Chapter 867

After Li Huan's investigation, the Murong family couldn't get in at all.

Only the invitation letter can be auctioned.

Li Huan hurriedly made a batch of elixirs and went to Judinglou to exchange for spirit stones.

Arriving at the Juding Building, Li Huan suddenly remembered what the steward of Yuancheng had said before.

Juding Building also provides other services.

After Li Huan met the manager of Murong City, he asked about the invitation letter from Murong's family.

Steward: "Do you want to go?"

Li Huan nodded.

The steward looked at Li Huan's grade, and said, "We have one in the Juding Building. I will go there tomorrow to give gifts, and you can come with me."

Li Huan: Did happiness come too suddenly!
Steward: "As mentioned above, for sub-players like you, the greatest convenience will be given."

Li Huan: "What is a seed player?"

Steward: "Don't say it, someone will notify you when the time comes."

When the steward said this, it was obvious that he would not tell Li Huan in advance. Although Li Huan was curious, now was not the time to ask more questions.

Now that there is an invitation letter, the elixir is not in a hurry to sell.

Li Huan stored the elixir in Juding Building.

Li Huan: "Is there any protection service?"

The steward looked at Li Huan and hesitated.

Li Huan: "If not, forget it."

Li Huan just wanted an extra layer of protection.

After all, he was going to Murong's house to steal things, and the power of Murong's family might not be able to get out if he was not careful.

The steward: "I need to ask the higher-ups for instructions, please wait a moment."

Li Huan was surprised, the steward clearly knew that she was going to Murong's house, yet she didn't reject it outright.

Ordinary people, who would dare to oppose the Murong family!

Li Huan's impression of Juding Tower improved again.

It didn't take long for the steward to come back.

The steward: "Yes, we will send shadow guards of the corresponding level to protect you secretly in a while."

Li Huan: "The price is..."

After all, they wanted to fight against the Murong family, and ordinary shadow guards probably couldn't do it.

The price of high-end shadow guards is probably not low!
Li Huan has already made preparations to make pills to pay off debts day and night.

In the end, the steward said, "No, as mentioned above, you are a seed player, and we also want to ensure your safety in Judinglou. Even if you don't mention it, after confirming your identity, we will send out corresponding shadow guards." Protecting you secretly."

Li Huan: "Are you sure about your identity?"

The steward took out a piece of agreement paper: "If you sign this, you will officially become our seed player. Before the official departure, all resources will be used by the seed player for free."

Li Huan: "If I don't sign the contract, how much will it cost to hire a shadow guard of the level I need?"

The steward held up a finger.

Li Huan: "Ten thousand?"

The steward shook his head.

Li Huan: "One hundred thousand?"

The steward shook his head.

Li Huan: "100 million?"

The steward smiled: "1000 million!"


So expensive!
The steward smiled again: "Extreme Lingshi!"

Li Huan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, sky-high price!


Li Huan: "Bring it!"

Li Huan didn't even think about it, and directly pressed his fingerprint on the agreement.

It feels like selling yourself, but it's better to sell yourself than to lose your life.

Poverty makes people cowardly!
Li Huan felt that she had never been so cowardly!

But the resources of Juding Building are really...

Li Huan felt it!

Simply amazing!
I don't know who is behind this, it seems to be hugging such a thigh!
The feeling of being able to lie down and win in the next life.

It's a pity that in the cities that Li Huan has been to, the Juding Buildings in all the cities are managed by stewards, and they have never seen the people behind them.

It seems that the people behind Juding Building are also very mysterious.

As soon as Li Huan left Juding Building, the shadow guards arrived.

Li Huan: "Why didn't I see it?"

Li Huan was caught off guard when the manager slapped him.

Just when she was about to escape, an aura enveloped Li Huan.

The steward's attack was as fast as lightning, and he was actually isolated from the aura shield!

Li Huan: "Amazing!"

She didn't realize when the man appeared at all.

The steward: "The shadow guard only takes action at critical moments, remember!"

Li Huan nodded, and then left Juding Building.

Not long after Li Huan left, a few more people appeared in the teleportation array of the Juding Building in Murong City.

The steward was stunned when he saw the people in the teleportation array.

"See Young Master!"

"Get up."

The steward: "Young master is here, it is really an honor, you should notify in advance if you are coming, I am not prepared at all."

The people in the teleportation array came out and took off their black robes: "You don't have to be polite, did you just leave?"

The steward was unclear, so: "What?"

The man in black robe said, "I want to ask you, did the young lady leave just now?"

The steward looked baffled, but was immediately speechless in surprise again!

He said why is that young man so handsome!
It turned out to be a woman!
What made the steward even more astonished was that the young master's bodyguard called her... Miss! ! !

The steward who came back to his senses was in a state of shock!
His eyes widened, stunned!
It turned out to be Miss!

What did he miss in Murong City!
The man in black: "It looks like they just left, only one?"

The steward suddenly knelt down, trembling all over: "The little one doesn't know, the little one really doesn't know! If I knew earlier, I would have sent everyone!"

The black-robed man: "No need, I'm not here, I'll just watch it, the little girl's film has come to Murong City, she wants to go to heaven! Looking for a smoke!"

How dare the steward answer the question!

The guard: "Young master, the young lady still has amnesia."

The man in black: "I don't know yet! I'm just talking! Is Yin Jiuye here?"

The steward; "Tomorrow! I'll be with Murong Xueying tomorrow."

The man in black: "Dogs and men! Since you are here, how can you leave empty-handed! Give them a 'big gift' tomorrow!"

Steward: "Young Master needs anything, just ask."

The man in black: "No need, just act as if nothing happened."


When the steward went downstairs, his whole body was shaking.

Let him act like nothing happened.

Concubines can't do it!

One day I met the little lady, and also met the young master!

It’s just that!

All the luck accumulated in the previous life has been used.

It turned out that the one just now was the little lady, if I had known it, I would have seen it clearly.

I just remember being handsome, but I didn't see clearly!
Big loss!

If I want to see it, I can only wait until the next time she comes to change the spirit stone.

The steward hadn't been complacent for a few minutes before he was interrupted by the sound transmission from the man in black.

"Don't leak any flaws!"

Steward: "Yes! The little one knows!"

Teller: "Why are you talking into the air?"

The steward instantly became arrogant: "What do you know!"

The young master's voice transmission to him is a blessing he has cultivated in several lifetimes, enough for him to brag about when he returns to his life next time.

What's more, he also knew a terrible secret!
The little lady is back!

If the steward had a tail, he would already be in the sky by now!

(End of this chapter)

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