But holding Li Huan's hand, no one would let go.

Prince Yun deliberately pretended to be weak, and fell powerlessly on Li Huan's left shoulder.

When Dongfang Rui saw it, he also fell on Li Huan's right shoulder.

The two secretly competed.

No one is willing to let an extra parting joy come out.

Right now!

The door that was just repaired was kicked open again!

"Little Huanhuan! Here I come! Where are you!"

Li Huan's face turned green!
I saw a pure white fox suddenly ran in from outside the house.

As a result, as soon as the little fox came in, he saw such a scene!
The person he yearns for day and night actually holds two people in his arms!
Moreover, they look very intimate!

The fish ball exploded in an instant, propped up two little paws, stood up and roared: "Who are they!"

"who are you!"

Prince Yun and Dongfang Rui already had a relationship with each other, and suddenly another one came!
Still a fox!
That's the tone from the beginning!

It's another one who came to steal someone!
The two looked at each other, and there was a tacit understanding in an instant.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend!
Prince Yun and Dongfang Rui formed a line in an instant.

"Little Huanhuan, who are they!"

The fish balls seem to have been wronged by the sky!

It's like the sky is falling!

He sensed that Li Huan was not far away, so he sneaked out from the Yaozu.

Driven day and night, arrived here.



Hiding people without telling him!
There are even two hidden!
No wonder I haven't seen him for so long!
Li Huan: "Why are you here?"

Yuball: "Don't you want me to come! Did you bother you! Did you forget me! Say it! Don't you!"

Yu Wan looked arrogant and wronged, stubbornly waiting for Li Huan's answer.

(End of this chapter)

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