Chapter 86 New Store
Nanny Li came here at this time.

She is the nanny of Li Mansion, and Lin Mumu sent someone to call her away just now.

The big brother Li that the tiger was talking about was Nanny Li's son.

Nanny Li has emptied the storefront over the years.

All the money was used for his son's cultivation.

It's not bad to finally pile up a Tier [-] warrior.

After all, in a commoner family, a 30-year-old Tier [-] warrior already has some status.

Nanny Li had already known about the situation from Lin Mumu.

She was ready to embarrass Li Huan, and she was late on purpose for so long.

Who knew that what he saw when he came here was that his own son was thrown on the street like an Arhat.

"Son! What's the matter with you?"

Nanny Li stepped forward and dragged the bottom one out.

Huzi saw Li Nanny finally came, as if he saw the backbone.

Hastily stepped forward, added fuel and vinegar, and explained the situation again.

Li Huan naturally noticed the viciousness flashing in Li Nanny's eyes.

Nanny Li walked up to Li Huan: "I've met Miss, I don't know how my son offended Miss, to be treated like this?!"

The tone of speech is not polite at all.

A good-for-nothing lady who used tricks to get a few shops from his wife.

I thought it would turn the world upside down, bah!
Nanny Li despises Li Huan in her heart.

At this moment, Wang Batian and the others who heard the movement realized that Li Huan was actually a woman!
Miss!She turned out to be the lady who left home!

The name Li Huan is well-known in the world's big families for no other reason.

It is because she is the prince's good-for-nothing fiancee.

Coupled with the 'Rejuvenation Pill' presented at the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet, the ladies and wives of all families wanted to make friends.

But Wang Batian and the others are from civilian background, so they don't know much about Li Huan.

Li Huan: "You have been fired."

Nanny Li: "What? What did you say?"

As she gets older, her ears don't work well, so Li Huan complained in her heart, "You've been fired."

Nanny Li: "What? How dare you fire me? Do you know who I am?"

Li Huan: "You have been fired."

Nanny Li: "I'm the old nanny in the house, Madam's!"

Li Huan: "You have been fired."

Nanny Li: "I'm not convinced, I'm going to tell my wife."

Li Huan: "You have been fired."

Nanny Li: ...

Madam just gave her a task, and it will end before it even begins.

No, if you go back like this, you will lose half your life if you don't get beaten to death by your wife.

Li Nanny thought that here she no longer had the momentum she had before.

He said to Li Huan with a panicked expression: "Miss, this old servant was confused for a moment, my son also didn't know your identity, it's no wonder if you don't know, see if you can..."

Li Huan didn't want to pay attention to them anymore, it was a waste of time: "You have been fired."

Nanny Li: ...

"Miss, the account is still with me, you can't fire me!"

Nanny Li threatened Li Huan as if she had grasped Li Huan's handle.

"Keep it for you as a souvenir!"

Li Huan is not stupid, these people are like vampires.

The jewelry shop looks like this, and there is nothing to censor at first glance.

Accounts do not matter.

After Li Huan takes over, just create a new ledger.

Hearing what Li Huan said, Mother Li suddenly lost her confidence and panicked.

Li Huan didn't say anything when he looked at it, he just asked Wang Batian and the others to watch.

Let them pack up and leave quickly.

That Chunliu still wanted to stay, sobbing with snot and tears.

But Li Huan didn't even want to look at her, such a woman.

Li Huan really didn't like it.

Li Huan does not run a charity organization.

She needs more money to support her power development.

Never allow people who dawdle to get away under her hands.

When Nanny Li led the people in the shop away, she glanced at the shop with hatred.

Although business here is not good.

But the salary for leaving home was not less than a dime.

Moreover, there is still some difference in price that can be obtained when purchasing.

For Nanny Li, this is her treasury, but now Li Huan has taken the treasury away.

She is really not reconciled!
If the source of income is cut off, her son's cultivation level may not be able to improve, which is not acceptable!

But now I can't do anything about Li Huan, I'll go back and report to my wife first.

After Nanny Li left, Li Huan arranged for Wang Batian and the others to live in the backyard.

Li Huan redesigned the layout of the shop.

The two connected shopfronts were opened up, and the two shopfronts were changed into one shopfront.

There is a small door on the wall in the middle of the backyard for communication.

But still independent, Wang Batian and the others followed what Li Huan said.

Immediately find a craftsman and do it according to Li Huan's design.

When Li Huan was in Medicine King Valley, Su Shi gave her a lot of money.

This Valley of the Medicine Kings is worthy of being the Valley of the Medicine Kings, it is really rich.

Li Huan is now a little rich woman.

After arranging this place, Li Huan called the shopkeeper of the clothing store to discuss it.

Li Huan wants to merge the jewelry store with the clothing store.

The clothing store was left vacant, leaving Li Huan for other purposes.

The shopkeeper naturally has no opinion.

Making clothes and choosing jewelry are always together.

We used to be opposite families, but now we can arrange together.

Li Huan gave Wang Batian and the others a room in the back yard, and another room for the shopkeeper of the clothing store.

The shopkeeper of the clothing store is Qian Deyi, a 60-year-old first-rank warrior.

He is also from a commoner background, but has a little talent and has cultivated to the first level.

He is very satisfied with getting such a position.

His wife and children are ordinary people and have been helping out in this clothing store.

Li Huan liked people like Qian Deyi.

The whole family is here, and they will definitely feel at ease and continue to operate here.

It's just that the vision of this design is not very good, and the means of management are a little bit worse.

But these are not problems, as long as people are reliable.

Shopkeeper Qian told Li Huan that if the craftsmen of this jewelry shop were taken away by Nanny Li, they might not be able to operate it.

Xiu Niang from his tailor shop is still there.

It's just that if there is no business like this and the loss continues, all the Xiu girls may leave.

Li Huan gave Wang Batian the drawings designed here to supervise the work, saying that he would come back at night.

Li Huan gave Wang Sulin a large sum of money to manage his expenses.

He also told Kong Xin and Ye Xin that if there is someone they can trust, they can invite them to help, and they will just pay the wages as they see fit.

After Li Huan returned to the General's Mansion, he began to refine medicine pills in the space.

Li Huan refined a total of [-] pills for the first grade Six Yang Power Demon Pill.

With Li Huan's current refining speed.

The efficiency of dispensing medicine at one time has been increased to [-] pills per batch.

However, after refining so much this time, I am still a little tired.

When Li Huan woke up from a nap, it was already dark.

Qiuyue: "Miss, why do you love to sleep so much?

Miss Bie's family has already started to show off her wedding dress at this time, why are you still indifferent?

You are going to marry into the royal family, although this wedding dress is prepared by someone.

But you have to embroider a few pasted clothes yourself, so that's good. "

Qiuyue turned on the nagging mode again, and Li Huan stuffed a chicken leg into her mouth: "You can't stop your mouth even if you eat it."

(End of this chapter)

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