Chapter 849

Li Huan opened his eyes and looked at the beads on the wall. Suddenly, the scene around him changed.

Li Huan actually returned to the imperial city!

This is not the imperial city!

Do not!
It's the imperial city!
It was the imperial city of my childhood!

The Lin family is still in the imperial city!
Li Huan looked at his body, and it turned into a little lolita.

Li Huan: ...

She crossed over again?
No, you can't!
Yunling is still waiting for her!

But what about space?

It was the bead just now!
If I had known that I would not have opened my eyes, I must have entered an illusion.

It's just that the illusion is too real.

"Huan'er, don't run away, you're leaving soon."

A person came out behind him.

Li Huan: "Grandpa! I know! I won't wander around."

Lin Yuxian looked at Li Huan and went in again.

Li Huan set off with Lin Yuxian, this time they were going to the palace, the pills from the Lin family were the dream of the entire Wuji Continent.

Lin Yuxian was going to take his newly developed elixir to treat someone.

Xiao Lihuan entered the palace with Lin Yuxian.

Li Huan looked at her little arms and legs, feeling a little helpless. This was the scene from before, but it was too small.

However, you can get close to grandpa!

This was the first time that Li Huan felt the existence of Grandpa so truly.

Memories from the past are casual, it won't work.

This time it's like it's real.

Li Huan could be hugged by her grandfather, and she could still feel the warmth.

Everyone is so familiar, it is her memory!
That bead brought her back to her childhood, and she didn't know why.

Let's take a look.

As soon as Lin Yuxian entered the palace, he was summoned by the queen mother.

Lin Yuxian told Li Huan to wait for her here.

But Li Huan is not the kind of temperament that can sit still.

With tiny legs, when Lin Yuxian left, he couldn't wait to run away.

It was the first time for Xiao Lihuan to enter the palace, she was very curious, watching while walking.

I don't know which palace to go to.

Li Huan can know and feel everything, but he can't interfere with Xiao Lihuan's actions.

Li Huan followed Xiao Lihuan all the way to a palace.

There is a beautiful garden inside. After Xiao Lihuan walked in, she sang while picking flowers.

Although from Li Huan's point of view, this song seemed a bit unpleasant, but the little girl was in a very good mood.

Li Huan put the picked flowers on her head, and circling in circles, imagining herself as a fairy among the flowers.

Li Huan felt that she was... so cute!
"who are you?"

Xiao Lihuan stopped suddenly, and saw a little lady not far away, looking at her.

Xiao Lihuan immediately ran over: "You are so pretty!"

Li Huan looked at the miniature version of Yunling, his eyes glowed!
A role model from childhood to adulthood!

It turned out that what Yun Ling said was true!
They have known each other for a long time!
Still so young!
Xiao Yunling ignored Xiao Lihuan.

Xiao Lihuan is not allowed, such a beautiful person is really good-looking!

So... I have been a Yan dog since I was a child!
Xiao Lihuan: "What book are you reading?"

He snatched the book from Xiao Yunling's hand in his small arm, and then threw it aside casually: "I've fallen in love with you! You play with me!"

Xiao Yunling was a little displeased, but he didn't say anything. He just picked up his book and continued to read.

Xiao Lihuan suddenly exploded, and this person ignored her!

Li Huan was a little supportive, so when he was a child, was he spoiled by the Lin family as a bully?

Xiao Lihuan: "My grandfather is Lin Yuxian, you must play with me!"

Only then did Xiao Yunling put down the books.

Xiao Lihuan nodded in satisfaction: "That's right! Let's go! Come with me to rob, I just saw a lady with a box of divine beads on her body, let's go and grab it!"

Xiao Yunling smiled.

But in the next second, Xiao Lihuan pulled her away.

The two of them were not even as high as the table, yet they really succeeded.

After stealing the things, he began to hustle and bustle by the lake.

Li Huan held his forehead again.

Xiao Lihuan actually took a box of rosary beads and played them as marbles on the ground!
It's not enough to play by yourself, but I have to take Xiao Yunling together.

Xiao Yunling hesitated and started to play with her.

Two little people played marbles here all afternoon.

When the incident happened, Lin Yuxian looked at Xiao Lihuan angrily.

Xiao Lihuan's appearance like a mountain king just now turned into a milk bun in an instant: "Wuu... grandpa... it's not me! It's him! He's the one who forced me to play! I'm not familiar with this place at all, it's impossible He can steal things! Grandpa, Huan'er is so pitiful! I was forced..."

As soon as Lin Yuxian heard Xiao Li crying happily, he forgot everything.

In the end, Xiao Yunling was sentenced to confinement.

Xiao Lihuan had nothing to do, and was rewarded with a box of rosary beads as compensation.

Li Huan: ...So, when Yun Ling met him for the first time, he was taking the blame for himself?

sin sin!

Li Huan thought that this was the end of the matter, but she underestimated herself too much.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Lihuan, taking advantage of no one, got scared and went to the palace alone!

When Li Huan climbed the dog hole, he refused in his heart!

But there was no way, she could only watch.

Xiao Lihuan walked all the way to Yunling's residence.

Xiao Yunling was still kneeling on the ground.

Xiao Lihuan: "I brought you delicious food!"

Li Huan clearly felt Xiao Yunling's dislike for Xiao Lihuan.

Xiao Lihuan: "Man, man, don't be stingy! Are you just watching me being punished? I'm a girl! My mother said that if a woman's reputation is bad, she won't be able to get married!"

Xiao Yunling's face softened a little.

Xiao Lihuan took the opportunity to step forward and stuffed the half-eaten cake to Xiao Yunling: "Eat it! I tried it, it's super delicious! If you kneel down like this, you won't be able to get up tomorrow. Your knees are the most important thing. Don't worry." Kneel, I'll take you out to play!"

Xiao Yunling had a biscuit stuffed into his mouth, with an indescribable expression on his face.

But when he heard Xiao Lihuan talk about going out to play, his heart moved again.

Li Huan: It turns out that Yun Ling was so arrogant and cute when he was a child!
Xiao Lihuan didn't care about 21, she pulled Xiao Yunling and went out.

Still drilling a dog hole!

Li Huan didn't even see it, so, what did he do when he was a child!
Take the prince through the dog hole?
As soon as the two came out, they played like crazy.

Li Huan didn't even know how he came up with so many tricks when he was a child!
Xiao Yunling may also have fallen into a trap!

Follow Xiao Lihuan, running around.

Sometimes he robs the gambling house, sometimes he goes to the theater, and sometimes he encounters injustice.

Simply, everyone in the imperial city knew her!

"Grandfather, are you here?"

Li Huan: ...

Xiao Lihuan: "I have recruited a new younger brother, who will bring you all the delicious food and drink here!"

Xiao Yunling's eyes were filled with surprise and a hint of envy.

Presumably, he has never experienced the life of such a bully.

After the two had eaten and drank enough, they were ready to go to other places to cause harm.

But got caught!

Because the gambling houses that were robbed went to the Lin family to sue!
The moment Xiao Lihuan saw Lin Yuxian coming, he rushed up and hugged Lin Yuxian's thigh: "Grandfather~ it's not me! It's him! It's him! It's him! Huan'er is innocent!"

Pointing at Xiao Yunling, Xiao Lihuan spoke uprightly, not forgetting to get some saliva and wipe it on his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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